Application for a Resource Consent – Resource Management Act 1991 (s.88)
2B Land Disturbing Activities (forest harvesting/vegetation clearance)
Before you make an application it is recommended that you talk or meet with a Consents Officer to discuss it. A Consents Officer may also be able to undertake a site visit to provide further advice.
If you would like to arrange this, please phone 0800 884 880.
If you are applying for more than one activity and you have already completed the basic details in Part 1 on another form, go straight to Part 2 of this form.
See notes to Applicant (last pages of form) before proceeding with application form.
Land disturbing activities are subject to rules in the Regional Water and Land Plan. This plan can be found on our website at
Reviewing and understanding the rules and assessment criteria applicable to your activity will assist you with preparation of your assessment of environmental effects.
Which rules of the above plan(s) are applicable for your activity?
What is the activity status of your consent application?
Restricted Discretionary
If you need assistance determining which rules and activity statuses are applicable for your activity please call 0800 884 880 and ask to speak to a consents officer for guidance.
A1856390 Land Disturbing Activities (forest harvesting/vegetation clearance) Page 20 of 20
Under Section 88 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the undersigned makes this application for resource consent(s).
1 Full name of applicant(s) (the name that will be on the consent)
First names:
If the application is being made on behalf of a trust, the Trustees must be named.
Trust name:
Trustees’ name:
Company name:
Contact person:
Postal address:
Telephone (please tick preferred contact number)
Residential () Business ()
Cell ()
2 Details of consultant (or other person authorised to make application on behalf of applicant)
Company name:
Contact person:
Postal address:
Telephone (please tick preferred contact number)
Residential () Business ()
Cell ()
All correspondence, including invoices for charges, relating to this application(s) should be sent to:
Applicant Consultant
Preferred method of contact:
Email Post
3 Name and address of owner/occupier (of the site relating to application)
Postal address:
Residential () Business ()
Postal address:
Residential () Business ()
Please note: If the applicant is not the owner of the land to which the activity relates, then it is good practice to submit the application with written approval from the landowner.
4 Consent(s) being applied for from Bay of Plenty Regional Council
(a) You will need to fill in a separate form for each of the activities you propose to undertake. You may also need consent for one or more of the following.
Land Use
r Form 1A Culverts, Bridges, Fords, Erosion Protection, Pipes and Associated Works
r Form 1B Disturbance In or Around a Water Body (e.g. diversion, dredging, wetland disturbance, grave extraction)
r Form 1C Lake Structures (new and existing)
r Form 2A Land Disturbing Activities (e.g. earthworks and quarrying)
r Form 2B Land Disturbing Activities (forest harvesting/vegetation clearance)
Discharge (including coastal)
r Form 3A Onsite Effluent Discharge
r Form 3B Discharge Farm Dairy Effluent
r Form 3C Land Use Activities in the Catchments of Lake Ōkāreka, Rotoehu, Ōkaro, Rotorua and Rotoiti
r Form 4A Discharge Stormwater to Water and/or Land from Urban Residential, Rural
r Form 4B Industrial Discharges to Water or Land (including stormwater)
r Form 4C Discharge Contaminants to Air
Water (including coastal)
r Form 5A Water Permit Application (s.14) – Take Surface Water (includes intake structure (s.13))
r Form 5B Water Permit Application (s.14) – Take Groundwater
r Form 5C Dam Water
r Form 5D Divert Water
r Form 6A Geothermal Take and Discharge – Domestic and Light Commercial/Industrial
Coastal (see point 4 of Notes to Applicant for explanation of the Coastal Marine Area)
r Form 7A Application for Consent for Coastal Structures (including associated occupation and disturbance)
r Form 7B Application to Disturb Coastal Marine Area (no structure)
(b) In which district is the activity located?
