APPLICATION DEADLINE: midnight on April 15, 2016

Application fee waived for 2016

Specify the fellowship for which you are applying--you may apply for only one.

___ I’m applying for the New Artist Fellowship

___ I’m applying for the Santa Fe Indian Market Fellowship


Last Name: ______First: ______Middle: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: _____ ZIP: ______

Telephone: ______Email: ______

Tribe/Nation: ______Tribal Enrollment #: ______


Please submit a current copy of your formal resume with your application. Include contact information, artistic background (exhibits, shows, awards, grants, and fellowships), employment and art-related experience, and educational experience.


Please submit a formal artist statement (500-1000 words) with your application. In your statement, please explain your artwork and artistic process: discuss motivations and inspirations, as well as the cultural and historical significance of your work. Please describe your reasons for applying as well as how this fellowship will support you as an artist. For the New Artist Fellowship, please indicate which show(s) you plan to attend. For the Santa Fe Fellowship, please attach a copy of your acceptance letter.


Please submit two digital images of your work. All images should be medium resolution jpegs and no larger than 1.5 MB in size. All pictures must be submitted by email, on a single CD, or USB drive. Please do not digitally alter work sample photos.

Please use this form to describe the work samples.

File Name ______Mo/Year Completed ______

Dimensions (H x W x D)______Object/Title ______


Techniques ______

File Name ______Mo/Year Completed ______

Dimensions (H x W x D)______Object/Title ______


Techniques ______


Please provide three references that can speak to your career as an artist.

1. Name: ______Phone:______

Email: ______

2. Name: ______Phone:______

Email: ______

3. Name: ______Phone:______

Email: ______


I understand that by signing this application, I agree to abide by the rules of the fellowship. I understand that, if awarded a fellowship, I will be required to attend the market(s) outlined in my application, attend the Abbe Museum’s annual meeting on June 3, 2016, and complete a close-out report. My signature indicates this commitment and that the information provided on the application is valid and true.

Signature: ______Date: ______


___ Application(s) Completed

___ Current Resume

___ Artist Statement

___ Work Sample Form

___ Two Digital Images

___ References

___ Signature


The Fellowship Award Committee will award fellowships based on completeness of the application and the lottery draw. New or up-and-coming artists are encouraged to apply.

Here are a few tips to assist you when filling out your application:

  • Print clearly or type your application. Clarity, content, and legibility assist the Committee greatly when reviewingyour application.
  • Fill out the entire application and enclose the required paperwork/images. Incomplete applications will be disqualified.
  • Follow the digital image requirements closely. Images are an essential and important part of the application.
  • Describe your images carefully. Please include title or object descriptions, dimensions, completion dates, materials, and techniques.
  • Make and keep a copy of your application for your own records.
  • Feel free to submit additional information such as brochures, business cards, articles, etc. Please limit to two items.

Questions? Contact Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko at or 207-288-3519.

CLOSING REPORT: Due December 15, 2016

Please submit a one or two-page closing report by December 15, 2016. Your report should include a breakdown of how funds were used (see table below), gross sales from attended marketplaces, and answers to the following questions:

How did this fellowship affect your career as an artist?

How has your artwork changed since receiving the fellowship?

What did you learn from this fellowship, and the experience that you had because of it?

Why would you recommend this fellowship to another artist?

Tell us an anecdote from your travels. Why was the experience memorable?

Please detail expenses in a table like this:

How were the funds used / Amount
Travel (air fare/rental car/bus fare/train fare/etc.):
Round trip airfare Bangor to Albuquerque
Rental car (7 days) / $420
Hotel (7 nights) / $1,500
Per diem (meals):
$100/day for 5 days / $800
Application/registration fees:
SWAIA application fee
SWAIA booth fee / $25
Miscellaneous (please specify):
Table and supplies for booth / $100
Total / $4,145

Upon receipt of this report, the remaining 10% of the award will be granted ($100 from the New Artist and $350 from the Santa Fe Indian Market fellowships).

Failure to submit a closing report will affect future eligibility.