Appendix A. Relevant Survey Items.

Water quality information use items

We are interested inhow you use the results of measures and modelsof phosphorus and nitrogen, or "indicators of water quality". Please includeanyuseof the results of measures and models. This could include following recommendations based on models, or using water quality monitoring data to inform your work.

  1. Howusefuldo you findthe following indicators of water quality to your job overall?(Not at all, A little, Somewhat, Very, Extremely, I don't use this as a water quality indicator)
  2. Automated stream gage (including USGS gages)
  3. Manual in-stream or in-lake sampling
  4. Modeling at the watershed scale (including the SWAT, AGNPS models and others
  5. Modeling at the field scale (including RUSLE2, SNAP-Plus and others)
  1. For each of the following, how trustworthy do you think it is as a measure of water quality? ((Not at all, A little, Somewhat, Very, Extremely)
  2. Automated stream gage (including USGS gages)
  3. Manual in-stream or in-lake sampling
  4. Modeling at the watershed scale (including the SWAT, AGNPS models and others
  5. Modeling at the field scale (including RUSLE2, SNAP-Plus and others)
  1. In the past year, how frequently did you use any of the indicators of water quality listed above... (Never, Not frequently, Somewhat frequently, Very frequently, Extremely frequently)
  2. advise a landowner or land manager on management decisions?
  3. plan how and where to implement programs on a county-wide scale?
  4. evaluate the impact of your work on water quality?
  5. communicate program successes to stakeholders?

Stakeholder items

  1. In your experience, how involved are the following groups in soil and water conservation issues in your county? (Not involved at all, A little, Somewhat, Quite a bit, Extremely, No such organization)
  2. Farmer organizations, like Farm Bureau
  3. Agricultural seed, chemical and fertilizer companies
  4. County executive’s office

Individual items

  1. How much flexibility do you feel you have to prioritize conservation practices installed in your county? (None, A little, Some, Quite a bit, A great deal)

Please indicate your personal views for each of the following issues. (Not at all, Slightly, Somewhat, Quite a bit, A great deal)

  1. How much does your work make a positive difference for farmers and/or other land managers?
  2. How much does your work make a positive difference for natural resource stewardship?