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Model ITQ

Updated May 2013 REW


1.1.North Yorkshire is the largest County in England and Wales. The County includes the towns of Harrogate, Selby, Skipton, Richmond and Scarborough as well as the City of Ripon and the County town of Northallerton.

1.2.North Yorkshire County Council (the Council) is based at County Hall in Northallerton and is responsible for a number of key services to the community including Education, Highways and Social Services, the Council employs approximately 20,000 staff who are based in premises across the County. Further information can be found on the Council’s website

1.3.The Council wishes to establish an approved list of Community Interpreters and Translators to assist North Yorkshire County Council and other public sector organisations with Interpretation and Translation services. The approved list will operate for 5 years. Further details are contained in the Specification/Project Brief on page 3.

1.4.The community interpretation/ translation scheme is designed to encourage members of our local communities not using their language skills to appreciate that these skills are of value to the community and their local public sector organisations. The scheme enables people to become more involved and supportive of their local communities as well as assist the public sector bodies in understanding cultural barriers to meet the needs of our residents.The approved list operates a fixed cost of £15 per hour for those who meet the criteria and are added to the list of providers. Interpreters may be eligible for travel expenses however NYCC will not pay travel expenses which occur outside of our County boundary.

1.5.Interpreters and Translators wishing to be appointed to this Approved List need to be aware that this Service may be accessed by all Public Sector bodies (including schools) in the Yorkshire and Humber region as definedat As such, the Interpreters/Translators appointed may be asked to operate outside of North Yorkshire and anywhere in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

1.6.The contract will commence onTuesday 28 June 2016and termination on 31st March 2018

1.7.To enable you to submit an application, the following information is enclosed in this document:

1)General Information

2)Specification/Project Brief

3)Quality Questions

4)Price Schedule

5)Evaluation Criteria

6)Conditions of Contract


Current arrangements

2.1.An introductory pilot scheme has been running for approximately 18 months and was put in place to assist with the language difficulties experienced in the area. The pilot has 90 translators, fluent in over 50 languages, who provide a range of services including: assistance with interpretation of letters and leaflets; interpreting at meetings, interpretation for social care cases, face to face interpretation, and website translations. This is not an exhaustive list. The service does not include interpretation using sign language or transcription ofdocumentsinto formats such as Braille, Large Print and Audio for visually impaired people.

2.2.Where a translation service need is identified the NYCC service area or other public sector organisation contacts the NYCC, Social InclusionTeam explaining the requirements. The team identify an appropriate translator. The team monitors the delivery and use of the service and engage with service areas / public sector organisations to ensure they know how to request interpreters.

2.3.The translation service is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy to improve communities through improving access to services which enable them to integrate into community life. Further information on the translation service can be accessed through the NYCC website

2.4.Further to the success of the pilot scheme North Yorkshire County Council’s Social Inclusion Team is seeking to develop and establish a list of approved community interpreters (an Approved List) to provide an impartial delivery of non-exclusive language interpretation and translation services to public sector organisations, mainly within the county of North Yorkshire.

2.5.The Social Inclusion Team wishes to engage and maintain links with the local community increasing awareness and promoting integration and community empowerment.

2.6.This service will provide an opportunity to those members of the community wishing to develop their skills and gain valuable experience in Interpretation and Translation.

2.7.Successful applicants may be invited to provide interpretation and translation services across a range of common and rare languages for various public sector customers.

2.8.This service will provide a single point of contact and single ordering process, coupled with a flexible, compliant and efficient system for managing interpretation and translation requirements.

2.9.Inclusion on the Approved List does not guarantee interpretation and translating opportunities.


2.10.It is essential that applicants are suitably competent to deliver this requirement and therefore will be subject to regular assessment.

2.11.Applicants must be over 18 years of age, fluent and literate in English and one other language

2.12.In order to be included and remain on the Authority’s ApprovedList the Social Inclusion Team will be responsible for all pre-screening, testing, training and auditing to ensure compliance with relevant quality standards.

2.13.Applicants meeting 60% or more of the quality evaluation criteria within this application will be required to undergo the Social Inclusion Team’s training course, “Introduction to Community Interpreters”, and be subject to oral, reading and written exercises in order to qualify as Approved Community Interpreters/Translators.

2.14.Applicants must demonstrate competency to an acceptable standard of fluency and literacy to deliver this requirement. This competence will be maintained with continuous improvement sought through the performance and contract management process.

2.15.Applicants will only be approved to interpret/translate languages in which they are deemed competent following the Council’s screening and training process.

2.16.Further ad-hoc training may also be delivered by the Social Inclusion Team.

2.17.Community Interpreters/Translators who possess professional qualifications such as Diploma in Public Service Interpreting or Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists will be able to undertake more detailed work, for example in a court, with the police or in specific medical fields. However, the Social Inclusion Team is unable to guarantee the availability of such work.

