Ascent SOM Application | p. 1 of 7
Thank you for applying to Ascent School of Ministry. In order to process your application we must receive each of the following items. The checklist below is provided for your convenience. Please make sure all sections are filled out completely and that all requested items are sent with your application. Thank you and God bless you!
To apply to Ascent, please submit the following by the last day of ACTS in December:
Section A. (Personal Information)
Section B.(Background & Calling)
Section C. (Financial information and Program and OutreachAgreements)
A work resume.
A writing sample of appox. 500 to 700 words (1.5 to 2 double-spaced typewritten pages, 12 pt. font).This may be an essay, a selection from an academic paper, an article, a web post, etc.
$50ACTS Alumni 50% Discount!$25 non-refundable application fee made out to GCM. (Payable online.)
If accepted, a non-refundable matriculation fee of $250 (applied toward your total tuition) is due three weeks after your acceptance.
A late fee of $25applies for applicants applying after the application deadline.
The balance of your tuition for Ascentis duethe first day of the program.
A $100 “early bird” discount is rewarded to all students who pay their tuition in full by December 15.
Great Commandments Ministries | PO Box 942 | Naches, WA 98937 | (509) 673-2290 / 2291 (fax)
Ascent SOM Application | p. 1 of 7
INSTRUCTIONS: This document is “form-fillable” and can be completed using a word processor, such as MS Word. Simply click in a gray box to fill in your answers. You can move to the next gray box by clicking TAB. When finished, save with your name in the filename and email to GCM.
SECTION A: Personal Information
I am applying for January
Address City State Zip Country
Phone () E-mail Sex Male Female
Date of Birth (m/d/yyyy)
Citizenship Passport# Exp. Date
If it has changed during ACTS: Home Church Pastor's Name
Church Address
Church Phone () How long have you attended?
Member? Yes No No membership at my church
Highest level of education completed, and where GPA
Major / Minor
Other post-secondary schools attended, degrees earned, and GPAs:
I attended ACTS Session in Fall / Spring of .
Has your health information changed since applying to ACTS? Yes No. If Yes, please elaborate:
In Case of emergency contact:
Address City State Zip Country
Country Relationship
Great Commandments Ministries | PO Box 942 | Naches, WA 98937 | (509) 673-2290 / 2291 (fax)
Ascent SOM Application | p. 1 of 7
SECTION B: Background & Calling
Prayerfully and concisely answer the following questions. We are looking for honesty and transparency. Please don’t tell us what you think we want to hear!
LONGER ANSWERS (a paragraph or so)
1.Describe howyour walk with the Lord has grown during ACTS. What specificareas in your life have been challenged or changed?
2.State as specifically as you can your current understanding of your calling and direction in life.
3.Ascent is built around a “Research Thread” in which each student pursues a topic relevant to his or her calling. What one cultural issue, career field, area of study, or community would you like to delve further into at Ascent? How have you seen God leading youto this area?
4.What do you think it looks like, or could look like, to carry out this calling (that you mentioned in Question #3) as a Christian, as best as you understand it?
SHORTER ANSWERS (two or three sentences)
5.How does your family feel about your interest in Ascent, and what is your current relationship with them like?
6.What have you learned about your strengths and weaknesses during/since ACTS? What are they?
7.What is the most important thing you learned or experienced during your time at ACTS?
8.Describe your time management skills and learning style. Are you self-motivated, or do you prefer direction? Please cite examples from your life.
9.Are there any special circumstances or situations in your life we should know about?
SECTION C: Financial Information & Program Agreement
Do you have the total school fees? Yes No. If no what amount do you have?
From what source(s) will you receive the remainder?
Do you have any outstanding debts? If so, explain:
I certify that all information in this application is complete and accurate. If accepted by GCM, I will abide by the spirit, rules, and schedule of the program. I understand that any and all Confidential References in my file are GCM property, and I relinquish the right to view them or obtain information from them in any way. In accordance with biblical principles, I agree to resolve any and all disputes with GCM, its directors or staff by means of reconciliation or mediation, and waive any right to pursue action by way of litigation. I confirm that I understand that payment of required tuition fees must be made upon or before arrival unless prior arrangements have been made. I also confirm that I am fully aware of my financial obligation, both to the Lord and to the students and staff at GCM. I therefore commit myself to paying all personal expenses incurred during my involvement with GCM.
Applicant’s TYPED signatureDate (m/d/yyyy)
(Typed name counts as signature)
All payments of registration and tuition fees should be made in U.S. dollars rather than in the currency of your own country. You may go to your bank and request a U.S. dollars money order or cashier's check. The check must have magnetic numbers at the bottom of it, otherwise the bank will not accept it and it will require special handling that will take about six weeks to process, often times with a service charge. Students submitting checks that require special handling are responsible for all service charges. You will need to apply for a U.S. visa for your stay here. Once your application has been approved we recommend you apply for a temporary, business (B1) visa which is normally granted for 1 year, renewable every six months.
Great Commandments Ministries | PO Box 942 | Naches, WA 98937 | (509) 673-2290 / 2291 (fax)