Application fee for ARCSI members is included in annual membership
APPLICATION FEE: $99.00 Non-member
ANNUAL RENEWAL: $79 Non-member/$49 Bronze Member/$29 Silver Member/
Included with Gold Membership
The ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence will be awarded for one (1) year when the program’s requirements have been met. The Seal can be renewed each year upon the verification of the required information.
I accept the terms and conditions of the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence. The information provided is true and correct and I grant ARCSI permission to verify any and all information. I further understand that use of the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal ofExcellence is subject to terms and conditions set forth on page 2 of this document and that failure to comply with any of the said conditions may cause ARCSI to prohibit further use of theARCSI Residential CleaningSeal of Excellence, either in printed or electronic form. ARCSI reserves the right to revoke or suspended my use of the Seal if my business situation changes or my company is found to be not in compliance with the conditions required to be awarded the Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence.
Signed Print Name
7870 Olentangy River Rd Suite 302
Columbus, OH 43235
614-547-0887 FAX 614-505-7136
Residential Cleaning
Seal of Excellence
Terms, Conditions, & Requirements
The following are the requirements and information needed to be awarded the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence As part of the application process I have provided the required documents and attest to the other information provided by checking the boxes that apply.
I have provided a Certificate of Insurance, naming Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI) as an additional insured that includes
- Broad form Comprehensive General Liability, limit of the liability required $500,000 combined single limits including the broad form general liability endorsement
- Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability insurance as required by the state in which I do business
- Documentation of Third Party Bonding or the equivalent.
______(your company) has been in continuous business for at least two (2) years.
Completed Continuing Education Validation form which is attached. (page 3)
Employees of my company receive proper background checks as part of their pre-employment process. Name of provider:______Copy of most recent invoice from provider is attached. (If you do not use a third party, please provide a detailed description of how background checks are conducted.)
Company management and employees accept and strive to adhere to the ARCSI Code of Ethics which contains the following provisions.
- Operate constantly in accordance with the best and fully accepted ethical
business practices. - Comply with all applicable laws and federal, state and local government
- Provide employees with professional equipment, proper training, and direction.
- Provide all services and products at fair, equitable and non-discriminatory charges.
- Contribute to the overall growth of the industry by being actively involved in activities that will enhance the over all perception of the residential cleaning industry.
- Work to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of customers.
- Provide courteous and prompt handling of all requests and complaints.
- Strive for the continued improvement of the image and reputation of the industry by good business practices and enlightened public service in the community.
I will display the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence in a proper manner, without modification on any and all websites, printed material, vehicles, signage, emails, and other promotional materials
I agree and comply with the above mentioned requirements, terms, and conditions.
Signed Print Name
7870 Olentangy River Rd. Suite 302
Columbus, OH 43235
614-547-0887 FAX 614-505-7136
Residential Cleaning
Seal of Excellence
Continuing Education Validation Form
The owner(s) and/or management of ______are committed to the concept of Continuing Education. A company representative has attended one (1)on-site, industry specific educational program of at least five (5) hours in durationin the past twelve (12) months or has attend at least five (5) continuing education programs of at least one hour in duration such as a webinar or teleconference in the past twelve months. Attached is verification of our attendance for the programs listed. Types of programs may included but are not limited to;
On-site programs include: Industry or Franchise conventions or national meetings such as national conventions or leadership conferences. Continuing Education programs includeindustry teleconferences and webinars, provided by ARCSI or other industry sources such as manufacturers, distributors, or industry training websites. These continuing education programs are not limited to ARCSI events. Industry specific programs from our Industry Partners or other recognized industry sources can be submitted but are subject to the approval of ARCSI.
List programs:
Title of programLocation or type Presented by
(These are examples of the types of programs that you may have attended)
On-site programs:
ARCSI Annual Convention or Leadership Conference ARCSI
Residential Cleaning Boot CampThe Maid Service Coach
CORE U Employee Training SeminarRags to Riches
BSCAI Annual Leadership ConferenceBSCAI
Franchisor Specific National Convention
Continuing Education Programs
ARCSI Monthly Teleconferences (Super Achiever or Platinum Series)ARCSI
“Estimating Essentials for Residential Cleaning”
Other teleconferences, seminars, or webinars from industry related vendors of at least one hour in length
ProgramTypeDate Attended
7870 Olentangy River Rd Suite 302
Columbus, OH 43235
Residential Cleaning
Seal of Excellence
Instructions & Benefits
Thank you for agreeing to make your company one of the elite in the residential cleaning industry by applying for the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence. Upon your approval for this program, consumers will know that your company adheres to the highest industry standards and practices.
Upon your approval:
- You may display the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence on all your promotional materials, company vehicles, website, emails, printed materials, signage and other promotional materials. You will receive both electronic and hard copy versions of the Seal.
- You will receive an ARCSI press kit with a standard release for your use with local media announcing that your company has received the ARCSI Professional Cleaning Seal of Excellence.
- You will be listed on the ARCSI web site as a company that has received the ARCSI Professional Cleaning Seal of Approval in our “Consumer Information” section with a link to you company’s web site.
- Your company will be part of a special display in the ARCSI Booth on the show floor at the 2010 ISSA Interclean Show in Orlando in November 2010, so sign up now!
- The ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence . The application fee for ARCSI members is included in your annual membership dues, however you must still meet the qualifications to receive your Seal of Excellence. Non-ARCSI members may apply for the seal, but will be charged an application fee.
Complete page 1 (Information), sign page 2 (Terms, Conditions and Requirements), compete and sign page 3, Continuing Education Validation form, attached appropriate validation. Return all three completed pages to:
ATTN: Seal Program
7870 Olentangy River Rd, Suite 302
Columbus, OH 43235
Fax – 614-505-7136
For non-members, please enclose your check or credit card information or make your payment online when you send your application. (If you do not qualify, or your information cannot be verified, your payment will be fully refunded.)
Our staff will contact you within five (5) business days of receiving your application to inform you if you have qualified for the program, or if additional information is needed. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 614-547-0887, or email: .
Payment Method: (First year application fees for ARCSI Members are included in your annual dues. NO Payment Required)
____Check enclosed ______MC, VISA, AMEX, Discover ___ Payment made online
Card # ______Exp Date ______
Name on Card: ______Zip Code ______
7870 Olentangy River Rd Suite 302
Columbus, OH 43235