Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2018, 1, p1-6

UDC ???.??, ???.???.?

Manuscript Preparation Guideline

J. Smith1, A.A. Ivanov2, C.C. Claus1

1SaintPetersburgNationalResearchUniversity of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

2Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

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PACS ??.??.??, ??.??.??

The Proceedings of the Conference ACNS’2017 will be published as a special issue of the journal " Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics" at thebeginning of 2018. The manuscript should be prepared according to the Template. Electronic copy must be submitted Organizing Committee beforeJune 20, 2017. Number the manuscript pages consecutively throughout the paper. Article file must be in English, containingPACS index and in addition index of UDC (for Russian authors only).Approximately five key words that identify the most important subjects covered by the paper must be provided.

Key words:Carbonnanotube, Graphene, Nanodiamond, Synthesis, Electronic properties.


Authors of accepted contributions are invited to submit a manuscript which will be published in a special issue of the journal "Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics" at the beginning of 2018. Submission implies that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that, with the exception of review papers, the manuscript represents original work which has been presented at ACNS’2017 and had never been published. All articles but those of invited speakerare reviewed, and then if necessary come back to the author to completion.

According to the agreement with the editors of the journal the Proceedings would be published atthe beginningof 2018. This assumes the extremely short time for the preparation of the materials for publication. This guide sets out the procedures which will allow us to process your article efficiently.

Author should submit the following materials:

1. Article file in English, containing index of PACS and UDC (for Russian authors),article title, the initials and the surname of the authors, affiliation, the electronic address, the abstract, keywords, index, article text, the list of references. In order to provide the correct PACS index please visit web-page . In order to provide the correct UDC, please visit web-site .

2. Archive containing files with figures and file with tables and figure captions;

3. The covering letter in English containing the article information (article name, UDC index, PACS index, keywords, the abstract, the literature) and about all authors (the surname, names, the full name of places of work, the mailing address with the postal code, contact phone number with a city code, the electronic address) and about 3 preferred reviewers (name, status on the Conference, the electronic address) from the organizers or the participants of the Conference (Please specify the status. The appropriate info will be available at the Conference web-site);

4.The copyright form and the expert judgment on possibility of publication of the article in an open press (for authors from Russia);

5. Two hard copies of the manuscript.

2. Guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission

2.1.Manuscript preparation manual

The manuscript body should be prepared according to the Template as electronic Word 2003 for Windows files (*.doc in Word format). The totalsize of the articles (all, including equations, tables, figures, list of references etc.) should not exceed 4,6and 10A4 pages for authors of poster, oral and invited presentations, respectively. Please note, that Tables, Figure Captions and Figures should be embedded into the text and the paper in overall does not exceed the abovementioned volume.

We strongly recommend using the styles demonstrated in this Template. All materials should be typedin single-column. Page format – A4, page fields: right – 2 cm, the others – 2,5cm, font – Times New Roman, a font size – 12 pt, a line spacing – 1.5, indent – 1.5 cm. Number of the manuscript page consecutively throughout the paper. Please, write the title in: all capital letters, a font size 16 pt, bold, leveled on the center. The initials and the surnames of authors should be printed by a font 12 pt, usual, and leveled on the center. The name of the organization and the electronic address should be printed by a font 12 pt, usual, leveled on the center.

Each article should be summarized in an abstract of not more than 150 words. The abstracts should be written in a single spaced format by 10 ptusual font. Authors should give approximately five key words that identify the most important subjects covered by the paper. Keywords should be printed by a font 10 pt, usual, and leveled on width.

The name of sections and subsections are printed by the font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, a line spacing – 1.5, it should be leveled on the left edge, separates from the previous section in empty line.

Equations should be embedded in the text and can be numerated. For example,


We recommend using the style “MTDisplayEquation” embedded into the template.


Formulas are typed in editor Math Type. Functions and symbols of chemical elements should be typed by font Times New Roman, a straight line; variables Times New Roman, inclined; the Greek letters - Symbol, a straight line; symbols – Symbol, a straight line; a matrix-vector – Times New Roman, a straight line, semiboldface; numbers – Times New Roman, a straight line. The sizes: usual – 14 pt, a large index – 10 pt, a small index – 8 pt, a large symbol – 16 pt, a small symbol – 12 pt.

Tables should be clearly typed with 1spacing. Number tables with consecutive Arabic numerals and give a clear descriptive heading. Table footnotes should be typed below the table, designated by superior lower-case letters.

Table 1.Example.

Distance(m) / Velocity(ms–1)1
100 / 23.56
150 / 34.64
200 / 23.76

1Table footnotes should be typed below the table, designated by superior lower-case letters.

Fig. 1. Figure captions should be printed by a font 10 pt, usual, with indent, is leveled on width.

In the manuscript figures should be inserted into the text. Please reduce the size of the inserted figures to prevent the manuscript file size from exceeding 1 MB. The formeris concerned to the limitation of the file size for E-mail delivery to reviewers. At the same time the figures included separately intothe archive file must be 300 dpi or higher, and EPS, TIFF, or JPEGformat only.Figure captions are printed by a font 10 pt, usual, with indent, is leveled on width.Note that colors in figures should be available in online version only.

References should be included as [1], [2] in square brackets style. Include only references to books [1], articles [2-3], bulletins and other materials [4, 5] actually cited in the text. The example for the arrangement of the references is given at the end of this guideline.


The set of the materials should be submitted by E-mail () before June 20, 2017.The namessubmitted files must begin from UIDof your presentation available in your profile. For example: UID_Ivanov_manuscript.doc,UID_Ivanov_ tables_figurecaptions.doc, UID_Ivanov_ figure1.jpg etc.All figures must be numbered in the order in which they occur (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.). In multi-part figures, each part should be labeled (e.g. Figure 1 (a), Figure 1 (b) etc.).Ensure that the files are not saved as read only. Please make sure that the full postal and email address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence is clearly marked. The total size of the set of the submitting materials should not exceed 5MB. In the opposite case please contact with Organizing Committee.

All other accompanying materialsincluding the copyright form, the expert judgment on possibility of publication of the article in open press (for authors from Russia), 2 hard copies of the manuscriptshould be submitted at the days of the Conference.


[1] Ivanov I.I., Popov I.Yu. Book Title. Publishing House, City, 2000, 281 p.

[2] Ivanov I.I., Popov I.Yu. Paper title. Journal title, 2005, 1(5), 17-23.

[3] Ivanov I.I., Popov I.Yu. Report title. Proceeding of “Conference”. Place, date, Publisher, 2010, p. 13.

[4] Ivanov I.I., Popov I.Yu. Paper title. 2015. (

[5] Patent title, Patent.1111111 Russia: MPK H04 B 1/36, Ivanov I.I., N 2000131517/09, Issue N 12, p. 3.