CALL to ORDER: Paul Stanley Called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 PM

CALL to ORDER: Paul Stanley Called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 PM

Minutes of Monthly Meeting July 6, 2015

ROLL CALL Kevin Emery, Dennis Fontaine,and Paul Stanley (Trustees);Skip Clough, Plant Superintendent, Ann Arsenault, Office Manager, Tom Harmon, Administrative Assistant. AminBahour and Tobin Yager absent (Trustees).

CALL TO ORDER: Paul Stanley called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


Dennis Fontainemade a motion to accept the Meeting Minutes of the May 4, 2015 meeting as presented, Kevin Emery seconded, all in favor.



  • Maine Department of Labor for information only
  • SBSD customers have made requests to have a deduction for filling their pools. Paul Stanley voted not to give credit for water used for pools. Dennis Fontaine seconded the motion. Paul Stanley made a motion to send a letter to the three customers who inquired. A copy of the deduct meter contract will be included. Kevin Emery seconded the motion.
  • MMA Loss Control Survey – per Skip the items listed are all set at the Treatment Plant


First Quarter of the 2016 year, Berwick Road residents that have been connected to the new sewer line will be charged $154 per quarter for seven years. Future connectors to this new sewer line will pay $4312 plus interest at a rate of 3.5% to connect. A future meeting will be planned. Possible date may be 09/08/2015, which is the scheduled date for the Town Council Meeting.

Progress on the I & I Study: Per Skip nothing has been done – no manpower. Paul Stanley proposed contracting the work out. Kevin mentioned that a cost savings may be possible once completed and proposed hiring a couple of part time employees.

NEW BUSINESS No new business


Odor Control- no complaints

Per Paul, Academy Street/WadleighLane, still has an odor. Per Skip, this may be due to the flow/set up and there is not a remedy

Septic – Delinquent customers have been receiving calls, and monthly statements outlining past due amounts. Letters have not been sent.

PAYING OF BILLS Dennis Fontainemade the motion to pay the June bills in the amount of $169,201.35, and Kevin Emery seconded. Dennis Fontaine made the motion to pay the May bills in the amount of $75,272.66, and Kevin Emery seconded.

Paul Stanley made a motion to go to executive session, Kevin Emery seconded it.7:32 PM

Executive session concluded at 7:40 PM

Motion to adjourn regular meeting KevinEmery, Dennis Fontaine second. Meeting adjourned 7:45.

Minutes submitted by

Ann Arsenault

J:\SBSD\minutes\2015\20150706 minutes.docx