Appendix A: Pre-workshop survey questions
1) Please write your name:
2) Please write the name of the school where you teach:
3) How many years have you been teaching (total)?
4) For how many of those years have you taught Anatomy & Physiology?
5) How many years have you been involved in the CIS Anatomy & Physiology course?
6) What do you consider the value of hands-on science learning experience (as opposed to other types of professional development workshops) for you as a learner?
7) How do you think participation in such hands-on activities impacts your teaching?
8) When you teach anatomy and physiology, what do you want students to learn about the digestive system?
9) How do you introduce the digestive system to your students?
10) What sorts of activities do you typically include or incorporate in a unit on the digestive system?
11) List THREE WORDS you associate with the human digestive system:
12) Explain in 1-3 sentences how you would describe the PANCREAS to your students:
13) Explain in 1-3 sentences how you would describe the STOMACH to your students:
14) How would you characterize the amount of exposure you have had to dissection experiences (of any sort)?
- A great deal of experience (more than most other job-alike peers)
- Experience level similar to job-alike peers (e.g., other H.S. Biology teachers)
- Limited experience (less than job-alike peers)
- No experience at all
15) Have you attended an open-casket funeral or memorial service? (NO/YES)
16) Have you had any previous experience(s) in a cadaver lab? (NO/YES)
17) If the answer to Question #16 is YES, please answer the following:
- Where did this experience take place?
- Was the experience part of a class?
- How many years ago did you have this experience?
- Did you participate in any dissection activities in the cadaver lab?
18) Please list three things you hope to take away from this “Cadaver Camp” experience:
19) If there is anything else you’d like to share, please include comments here:
Appendix B: Post-workshop survey questions
1) Please explain your primary motivation for attending Cadaver Camp:
2) How closely would you say your expectations were met by the Cadaver Camp experience? (please choose one)
- Expectations were exceeded
- Expectations were met satisfactorily
- Expectations were somewhat unfulfilled
- Expectations were unmet
3) How would you describe the teaching approach or methods used in the cadaver dissection lab at XXXX? (feel free to answer with words, phrases, or sentences)
4) When using dissection activities in your own class, how would you compare your approach to that used in the XXXX lab? (please choose one)
- My approach is exactly the same as that used in the XXXX lab
- My approach is similar to that used in the XXXX lab
- My approach differs significantly from that used in the XXXX lab
- My approach is completely different than that used in the XXXX lab
5) What type of dissection activities do you include in your A&P course? (feel free to list or summarize)
6) In what ways (if any) do you plan to adjust or change your approach to teaching dissection labs in your A&P class this year? (feel free to list or summarize)
7) Please list three things you learned about the digestive or endocrine systems from the Cadaver Camp workshop:
8) What questions do you still have about the digestive or endocrine systems that you would like answered? (feel free to include questions about content or about pedagogical approaches related to these topics)
9) How would you describe the impact of attending Cadaver Camp on your practice as an Anatomy and Physiology instructor?
10) In the space below, include any final comments, questions, or feedback regarding the Cadaver Camp experience. (optional)
Appendix C: Focus group interview protocol
1) How did the experience compare to your expectations?
2) In a few words, describe what it was like to be in the physical space of the lab.
3) How would you say this lab experience compares to other lab experiences you’ve had?
4) How would you contrast this dissection experience with other animal dissections that you’ve done yourself?
5) How well prepared did you feel for this experience? Was there anything you would have liked to know before you went into the lab?
6) Would you recommend this kind of experience to other teachers?
7) What do you hope to get out of the last five hours in the lab tomorrow?
Appendix D: Emergent Themes from Coding Analysis
Teachers as Learners / Teachers as Teachers1. Teacher as Learner
(a) individual goals for participation in Cadaver Camp
(b) metacognitive learner processes
(c) previous cadaver laboratory experiences
(d) previous experience with dissection and dead bodies
(e) role of expert
(f) teacher described as learner, relating to student experience
2. Descriptions and reflections
(a) analogies
(b) comparing experience to expectations
(c) documenting the experience
3. Emotional reactions to experience
(a) anticipatory feelings
(b)emotional disassociation and
(c)explaining own behavior
(d) feelings of discomfort
(e) perceptions of bodies as people or humans
(f) surprised by own behavior or reaction
4. Being in the Laboratory
(a) instructor directions and approach
(b)physical layout of laboratory
(c) resources available during Cadaver Camp
(d) safety precautions and preparation
(e) smell
(f) sounds
(g) source of bodies
(h) use of tools in laboratory
5. Teacher interaction with bodies during laboratory
(a) gender-specific comment, response or behavior
(b) identification skills
i.description of visual appearance
ii.individual body differences
iii. muscles
iv. texture
(c)noticeable changes in behavior
(d) relating cadaver to own body
6. Overall benefits gained from Cadaver Camp
(a) general improved understanding of body structures
(b) value of access to dissection laboratory
(c) value of networking with other teachers / 1. Teacher as Teacher
(a) explaining the pancreas
(b) explaining the stomach
(c) materials and activities used in class
(d)messages for students
(e) teacher behavior in talks and lectures
(f) teachers interact with and consider
college student and TA experience
(g)teaching philosophy and instructional
(h) vocational affirmation
(i) years involved with CIS program
(j) years of teaching experience
(k) years teaching A & P
2. References to external factors
(a) community and policy context
(b) medical diagnostics
(c) outside resources and related
3. Health related observations
(a) education as disease prevention strategy
(b) fat
(c)food and nutrition
(d) obesity and obesity-related disease
(e)understanding digestive system
4. Comparing teaching approaches
(a) commentary on laboratory instruction
(b) describing own teaching strategies
5. Dissection as teaching tool
(a) types of organisms used in class
(b) specific things to point out to students
i. connective tissue
(c)correlating other organisms to human body
6. Changes to practice
(a)increasedemphasis on student exploration
(b)use of different materials
(c) inclusion of technology