APPLE Course Suite
All administrators should attend these courses. They have been identified as key skills/ knowledge that all administrators should have and should aim to be attended within the first year of employment. Where necessary, these workshops will require you to re-attend after a certain time period (usually 2 years).
Course title / Date CompletedData Protection and Freedom of Information Briefing
(a compulsory part of your induction)
Encryption Workshop: Protection of Sensitive Information
Equality Essentials
– Introduction to Edinburgh Napier University
Health and Safety Briefing (a compulsory part of your induction).
For more information visit
Health and Safety Cardinus training (a compulsory part of your induction).
For more information visit:
Other health and safety courses (that are legal requirements for role )
Professional Development Review (PDR) for Reviewees
Records Management for Non RecordsManagers
To register interest in a course and to find out when events are running
□Unless otherwise stated, visit;
Depending on your role and where you would like to see your role develop, these workshops are developed to give you additional skills as your role progresses at Edinburgh Napier.
Course title / Date CompletedAgresso Finance System
(contact Finance Services
Committee Servicing
Copyright – Using Copyright Works in Education
Customer Service Skills
Communications in the workplace:
□Confident Futures: Assertiveness in Challenging Situations
□Confident Futures: Embracing Change
□Confident Futures: Knowing Yourself
Cultural Awareness
Introduction to Higher Education
(external 2 day residential run once a year by one of the Scottish Universities)
Effective Business Writing
Introduction to Lean Thinking
Introduction to Presentation Skills
Microsoft Office Course Suite.
For more information visit
Minute taking
Planning Work and Time Management
PECOS Procurement System
(Contact PECOS Online Support )
Recruitment and Selection Training for Administrators
□Basic training
□Module assessment mark entry (for administrators in the Faculties only)
□Programme board – full (for administrators in the Faculties only)
□Programme board - refresher (for administrators in the Faculties only)
□Set up, maintenance of modules and programme structure (for administrators in the Faculties only)
For more information visit:
Syllabus plus
□Adhoc Booking training (Conference & Lettings staff)
□New user training (delivered 1-1 in office)
□Printing and Exporting
For more information visit:
Teamwork and Communications
(External event run by the Staff Development Collaborative Group)
WebCT - an introduction
For more information visit:
To register interest in a course and to find out when events are running
□Unless otherwise stated, visit;
Depending on your role and how you would like your role as an administrator to develop even further, these workshops are not essential but you can chose to do them in line with your career development plans as an administrator.
Course title / Date CompletedAUA Annual Conferences
Career development
-Managing Your Career
-Interview Preparation and Practice
-Marketing Yourself on Paper and the Application Process
Effective Personal Organisation
(External event run by the Staff Development Collaborative Group)
Equality Impact Assessment
-Level 2 Team Leader Award
-Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management Skills
Leadership and Management Development Programme
(including Professional Development Review (PDR) for Reviewers)
Project Management
Records Management for Managers
To register interest in a course and to find out when events are running
□Unless otherwise stated, visit;
March 2011