Whakatāne District Ōpōtiki District
Rotorua District Kawerau District
Western Bay of Plenty District Tauranga District
Taupō District
(c) Is this application to replace an existing or expired consent(s)? Yes No
If Yes, please state the consent number(s)
(d) Please specify the duration sought for your consent(s).
years months
Start date
Completion date (if applicable)
(e) Do you also require resource consent(s) from a district council? Yes No
Type of consent required
Has it been applied for? Yes No
Has it been granted? (If yes, please attach) Yes No
5 Location description of activity
Site address
Legal description (legal description can be obtained from your Certificate of Title, valuation notice, or rate demand)
Map reference NZTM, (if known)
1 Description of activity
A good understanding of the proposal is needed so we can see how it relates to the existing environment.
(a) What is the nature of the activity you propose to undertake (e.g. scrub clearing, tracking, excavation, urban subdivision, harvesting)?
(b) Provide a general overview of the proposed operations and construction methods (e.g. plantation forest harvesting – 2,000 hectares of plantation forest to be harvested over 10 years using 80% hauler operations and 20% ground based).
Note: If you are doing works in a stream, river, or wetland, you must also fill in application Forms 1A or 1B. depending on the activity.
(c) When will the activity be undertaken, and for how long will it occur?
(d) If the proposed operation involves exposure of bare ground as a result of the land disturbance activities, how much bare ground will be exposed? m2
(e) Are any earthworks proposed in conjunction with the land disturbing
activities Yes No
If yes, detail type of earthworks and extend of works (substantial cut and fill works should have sufficient detail to ensure that fill material is appropriately managed).
Volume of earthworks m2
Will there be movement of material off or on site? Yes No
If yes, where is it coming from/going to?
Where is it going to?
(f) Type of earthworks
Roading/tracking: Length of roading km
Skid sites/hauler pads: Number and approximate size
Other earthworks (e.g. stump removal, ripping, cultivation, V-blading – please specify).
2 Description of natural environment
Please describe the following aspects of the environment in the immediate vicinity of the proposal, and locate/identify them on your site plan (see Section 4 below) where practical (an aerial photograph is often useful in this situation.)
(a) Provide details of geology and soils (describe in detail to at least 1 m depth below the expected maximum excavation).
(b) Provide details of upstream and downstream catchment characteristics.
· Watercourses/Coastal Marine Area (name, size, proximity to proposal, perennial or ephemeral, etc.).
· Drainage patterns/size of catchments/wetlands.
· What is the nature of the watercourses and receiving environment in terms of water classification and existing water quality?
(c) Provide details of topography and land use capability classification (NZLRI) (identify sloping areas, gullies, steep erodible features, etc.).
(d) Provide details of vegetation types/values.
(e) Describe ecological features (including vegetation type and extent, presence of fauna).
3 Site plan
On a separate piece of good quality A4 (minimum) paper, please show the activity, site, contour/heights, and surrounding area, including the names of current owners of adjoining property.
If you do not have access to mapping software, we recommend you use the regional mapping system available on our website ( keywords ‘regional mapping’). The mapping system includes property boundary and contour layers, and allows you to carry out a property search, and view and/or print topographic maps or aerial photography.
For forest harvest operations, fill out Section 4.
For other vegetation clearance, fill out Section 5.
4 Large-scale forestry (involving harvest operations over a number of years, and submission of detailed proposed harvest plans on an annual basis).
For more information please see the Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Forestry Operations at, Knowledge Centre, Our Library, Guideline Publications.
(a) Provide a proposed harvesting schedule over the proposed consent duration, and attach a scaled and contoured map showing approximate annual areas of harvesting.
(b) Show how the harvest planning has followed the New Zealand Forest Code of Practice, by identifying areas of high risk and how those risks will be addressed (provide details of Environmental Management System that will be used, and/or Best Management Practices, as well as any audit procedures that will be followed.)
[Continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
(c) Provide detailed harvest plans for a minimum of the next 12 months’ operations.
Harvest Plans should include all proposed roading and tracking, method of harvest, skid sites, hauler pads, location of slash deposits, and sites of temporary crossings. New roads/tracks and substantial upgrading of roads should be planned for construction well in advance of the proposed harvest operations, and avoid the Winter Exclusion Period (1 May to 15 September).
[Continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
(d) Provide information on the proposed post-harvest management regime.