2.18.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will not be engaged for medical or legal related appointments unless they have the relevant qualification.

Examples of recent services include:

2.19.Catering examination – A Community Interpreter/Translator enabled a student to take a catering examination by interpreting the exam questions. The student gave the responses in her language and the interpreter translated these into English to be recorded in the examination.

2.20.Spoken GCSE Examination – Schools request the assistance of interpreters to conduct spoken GCSE examinations.

2.21.Health Visitors – People with children use Community Interpreters/Translators to explain about baby clinics, weigh-in sessions, parent and toddler sessions etc.

2.22.Hate crime reporting – Interpreters are used by the police in mediating with victims of hate crime.

2.23.Schools – A Community Interpreter/Translator can be requested in a school when a child from another country is introduced to the school. The interpreter can assist with explaining issues such as school routine, uniform and lunch.

2.24.Community Interpreters/Translators aid discussions at parents’ evenings with issues such as how the child is settling in at school. Requests are also received for interpreters to translate letters from the school to parents regarding school trips.

Service Requirement

2.25.The Social Inclusion Team will contract with interpretation and translation applicants who meet the minimum qualification standards. You will be required to complete the Social Inclusion Team’s training requirements.

2.26.Successful applicants will be expected to work from NYCC premises and/or other public sector premises including Doctors Surgeries; Children’s Centres etc. Due to this there is an expectation that you will be able to travel to these sites. Home working will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances, as agreed by the Social Inclusion Team.

2.27.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will work between the hours of 09:00-18:00. Emergency/out of hours services are not required.

2.28.Where an Approved Community Interpreter/Translator is required the Social Inclusion Team will select the appropriate translator based on:

  • Suitability e.g. relevant language, qualifications.
  • Location.
  • Nature of the service requirement e.g. verbal and/or written translation.
  • Appropriateness and frequency of any previous interactions (this is in order to protect you as the interpreter from clients forming any emotional attachment. In operation this means not using the same interpreter on 3 consecutive occasions).
  • Confirmation that you are available and happy to complete the work.

2.29.Translators will be used on a rotational basis where possible.

2.30.There will be a requirement to provide these services across the geographic area of North Yorkshire. Therefore, successful applicants must be prepared to deliver these services to those areas which you have indicated, as per page 21, at a variety of venues which will be arranged via the Council’s Social Inclusion Team.

2.31.Travel expenses will be payable in accordance with the rates stated.

2.32.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators must operate to the Council’s policies including Lone Working; Smoking;Data Protection;Health and Safety. See appendices A, B, C and D.

Essential Services to be provided

2.33.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will need to have an awareness of cultural, class, gender and age issues to accommodate the needs of the clients and ensure inclusivity.

2.34.It is important to gain an understanding and obtain the interpreting and translation needs of the client including:

  • The language and specific dialect required
  • Length of source text
  • Level of technicality
  • Purpose of translation, such as evidential background information etc.
  • Deadline
  • Formatting and lay-out required
  • Any other relevant information to be considered, such as any particular difficulties which may be encountered pertaining to the needs of particular ethnic groups, political orientation or affiliation or gender.

2.35.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators shall arrive at each venue at least 30 minutes before the client arrives to meet the agency employing the service to familiarise themselves with the requirements and be there to greet the client requiring the assistance of the interpreter/translator on arrival. Failure to maintain a 90% standard in this respect may cause the Council to review the effectiveness of an Approved Community Interpreter/Translator in delivering this service.

Quality of Service

2.36.All translations/interpretations must be accurate, conveying both the words of the person speaking and their meaning.

2.37.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators must be respectful and impartial at all times.

2.38.The Service shall be provided in a timely manner.

2.39.The Services shall at all times be in accordance with the North Yorkshire’s ‘Talk to Us!’ Code of Conduct and Practice, see Appendix E.

Contract and Performance Management

2.40.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will be the key contact with the Council in relation to dealing with administration and contract and performance management.

2.41.Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and account review processes will be managed by the Social Inclusion Team as the Authority’s overall Contract Manager.

2.42.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will be required to embrace the KPI’s detailed below and agree to the appropriate measures for each. These measures will be agreed in conjunction with the Council and performance will be monitored against these KPI’s on anannual review basis.


2.43.The nature of some of the cases which may be referred to Interpreters / Translators will be of a particularly sensitive nature. As per the contract conditions Interpreters / Translators are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which prevents the release of any confidential information in all instances.

2.44.The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which will be monitored include:

  • Approved Interpreter/Translator performance rating – 90 % of service users to rate their overall satisfaction in respect of the service they receive as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’.
  • Approved Interpreters/Translators must attend 95% of all scheduled appointments at the agreed times and locations.
  • Approved Interpreters/Translators are required to attend 90% of scheduled appointments 30 minutes prior to the client’s arrival.
  • Approved Interpreters/Translators must agree to attend 80% of all appointments requested by the Social Inclusion Team.
  • Approved Interpreters/Translators must provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice if they are unable to attend a scheduled appointment.
  • Approved Interpreters/Translators will not cancel more than 3 scheduled appointments in accordance with the minimum notification of 48 hours.

