General Goal
To attract to the University of New England very able candidates to undertake postgraduate research in Classics and Ancient History.
An acceptable awardee
The candidate must have an outstanding first degree in Greek, Latin, Classics or Ancient History, and already be accepted into candidature to undertake postgraduate research at UNE in any appropriate area.
i. Preference will be given to internal full-time PhD or MA (research) candidates. However, an external part-time candidate may be considered if in that year no suitable internal full-time applicant emerges
ii. The applicant must be an Australian citizen normally resident in the country
$5,000 p.a. (current expectation), for up to two years (MA candidates) 3.5 years (PhD candidates). This award is payable at the start of each semester upon proof of enrolled status and recommendation from Head of School and Supervisor confirming satisfactory progress.
Since APA’s are now deemed transportable by Canberra, the holder of this Scholarship may be asked to repay it if the candidature is transferred to another University.
Method of application
Contact theHigher Degree Research Support Officer, Research Services, UNE. Provide evidence of Australian citizenship; degree transcript(s); names of two referees who should be asked by the candidate to write confidentially to the HDR Scholarships Officer; copy of BA thesis or other evidence of research (published or unpublished).
The successful applicant of the J.H. Bishop Postgraduate Scholarship in Classics and Ancient History must acknowledge it specifically in the thesis and in any other published research or conference paper researched and written during the life of this grant.
2Applicant Details
Surname: / Title:Given Names:
Date of Birth: / Student No:
Semester Address:
Phone No:
Home Address:
Phone No:
Education Levels Achieved
Planned Course Enrolment
Enrolment StatusFull-timePart-timeInternalExternal
Do you currently hold an Australian Postgraduate Award or Other Award YesNo
(i)Attach an original (or certified copy) of your academic record/s.
(ii)Attach a statement (of no more than 300 words) outlining how a J HBishop Postgraduate Scholarship would assist/support your studies at UNE. Include details of your current or proposed PhD/Masters research topic.
(iii)Please include a copy of your B A thesis or other evidence of research (published or unpublished)
Please provide the names and address of two persons whom you have asked to support your application. Please send each of these persons a copy of the enclosed academic referee report.
Referee 1 / Referee 25DECLARATION
I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct.
Signature of ApplicantDate
Applications should be directed to:
The Higher Degree Research Support Officer
Research Services
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
For any enquiries or to submit this document please log in to the ‘contact us’ section at
Under no circumstances will late applications be considered. Selection of recipients is the responsibility of the Selection Committee whose decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
Closing Date for Applications 30 September
Updated 3rd May 2013