Will the area be replanted into plantation forest? If so, what are the proposed plans for replanting boundaries in high risk areas? If not, please provide information on the proposed land use. Note that any likely conversion from forestry to pastoral land use may require further information and/or consent and may result in more stringent controls over harvesting operations and slash management to avoid adverse effects on catchment runoff (hydrology) and/or stream flow (hydraulics).
[Continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
5 Small scale forestry or woodlot operations (involving one harvest plan for the proposed harvest operations).
For more information please see the Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Forestry Operations at, Knowledge Centre, Our Library, Guideline Publications.
(a) Provide harvest plan for proposed operations.
Include all proposed roading, tracking, method of harvest, skid sites, hauler pads, location of slash deposits, and sites of temporary crossings. New roads/tracks and substantial upgrading of roads should be planned for construction well in advance of the proposed harvest operations, and avoid the Winter Exclusion Period (1 May to
15 September).
(b) Provide details of any Environmental Management System that will be used, as well as any Best Management Practices (BMPs), including erosion and sediment control measures, and dust control that will be followed.
Please note that the Bay of Plenty Regional Council has Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Forestry Operations (Guideline 2000/01) that will be used as minimum standard for BMPs.
6 Description of receiving environment
Our environment is made up of many components. Completing this section helps identify issues relating to the proposal.
Please describe the following aspects of the environment in the immediate vicinity of the proposal, and locate/identify them on your site plan where practical (an aerial photography is often useful in this situation).
6.1 Description of human and built environment
(a) Any built structures (e.g. bridges, culverts, roads, buildings, etc.).
(b) Neighbours (location/proximity to proposal).
6.2 Natural and cultural heritage
(a) Does the receiving environment or site have any natural or cultural heritage values (e.g. archaeological/historical sites, significant landscapes)? Give location/proximity to proposal.
(b) Does the receiving environment or site have any amenity values? (Consideration should be given to the recreational use of the site and the receiving environment.)
(c) Have you consulted with tangata whenua? (Consultation with tangata whenua is important in determining any values that many be present on the site and within the receiving environment, and how these can be managed.)
(d) Is the proposed activity located in an area of significant natural heritage identified in the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Regional Policy Statement or regional plans?
7 Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)
Having considered all of the above matters, how will the proposed activity affect values of the receiving environment and site (e.g. sediment contaminants, dust, natural and cultural heritage values, tangata whenua values, amenity values, landscape areas, or other contaminants)?
(a) Describe the actual and potential effects that the proposal may have on the environment.
(b) What is the potential erodibility of the soils on the site?
8 Methods used to avoid, remedy, or mitigate these environmental effects
Describe the measures you will take to avoid, reduce, or remedy each of the effects identified above.
[Continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
9 Alternatives and mitigation
Where it has been determined that the proposed activity will result in a significant adverse effect on the environment, can the impacts of the proposed activity be reduced or avoided by adopting an alternative methodology, or changing the end use of the site?
[Continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
10 Monitoring
What, if any, monitoring do you propose to carry out to ensure that the discharge does not have any adverse effect?
11 Cultural effects
Please provide an assessment of the cultural effects associated with the activities you propose.
The Regional Council’s Regional Policy Statement is clear that only tangata whenua can assess the effect on them of an activity that is proposed. It is good practice to consult with tangata whenua in relation to your application so that you can provide the correct information to answer this question.
The Regional Council can provide a list of tangata whenua who have registered an interest in the site of your activity so that you can undertake the assessment. We can also provide other information e.g. access to iwi and hapū management plans, details about identified archaeological sites and details of any Statutory Acknowledgements relevant to the site. Please contact the Consents Team on 0800 884 880 to get more information.
12 Persons likely to be affected
Affected persons may include neighbouring land owners and occupiers, and/or organisations such as the Department of Conservation, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), Eastern Region Fish and Game Council, relevant iwi and hapū and community groups.
If you do not think there will be affected persons, you do not need to fill out this section; however, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council will make the final assessment of whether a person is affected by your proposal, and it is recommended as best practice to consult with those persons.