Janice Lamb

How to Write a Paragraph:

Topic: Write about the themes (important ideas) in the Last Book in the Universe

Brainstorming themes (important ideas):

  • Sharing food/water/resources
  • Having one group of people superior to the other isn't good
  • Equality
  • Don't do drugs
  • If you don't educate people, they can't help themselves
  • Don't assume people are bad (proovs assumed re: normals)
  • Syrian refugees
  • Don't mistreat people just because they are different
  • Obey your leader
  • Treat people with respect
  • Don't become too dependent on tech
  • Accept your flaws - sometimes a person's flaws are their biggest strengths
  • Friends can have your back - help each other (Ryter helps Spaz when he has
    attacks, Spaz helps Ryter by giving him his last adventure)
  • Don't judge a book by its cover

Grouping Themes:

Filling Out a Graphing Organizer with Your Ideas

Writing a Rough Draft

Title: Themes in LBitU Rough Draft

Opening paragraph: themes in Last Book in the Universe are equality, education, and addiction. Add more later.

Rodman Philbrick wrote the book The Last Book in the Universe. It talks about many ideas that are relevant to the time we live in now. He talks about inequality, with the genetically modified Proovs having more than the Normals, the importance of education, with the mind probes wreaking everyone’s brains, and the causes and dangers of addiction, with the use of mind probes.

Rodman Philbrick wrote the book The Last Book in the Universe. It talks about many ideas that are relevant to the time we live in now. He talks about inequality, the importance of education, and the causes and dangers of addiction, with the use of mind probes. He explores these themes to help us understand what is in danger in our society.

One of the major themes in The Last Book in the Universe is equality. In the book, there are two distinct groups of people. The Normals are the people who live in the Urb, a run-down place that has nothing growing in it. The Proovs live in Eden, which is a paradise. The Proovs look down on the Normals and use landmines to keep them out of Eden. This is not good. The Proovs don’t treat the Normals with respect and they assume they are not as intelligent as they are. This isn’t fair. The Proovs have all the nice stuff and the Normals don’t get any of it. Except Lanaya, who goes to the Urb to share edibles.

In the book, the Normals don’t have school. Because of the mind probes, the adults have a hard time remembering anything, so they would not be able to teach them much anyway. This makes it hard for them to improve their society. They don’t know how to learn and they can’t evolve. The Proovs, who are educated, have more power than the Normals. They work on improving their own environment and genetics but don’t help the Normals. If you are knowledgeable, you will be able to tell if your leader is an idiot. Billy Bizmo has street smarts, which allows him to keep the latch running.

Another theme in the book is addiction. The mind probes act like a virtual reality drug, which becomes habit-forming. The people of the Urb have terrible lives and use mind probes to escape. This is rotting their minds, as the mind probes are wreaking their memory. Mongo the Magnificent spent a whole year looping, letting his latch fall into chaos. The Normals started to forget about their families, lose their relationships, and turn into animals. When the mind probes were deactivated, the Normals went crazy. Bananas. After Vida Bleek told Ryter, Spaz, Lanaya, and Little Face that the probes come from Eden, Ryter noticed that it would be a good way to control the population of the Urb. If people were so concerned about looping, they wouldn’t notice their bad lives.

Rodman Philbrick talks a lot about inequality and what happens when one group of people are much worse off than the other group. He also talks about the importance of education, and how much more power educated people have. He also talks about the dangers and causes of addiction in a group of people. Even though, this is fiction and taking place in the future, all these problems are taking place in our world.

Editing to Make a Good Copy

Themes in The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick

In Rodman Philbrick’s book The Last Book in the Universe, he writes about many ideas that are relevant to the time we live in now. He talks about inequality, the importance of education, and the causes and dangers of addiction, with the use of mind probes. He explores these themes to help the readers understand what we value in our society.

One of the major themes in The Last Book in the Universe is inequality. In the book, there are two distinct groups of people. The Normals are the people who live in the Urb, a run-down place that has nothing growing in it. The Proovs live in Eden, which is a paradise. The Normals remind the Proovs of what they used to be and they selfishly use landmines to keep them out of Eden. The Proovs have a better life and the Normals don’t have access to any of it. The Proovs don’t treat the Normals with respect; they were surprised when Bean was able to defeat Jin at a game of chess. The only Proov who tries to fix this inequality is Lanaya, who goes into the latches to give edibles to the Normals.

One of the major themes Phibrick writes about is the importance of education. In the book, the Normals don’t have school. The adults have a hard time remembering anything because of the use of mind probes, so they would not be able to teach them any skills. This makes it hard for them to improve their society. It would be hard to become an expert builder if you can’t remember anything about how to build a structure. They haven’t been taught how to learn and so their society can’t become more advanced. The Proovs, who are educated, have more power than the Normals. They work on improving their own environment and genetics but don’t help the Normals.

Another theme in the book is addiction. The mind probes act like a virtual reality drug, which becomes habit-forming. The people of the Urb have terrible lives and use mind probes to escape. Mongo the Magnificent spent a whole year looping, letting his latch fall into chaos. This is wreaking their memory. The Normals started to forget about their families, lose their relationships, and turn into animals, like the Monkey Boys. This was intentional. The reader finds out that Eden was trying to control the population of the Urb. If people were so concerned about looping, they wouldn’t notice their bad lives and go after Eden. When the mind probes were deactivated, the Normals went wild like they were in withdrawal. Addiction isn’t healthy.

Rodman Philbrick talks a lot about inequality and what happens when one group of people are much worse off than the other group. He also talks about the importance of education, that educated people have more power. He also talks about the dangers and causes of addiction in a group of people. Even thoughThe Last Book in the Universe is fiction and taking place in the future, all these problems are relevant to our world.

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