Appendix 6. Excluded Articles
A6.1 Qualitative Review of ‘Views’
The following articles were excluded at full text assessment stage for the corresponding reasons.
Reference / Exclusion ReasonAagesen D (2000) Rights to land and resources in Argentina's Alerces National Park. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 19(4): 547-569. / Exclude - methods not clear
Abbot J I. O; Mace R (1999) Managing protected woodlands: fuelwood collection and law enforcement in lake Malawi national park. Conservation Biology. 13(2): 418-421. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Adams W M; Aveling R, Brockington D, Dickson B, Elliott J, Hutton J, Roe D, Vira B, Wolmer W (2004) Biodiversity conservation and the eradication of poverty. Science. 306(5699): 1146-1149. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Adhikari Keshav R; (2009) Irrigation intervention: a strategy for conserving biodiversity and improving food security in Royal Chitwan National Park buffer zone, Nepal. . (Journal Article): . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Agbogidi Oghenerioborue Mary; Ofuoku Albert Ukaro; (2006) Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus. 71(3): 103-110. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Agrawal Arun, Redford Kent (2006) Poverty, development, and biodiversity conservation: shooting in the dark?. ://ZOOREC:ZOOR14302012783 / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Akama J S; Lant C L; Burnett G W; (1995) CONFLICTING ATTITUDES TOWARD STATE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PROGRAMS IN KENYA. Society & Natural Resources. 8(2): 133-144. / Exclude 4 Publication date pre-1992
Alcorn Janis B; Zarzycki Alejo, de la Cruz , Luis Maria (2010) Poverty, governance and conservation in the Gran Chaco of South America. Biodiversity (Ottawa). 11(1-2, Sp. Iss. SI): 39-44. / Exclude - methods not clear
Ali I M; Maskill R (2004) Functional wildlife parks: The views of Kenyan children who live with them. Natural Resources Forum. 28(3): 205-215. / Exclude - methods not clear
Alpizar F (2006) The pricing of protected areas in nature-based tourism: A local perspective. Ecological Economics. 56(2): 294-307. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Amita Shah (2004) Linking conservation with livelihood: lessons from management of Gir-protected area in Western India. . (148): 42 pp.. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Ancrenaz Marc, Dabek Lisa, O'Neil Susan (2007) The costs of exclusion: Recognizing a role for local communities in biodiversity conservation. Plos Biology. 5(11): 2443-2448. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Anitha V, Muraleedharan P K; Binilkumar A S; (2006) Human-related constraints in protected area management - manifestations and causatives. Economic and Political Weekly. 41(10): 919-924. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y (2003) Power conflicts and representations at the interface between societies and protected areas: the Kerinci Seblat national park in Indonesia. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques. (278): 77-92. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Axford Joanna C; Hockings Marc T; Carter R W. Bill; (2008) What Constitutes Success in Pacific Island Community Conserved Areas?. Ecology and Society. 13(2): . / Exclude - methods not clear
Axford Joanna C; Hockings Marc T; Carter R W. Bill; (2008) What Constitutes Success in Pacific Island Community Conserved Areas?. Ecology and Society. 13(2): . / Exclude 2 Not about protected areas
Badola R, Hussain S A; (2003) Conflict in paradise: Women and protected areas in the Indian Himalayas. Mountain Research and Development. 23(3): 234-237. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Barbic A (1992) Social typology of (rural) households as an element of rural spatial and economic development planning. Socialna tipologija (kmeckih) gospodinjstev kot sestavina strokovnih osnov prostorskega in gospodarskega nacrtovanja razvoja podezelja. 21-22: 40-55. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Barkin D (2003) Alleviating poverty through ecotourism: Promises and reality in the Monarch butterfly reserve of Mexico. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 5(3-4): 371-382. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Basset Karine-Larissa (2010) Forms, stakeholders and challenges of participation in the creation of the Cevennes National Park (1950-1970). Revue De Geographie Alpine-Journal of Alpine Research. 98(1): 55-67. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bateman I J; Langford I H; (1997) Non-users' willingness to pay for a national park: an application and critique of the contingent valuation method. Regional Studies. 31(6): 571-582. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bearth Thomas, Baya Joseph (2010) Civil war and ecological resilience: The case of the Mont Sangbe National Park in Western Cote d'ivoire. Cahiers Agricultures. 19(3): 220-226. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Belova Svetlana U; (2007) Protected areas and benefits: Russian experience. In: Jokimaki J KaisanlahtiJokimaki M. L. Tuulentie S. Laine K. Uu; Environment, Local Society and Sustainable Tourism.: , pages 119-124. / Exclude - methods not clear
Bennett N, Lemelin R H; Johnston M (2010) Using the social economy in tourism: a study of national park creation and community development in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 5(1): 200-220. / Exclude - methods not clear
