June 20 - July 15, 2016
In order to apply and register for the CESP Summer University, please provide the following materials:
· The completed CESP application and registration form
· Your resume (curriculum vitae)
· Two identification-type photos of yourself.
Please note that you may type only in the grey fields. In case the field contains a default text, click in the field and then you will be able to either choose a word from a list or overwrite the text.
Personal Information:
Name (last, first, middle): Sex:
Date of Birth: 1 1988 Place of Birth (city, state): ,
Country of Citizenship:
Country of Passport, Passport Number: ,
Permanent Mailing (Postal) Address (street/P. O. Box, city, ZIP code, country):
, , ,
E-mail Address: (at)
Where We Can Contact You Before You Come to Prague:
Contact details for your parents or other person (English speaking if possible) to contact in case of emergency:
Full Address:
Phone Number: E-Mail Address: (at)
Academic Background:
Coordinating University or Place Where You Received Information about CESP:
Number of University/College Study Years Completed When Program Begins:
Academic Standing (cumulative grade point average and scale or rank in class):
Major Area of Study:
Do You Wish to Stay in the students' dormitory?
Name of Your Roommate (if you have any preference):
Course Selection:
(Please choose at least one course, at most three courses)
IP_316 / EntrepreneurshipIP_347 / International Marketing Communications with the Emphasis on Central Europe
IP_360 / European Cultural History and Its Impact on Central Europe
IP_365 / International Business in the Global Environment
Additional Information:
This space is reserved for any other information you may wish to add:
The SUMMER UNIVERSITY fee is 1,300 € (EUR) or equivalent in another transferable currency. This price includes the scholastic tuition, study materials and accommodation fee for the dormitory. It does not include costs for cultural events, meal expenses or local and international transportation. If you are going to provide your own housing, the fee is 1 050 €. Please note that the university cannot assist students in finding off-campus housing.
Payment must be made in full before Summer University begins. If paying by transfer, please give the receipt to the CESP office.
Payment may be made by credit card via online form on our website: (
or by direct transfer into the Prague bank account:
Bank Name: Czech Savings Bank Prague
Bank Street Address: Olbrachtova 1929/62
City: Praha 4
Zip Code: 140 00
Country: Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ2108000000000001828782
Beneficiary Name: University of Economics, Prague
Beneficiary Account Number: 1828782/0800.
All transaction fees are to be paid by applicants.
The application deadline is on May 20, 2016. The application form has to be delivered to CESP office before the deadline.
I, the undersigned, have read the CESP pamphlet (or website), including the section on safety and security, and have completed the application and registration form honestly. If accepted, I hereby agree to be registered in the CESP and agree to pay the relevant fee in full before the Summer University begins.
Date: February 25, 2016 Signature: ______