University of Oxford

Oxford Learning Institute


Dates available

  • 31st March 2017
  • 7th April 2017

Please note: the course is likely to be oversubscribed and we cannot make any guarantees about places. If a place is allocated, participants must be committed in advance to attending the session.Pleasehold the dates in your diary.

Application and supporting statement


Applications will be considered by a decision making panel and places offered based on;

  • the extent to which you have demonstrated that your learning needs are a good fit for the course; and
  • the number of places available.

Demand for places on all courses is high, and successful applicants are likely to have given this application careful thought, in discussion with their managers and using the relevant course outline. Please note that the panel’s decision is final.

Your name
Your department
Your job title
Your email address
Your manager’s name / Please note that managers are asked to submit a statement supporting your nomination or to agree to your attendance if you are offered a place (please see sections B and C in your supporting statement for more information).
Your manager’s job title
Your manager’s email address
Your current grade
Please indicate if you are in a role that you would define as: / Administrative / Technical / Professional / Research
Your University card number
How long have you been in your current role?
Have you applied for this course before? If so, when?
1.Briefly describe your current training responsibilities (e.g. how often do you run training session, what % do you design, for how many people in each audience on average?)Please make sure you consider the course outline and, in particular, the target audience for the course.
2. Have you completed a Train the Trainers course before, either within the University or elsewhere? If so, what was the course and when did you complete it? Having taken part in that course, what gaps still exist for you in terms of your confidence as a trainer?
3. Please describe what you wish to gain from attending the course and how this will support your career development plans. (You may wish to refer to a personal development review or other development discussion). You will need to;
  1. Link your learning needs to the criteria and outline for the course
  2. Demonstrate how you will transfer and apply your learning from the course back to the workplace.

Section B: to be completed by candidate if this is a self-nomination

Where possible, Section C, which comprises a supporting statement by the nominating line-manager should be completed. We are aware that some candidates are in a situation where there is no clear line-manager or route to a line-manager who can submit a supporting statement. In these circumstances, Section C may be left uncompleted and this self-nomination section completed instead.Please note that, if we offer you a place, we will ask your line manager to agree to your attendance.

Please outline briefly the reason for your self-nomination and why you do not have a nomination from your line-manager.

Section C: to be completed by the nominating line-manager

1.How long have you been in a line-management relationship to the candidate?
2.Please describe the benefit to your team or unit that you anticipate would result from the candidate participating in the course applied for and if there are any specific reasons as to why their attendance would be most beneficial at this time.
3. Please confirm that you will be able to
  • help the candidate to identify opportunities to put their learning into practice, including any work-based learning and action plans;
  • support personal action plans with the candidate before and after the course.

4.Any other comments or anything else you think the panel should know.

Please return this completed form by email to