Bhatt Seema (2003) Linking livelihoods with conservation - An enterprise-based approach to Biosphere Reserve management. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 31(1-2): 147-158. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bilbao Bibiana A; Leal Alejandra V; Mendez Carlos L; (2010) Indigenous Use of Fire and Forest Loss in Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Assessment of and Tools for Alternative Strategies of Fire Management in Pemn Indigenous Lands. Human Ecology. 38(5): 663-673. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bin Muzaffar, Sabir , Islam M Anwarul; Kabir Dihider Shahriar; Khan Mamunul Hoque; Ahmed Farid Uddin; Chowdhury Gawsia Wahidunnessa; Aziz M Abdul; Chakma Suprio, Jahan Israt (2011) The endangered forests of Bangladesh: why the process of implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity is not working. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20(7): 1587-1601. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Binot A, Hanon L, Joiris D V; Dulieu D (2009) The challenge of participatory natural resource management with mobile herders at the scale of a Sub-Saharan African protected area. . 18(10): 2645-2662. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Binot Aurelie, Castel Vincent, Caron Alexandre (2006) Wildlife/livestock interface in subSaharan Africa. Secheresse (Montrouge). 17(1-2): 349-361. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Blaney S (2009) Nutritional status and dietary adequacy in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon. . (Journal Article): . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Blaney S, Beaudry M, Latham M (2009) Contribution of natural resources to nutritional status in a protected area of Gabon. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 30(1): 49-62. / Exclude - methods not clear
Blaney S, Beaudry M, Latham M (2009) Determinants of undernutrition in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon. Public Health Nutrition. 12(10): 1711-1725. / Exclude - methods not clear
Blouch R A; (2010) Zoning for people within Indonesia's Kerinci Seblat National Park. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 29(2/4): 432-450. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bodesmo M, Pacicco L, Romano B, Ranfa A (2011) The role of environmental and socio-demographic indicators in the analysis of land use changes in a protected area of the Natura 2000 Network: the case study of Lake Trasimeno, Umbria, Central Italy. Environ Monit Assess. : . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bolland L P; Drew A P; Vergara-Tenorio C (2006) Analysis of a natural resources management system in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning. 74(3-4): 223-241. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bond A C; (2009) Contextual analysis of agroforestry adoption in the buffer zone of Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 28(6/7): 825-843. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bondya S L; Singh K P; Khanna K K; (2009) Exploitation of ethno-medicinal plants and their marketing status in Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 25(1/2): 33-37. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bonheur N, Lane B D; (2002) Natural resources management for human security in Cambodia's Tonle Sap biosphere reserve. Environmental Science and Policy. 5(1): 33-41. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bonta M (2005) Becoming-forest, becoming-local: transformations of a protected area in Honduras. Geoforum. 36(1): 95-112. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bookbinder M P; Dinerstein E, Rijal A, Cauley H, Rajouria A (1998) Ecotourism's support of biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology. 12(6): 1399-1404. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Booth K (2009) Applying the Beneficial Outcomes Approach (BOA) to protected area management planning on Stewart Island/Rakiura, New Zealand. / Exclude 2 Not about protected areas
Botha J, Witkowski E T. F; Shackleton C M; Fairbanks D H. K; (2004) Socio-economic differentiation in the trade of wildlife species for traditional medicines in the Lowveld, South Africa: Implications for resource management initiatives. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 11(3): 280-297. / Exclude 2 Not about protected areas
Braimah I, Tudzi E P; Baah-Ennumh T Y; (2009) Land tenure as a challenge to the sustainability of the Amokwao Community Resource Management Area in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 11(1): 128-148. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brandon K E; Wells M (1992) PLANNING FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS - DESIGN DILEMMAS. World Development. 20(4): 557-570. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brandon K, Gorenflo L J; Rodrigues A S. L; Waller R W; (2005) Reconciling biodiversity conservation, people, protected areas, and agricultural suitability in Mexico. World Development. 33(9): 1403-1418. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brandon Katrina, Turner Will R; Schroth Goetz, Bakarr Mohamed (2008) Benefits of biodiversity conservation to agriculture and rural livelihoods. Biodiversity (Ottawa). 9(1-2): 82-85. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bray David Barton; Duran Elvira, Ramos Victor Hugo; Mas Jean-Francois, Velazques Alejandro, McNab Roan Balas; Barry Deborah, Radachowsky Jeremy (2008) Tropical Deforestation, Community Forests, and Protected Areas in the Maya Forest. Ecology and Society. 13(2): . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brenner L, Job H ( ) CHALLENGES TO ACTOR-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE: EXAMPLES FROM THREE MEXICAN BIOSPHERE RESERVES. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. : . / Exclude - methods not clear
