Appendix 1: Original species, GenBank accession number or reference, cross-amplification outcome, polymorphism outcome, approximate size range of fragments in base pairs (bp), and PCR-conditions (annealing temperature [Ta] and MgCl2-content) for 23 owls and 26 passerines cross-amplified microsatellite loci tested in eight unrelated nestling tawny owls. Loci finally selected for our genetic parentage analysis are shown in bold.
Locus / Original species / GenBank accession no / reference / Cross-amplification / Polymorphism visible on agarose gel / Approximate size range (bp) / PCR conditionsTa (°C) / MgCl2
So6H8 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510324 / yes / no a / 230 - 2000 / 52 / 2.5
So15A6 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510325 / yes / yes / 110 - 170 b / 55 / 2.5
So1C6 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510326 / yes / yes / 90-120 / 55 / 2.5
So8G11 d / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510327 / yes / yes / 130 - 170 b / 56 / 2.5
So13D8 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510328 / yes / yes / 150 - 200 b / 55 / 2.5
So4E10 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510329 / yes / yes / 190-320 / 48 / 2.5
So4E10.2 / Strix occidentalis lucida / AF510330 / yes / no a / 150-2000 / 55 / 2.5
Bb42 / Bubo bubo / AF432093 / yes / no / 320 / 53 / 1.5
Bb100 / Bubo bubo / AF432094 / yes / no a / 220-1000 / 48 / 1.5
Bb101 / Bubo bubo / AF432095 / yes / no / 190 / 45 / 1.5
Bb111 / Bubo bubo / AF432096 / yes / yes / 200 b / 48 / 1.5
Bb126 / Bubo bubo / AF432097 / yes / no / 180 / 45 / 1.5
Bb131 / Bubo bubo / AF432098 / yes / yes / 160 - 170 / 56 / 1.5
Bb145 / Bubo bubo / AF432099 / yes / no a / 190, 400, 500 / 51 / 1.5
Oe2-57 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312420 / yes / yes / 200 - 280 b / 50 / 2.5
Oe022 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312421 / yes / yes / 250 b / 64 / 2.5
Oe054 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312425 / yes / no / 100 / 64 / 2.5
Oe092 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312426 / yes / no a / 220 - 1500 / 65 / 1.5
Oe128 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312427 / yes / yes / 300-330 b / 64 / 2.5
Oe142 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312428 / yes / yes / 230-280 b / 65 / 2.5
Oe171 / Otus elegans botelensis / AY312429 / yes / yes / 230-240 / 53 / 2.5
BUOW04 / Athene cunicularia / AY094990 / in 3/8 individuals / no / 300, 380 / 55 / 5
BUOW11 / Athene cunicularia / AY094993 / no / - / - / 60 / 3
Escµ3 / Emberiza schoeniclus / X77079 / in 5/8 individuals / no / 130 / 53 / 5
Escµ6 / Emberiza schoeniclus / X77082 / yes / no / 110 / 54 / 2.5
Gf04 / Geospiza fortis / AF081928 / no / - / - / 54 / 2.5
Gf06 / Geospiza fortis / AF081930 / yes / no / 160 / 53 / 4
HrU2 / Hirundo rustica / X84087 / yes / no / 140 / 57 / 2.5
LOX1 / Loxia scotica / Y16820 / yes / yes / 360-400 b / 54 / 2.5
LS1 / Lanius ludovicianus / Mundy & Woodruff, 1996 / yes / no / 170 / 52 / 2.5
LS2 / Lanius ludovicianus / Mundy & Woodruff, 1996 / yes / no / 180 / 52 / 1.5
Mcyµ4 / Malurus cyaneus / U82388 / yes / no / 140, 300, 450 / 55 / 2.5
MJG1 / Aphelocoma ultramarina / U82673 / yes / no / 120 / 58 / 1.5
Mme 12 / Melospiza melodia / AF127385 / yes / no / 150, 500 / 58 / 2.5
PAT MP 2-14 / Poecile atricapillus / Otter et al., 1998 / in 2/8 individuals / no / 100, 300 / 56 / 2.5
PAT MP 2-43 / Poecile atricapillus / Otter et al., 1998 / yes / no / 130 / 54 / 2.5
Pca1 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279803 / yes / no a / 100, 180 / 57 / 2.5
Pca2 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279804 / yes / no / 270 / 57 / 2.5
Pca3 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279805 / in 5/8 individuals / no / 150, 450, >500 / 55 / 2.5
Pca4 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279806 / yes / no / 500 / 58 / 2.5
Pca8 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279810 / in 3/8 individuals / no / 220, 350 / 53 / 2.5
Pca9 / Parus caeruleus / AJ279811 / yes / no a / 100-550 / 58 / 2.5
Pdo µ 5 / Passer domesticus / Y15126 / yes / no / 210 / 53 / 3
Phtr3 / Phylloscopus trochilus / Fridolfsson et al., 1997 / in 4/8 individuals / no a / 130, 200, 350 / 52 / 2.5
PK12 / Parus caeruleus / AF041466 / yes / no a / 100, 290-800 / 54 / 2.5
Pocc6 / Phylloscopus occipitalis / U59117 / yes / no / 180 / 55 / 2.5
Pocc8 / Phylloscopus occipitalis / U59119 / yes / no a / 200-480 / 55 / 2.5
Ppi 2 / Pica pica / AJ272375 / in 2/8 individuals / no / 200, 500 / 54 / 3
ZL04 / Zosterops lateralis / AF076665 / yes / yes / 100 - 110 c / 56 / 1.5
a, unspecific fragments, no assessable polymorphism
b, tested for polymorphism in 24 individuals
c, tested for polymorphism in 8 individuals
d, The sequence of the reverse primer of the locus So8G11 was not indicated correctly in the original publication. A missing T base was added, which resulted in a stronger amplification. The revised sequence is CTGCTGTTACTGATTCAC