2.45.Evaluation of the services provided by Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will be managed by the Social Inclusion Team’s Contract Manager who willco-ordinate feedback from service users. This information will be provided to Approved Community Interpreters/Translators as part of the contract and performance management process. Failure to meet one or more of the KPIs will result in the Social Inclusion Team contacting the Approved Interpreter/Translator involved to review their continued suitability for the role. Appropriate actions will be agreed and failure to achieve one or more of the KPIs could result in an Approved Interpreter/Translator’scontract being terminated.

2.46.Specific areas of performance for which service users will be requested to provide feedback will include:

  • Punctuality
  • Appropriate Dress Code
  • Courtesy
  • Comprehension of the case requirements
  • Handling of difficult words and terms
  • Accuracy
  • Any other comments

A copy of the proposed feedback form which will be used is attached at Appendix E.

2.47.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will be required to attend meetings with the Council to discuss progress and performance related issues. These meetings are likely to be held at least annually and unless agreed to the contrary, will be held on Council premises. Approved Community Interpreters/Translators must make themselves available to attend formal review meetings as requested by the Council’s Contract Manager. The Council will not pay any travel or subsistence costs to Community Interpreters/Translators for attendance at these meetings.

2.48.In the event an Approved Community Interpreter/Translator is not delivering the service to the standards required by the Council the frequency of the performance review meetings may be increased. However, depending on the circumstances such appropriate actions to be taken by the Council may include termination of the Approved Interpreters/Translators contract.


2.49.The Council’s designated Social Inclusion Team contact will liaise with Approved Community Interpreters/Translators to determine details and arrangements for delivery of the services.

2.50.Appointments will be arranged and coordinated by the Social Inclusion Team.

2.51.The Council wishes to reduce the number of invoice transactions, therefore, Approved Community Interpreters/Translators will be required to provide consolidated invoices where requested to do so, ideally on a monthly basis.


2.52.Approved Community Interpreters/Translators must provide at least 48 hours’ notice of any cancellation of appointments.

2.53.The Council will provide Approved Community Interpreters/Translators with at least 48 hours’ notice of any cancellation of appointments.


2.54.The Council is committed to working towards the objectives of sustainable development through its own actions and its influence over others. This includes through its procurement processes.

2.55.The Council is committed to reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact of its services, and those of its Approved Community Interpreter/Translators, thus contributing to a greener and more sustainable society.

2.56.More information is available on the Council website by going to the Environment and Planning pages by using the link below:




3.1.The purpose of this Questionnaire is to provide the Council with sufficient information about potential Approved Community Interpreters/Translators to allow an assessment to be made of their capability and suitability to be awarded this Contract.

3.2.All questions should be answered in English. The questions require concise, honest and factual responses.

3.3.Each question in Section 3 must be answered in full using the same section and numbering format as appears in the Questionnaire. Failure to do so will result in the applicant’s/ questionnaire not being considered. Even if you already provide similar services to the Council, you should still answer all questions fully

  • Declaration / Mandatory Exclusions
  • A - Technical Capacity & Resources / Project Specific Questions
  • B - Insurance Information

3.4.Should you have any queries regarding this Questionnaire or require any assistance please submit a question by e-mail to

3.5.Unless stated otherwise when answering the questions, please give details which specifically relate to you.

Format of Questionnaire

3.6.Your answers should be inserted in the table in the space provided below each question.

  • Please ensure that each question is answered in full and in the order it appears in the application document. If the question is not applicable or relevant to you please insert N/A.
  • Please ensure the responses and page number sequence e.g. page 1 of 32, are clearly shown in your returned document.
  • Please ensure that the declaration is signed and dated.
  • Please ensure that any supporting documents are clearly cross-referenced to the question number to which they relate.

3.7.Please ensure electronic documents are submitted in either Microsoft Word 2000, 2003, or PDF format. Your documents should not include embedded files. Each individual document must be less than 12Mb, and there is no requirement to zip files.

Selection Process

3.8.Each question indicates whether it is for information only (I), a threshold (T) or the number of marks available e.g.(10). All Thresholds must be met in order for the application to be considered for admission on to the Council’s Approved List.

The following threshold questions are minimum requirements. If the requirements of these questions cannot be met, you will not be eligible for selection. Please address these questions in Section 3 first.
A – 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13
B – 4
The appraisal of the application will be based on the responses from the applicant with regard to their technical ability. For the purpose of this contract, technical ability will be regarded as
  • The ability to meet delivery requirements
  • Competency

3.9.Please study the documentation carefully. If you are in any doubt as to any technical aspects of the specification/project brief, or require clarification of any part of the document please contact