Brockington D, Igoe J, Schmidt-Soltau K (2006) Conservation, human rights, and poverty reduction. Conservation Biology. 20(1): 250-252. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brockington D, Schmidt-Soltau K (2004) The social and environmental impacts of wilderness and development. Oryx. 38(2): 140-142. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Brown Kerry A; Flynn Dan F. B; Abram Nicola K; Ingram J Carter; Johnson Steig E; Wright Patricia (2011) Assessing Natural Resource Use by Forest-Reliant Communities in Madagascar Using Functional Diversity and Functional Redundancy Metrics. Plos One. 6(9): . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Brown M (2010) Social feasibility and biodiversity conservation: How prioritizing the linkage can also establish the conditions for poverty alleviation. Biodiversity. 11(1-2): 91-97. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Budhathoki P (2004) Linking communities with conservation in developing countries: buffer zone management initiatives in Nepal. Oryx. 38(3): 334-341. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Buergin R (2003) Shifting frames for local people and forests in a global heritage: the Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary in the context of Thailand's globalization and modernization. Geoforum. 34(3): 375-393. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Burmester A (2005) Socio-economic situation and land use conflicts in the Shirvan National Park Region, Azerbaijan. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research. 44(4): 101-128. / Exclude - methods not clear
Burmester A (2005) Socio-economic situation and land use conflicts in the Shirvan National Park Region, Azerbaijan. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research. 44(4): 101-128. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Burns P M; Barrie S (2005) Race, space and 'our own piece of Africa': doing good in Luphisi village?.Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 13(5): 468-485. / Exclude - methods not clear
Bury J (2008) New geographies of tourism in Peru: Nature-based tourism and conservation in the Cordillera Huayhuash. Tourism Geographies. 10(3): 312-333. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Bushell R, Eagles P (2007) Tourism and protected areas: benefits beyond boundaries. The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress. : . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Campbell A, Clark S, Coad L, Miles L, Bolt K, Roe D (2008) Protecting the future: Carbon, forests, protected areas and local livelihoods. Biodiversity. 9(3-4): 117-121. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Carmody J, Prideaux B (2011) Enhancing the role of host communities in the management of protected areas through effective two-way communications: a case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 16(1): 89-104. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Carr David L; (2008) Farm households and land use in a core conservation zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Human Ecology. 36(2): 231-248. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Carri C B; (1985) The evaluation of the costs and benefits of a natural park. La valutazione dei costi e del benefici di un parco naturale.. 48(3-4): 55-64. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Carruthers Jane (2011) Pilanesberg National Park, North West Province, South Africa: Uniting economic development with ecological design - A history, 1960s to 1984. Koedoe. 53(1): . / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Castro A J; Martin-Lopez B, Garcia-Llorente M, Aguilera P A; Lopez E, Cabello J (2011) Social preferences regarding the delivery of ecosystem services in a semiarid Mediterranean region. Journal of Arid Environments. 75(11): 1201-1208. / Exclude - methods not clear
Cernea M M; Schmidt-Soltau K (2008) Corrigendum to "Poverty Risks and National Parks: Policy Issues in Conservation and Resettlement" [World Development 34 (2006) 1808-1830] (DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2006.02.008). World Development. 36(12): 2966. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Cernea Michael M; Schmidt-Soltau Kai (2006) Poverty risks and national parks: Policy issues in conservation and resettlement. World Development. 34(10): 1808-1830. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chan Kai M. A; Pringle Robert M; Ranganathan Jai, Boggs Carol L; Chan Yvonne L; Ehrlich Paul R; Haff Peter K; Heller Nicole E; Al-Krafaji Karim, Macmynowski Dena P; (2007) When agendas collide: Human welfare and biological conservation. Conservation Biology. 21(1): 59-68. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chang C Y; Hammitt W E; Chen P K; Machnik L, Su W C; (2008) Psychophysiological responses and restorative values of natural environments in Taiwan. Landscape and Urban Planning. 85(2): 79-84. / Exclude 2 Not about protected areas
Chantachon S (2009) Luang Prabang, economy, society and culture. Social Sciences. 4(1): 91-95. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chantarat Sommarat, Barrett Christopher B; Janvilisri Tavan, Mudsri Sittichai, Niratisayakul Chularat, Poonswad Pilai (2011) Index insurance for pro-poor conservation of hornbills in Thailand. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(34): 13951-13956. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chardonnet P, Soto B, Fritz H, Crosmary W, Drouet-Hoguet N, Mesochina P, Pellerin M, Mallon D, Bakker L, Boulet H, Lamarque F (2010) Managing the conflicts between people and lion: review and insights from the literature and field experience. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chatelard G (2003) Conflicts of interest over the Wadi Rum Reserve: were they avoidable? A socio-political critique. Nomadic Peoples. 7(1): 138-158. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Chicchon Avecita (2009) Working with indigenous peoples to conserve nature: Examples from Latin America. Conservation and Society. 7: 15. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Clark S G; Cherney D N; Ashton M S; (2009) Development and environmental challenges, Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 28(6/7): 597-613. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Clemmer R O; (2004) "The legal effect of the judgment": Indian land claims, ecological anthropology, social impact assessment, and the public domain. Human Organization. 63(3): 334-345. / Exclude - methods not clear
Colchester M (2004) Conservation policy and indigenous peoples. Environmental Science & Policy. 7(3): 145-153. / Exclude - methods not clear
Colchester M (2004) Conservation policy and indigenous peoples. Environmental Science & Policy. 7(3): 145-153. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Collier N, Boedhihartono A K; Sayer J (2009) Indigenous livelihoods and the global environment: Understanding relationships. : . / Exclude - methods not clear
Collier Neil, Campbell Bruce M; Sandker Marieke, Garnett Stephen T; Sayer Jeffrey, Boedhihartono Agni Klintuni; (2011) Science for action: the use of scoping models in conservation and development. Environmental Science & Policy. 14(6): 628-638. / Exclude 2 Not about protected areas
Connor T (2005) Place, belonging and population displacement: New ecological reserves in Mozambique and South Africa. Development Southern Africa. 22(3): 365-382. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Coomes O T; Barham B L; Takasaki Y (2004) Targeting conservation-development initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic reliance among Amazonian peasants. Ecological Economics. 51(1-2): 47-64. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Cousins B, Hoffman M T; Allsopp N, Rohde R F; (2007) A synthesis of sociological and biological perspectives on sustainable land use in Namaqualand. Journal of Arid Environments. 70(4): 834-846. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Cox Paul Alan; Elmqvist Thomas (1993) Ecocolonialism and indigenous knowledge systems: Village controlled rainforest preserves in Samoa. Pacific Conservation Biology. 1(1): 6-13. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Curran Bryan, Sunderland Terry, Maisels Fiona, Oates John, Asaha Stella, Balinga Michael, Defo Louis, Dunn Andrew, Telfer Paul, Usongo Leonard, Loebenstein Karinvon, Roth Philipp (2009) Are central Africa′s protected areas displacing hundreds of thousands of rural poor?. Conservation and Society. 7: 30. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Cusack D, Dixon L (2006) Community-based ecotourism and sustainability: Cases in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama and Talamanca, Costa Rica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 22(1-2): 157-182. / Exclude - methods not clear
Cusack D, Dixon L (2006) Community-based ecotourism and sustainability: Cases in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama and Talamanca, Costa Rica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 22(1-2): 157-182. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Cusick J (2009) At the intersection of resident, research and recreation stakeholder interests: East Maui, Hawai'i, as a sustainable tourism destination. Island Studies Journal. 4(2): 183-202. / Exclude 5 Not empirical study - An overview or review of the literature
Daconto Giuseppe, Sherpa Lhakpa Norbu; (2010) Applying Scenario Planning to Park and Tourism Management in Sagarmatha National Park, Khumbu, Nepal. Mountain Research and Development. 30(2): 103-112. / Exclude - methods not clear
Dahlquist R M; Whelan M P; Winowiecki L, Polidoro B, Candela S, Harvey C A; Wulfhorst J D; McDaniel P A; Bosque-Perez N A; (2007) Incorporating livelihoods in biodiversity conservation: a case study of cacao agroforestry systems in Talamanca, Costa Rica. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16(8): 2311-2333. / Exclude - methods not clear
Dahlquist R M; Whelan M P; Winowiecki L, Polidoro B, Candela S, Harvey C A; Wulfhorst J D; McDaniel P A; Bosque-Perez N A; (2007) Incorporating livelihoods in biodiversity conservation: a case study of cacao agroforestry systems in Talamanca, Costa Rica. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16(8): 2311-2333. / Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views
Dalal-Clayton B, Child B (2003) Lessons from Luangwa - the story of the Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project, Zambia. . (13): xxviii + 338 pp.. / Exclude - methods not clear