4th Grade
Quarter 3 Week 4 January 23-27
Morning Work7:00-7:25
M: Math4Today & MAP prep / T: Math4Today & MAP prep / W: Math4Today & MAP prep / Th:Math4Today & MAP prep / F:Math4Today & MAP prep
4.NF.C.7 Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions with a visual model. / Language of the Standard:
Decimal, decimal point, tenths, hundredths, comparing, fraction, part, whole / Essential Question:
“How are comparing decimals and whole numbers different?” / I Can:
I can compare and order decimals using multiple
Anticipatory Set
*TTW use an interactive flipchart to review the different parts of a whole.
*TSW sort different parts of a whole into their categories: hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths. (fractions, decimals, & visuals)
*TTW discuss with the class WHY each of these apply to their specific category.
Teacher Input
*TTW use an interactive flipchart to introduce comparing decimals.
Guided Instruction
TTW provide each student with guided notes.
*TSW complete their guided notes with the interactive flipchart.
Independent Instruction
*TSW complete the practice problems on the reverse side of their notes with their group members. Each group will come to the board at the end to show their work and “teach the class.”
*TTW review the different types of writing a Part of a Whole / Standards Mastery Math / SCHOOLWIDE WRITING
8:00-8:45 / Teacher Input
TTW give each group a pack of decimals to order from least to greatest. TTW have students line them up on the floor next to their group. Upon completion, TTW have students switch groups and check student work. If there is a misunderstanding, students will explain why they think their classmates made this error. They will then fix their error and explain why it is now correct.
Guided Instruction
*TTW explain the Real World Decimal activities
*Activity 1: World Population
*Activity 2: World Hunger
Independent Instruction
*TSW complete their two Real World Decimal Activities
*Early finishers will work on iReady extra lessons from last week's skill
TTW assign each student a decimal and have them line up from least to greatest to go to Tiger Time / Teacher Input
*TTW present the class with a **POP QUIZ** in order to play the Uno-Parts of a Whole-Game they have to pass the Pop Quiz!
*The pop quiz will assess each child’s understanding of converting a tenth or a hundredth to fractions, decimals, visuals, etc.
*After completion of the pop quiz, the students will switch quizzes with one another to grade. Those who do well will be moved on to the Uno game, those who need extra help will work with the teacher in a small group.
Guided Instruction
*TTW assist students in a small group
Independent Instruction
*TSW complete the Uno-Parts of a Whole-Game
TTW provide the class with three decimals on the board which they will put in order from least to greatest. The students will explain their reasoning.
Tiger Time9:00-9:50
Ms. Kidd’s Group / Ms. Morrow’s Group / Ms. Alley’s Group / Ms. Dedeaux’s Group / Ms. Gillenwater’s Group
R-Reflective Reading
E-Electronically Engaged
A-Attention to Comprehension
D-Determining Terminology / R - Read w/ Teacher
Building Inference using Ramona the Pest.
E - Engage (I-Ready)
I-ready target lessons
A - At Your Seat
Reading comprehension w/ mixed skills (Spectrum)
D - Do It Together
Chapter discussions on Ramona the Pest. Review on writing a summary of a text using letter format. / R-Read w/ Teacher
Build close reading through literature and non-fiction paired passages: focus main idea, key details, summarizing (5 W's: who, what, when, where, and why), and using context clues in determining new word meaning.
E-Enrich Vocabulary
Teach/Review: Prefixes: un, re, pre, in, dis, mis, non; Suffixes: ful, less, y, ly, ily, er, est, ness; and, Base Words/Greek & Latin Roots
A-At the computer
I-ready lessons
D-Do it yourself
Reading comprehension w/ mixed skills (Spectrum) / R- Read w/ Teacher
Phonics, fluency, multisyllabic words, affixes
E- Enrich vocabulary
Using Context to find word meaning
A- At computer
I-ready lessons
D- Do it Yourself
Reading comprehension w/ mixed skills / R-Read w/ Teacher
Phonics, fluency, multisyllabic words, affixes
E-Enrich Vocabulary
Using Context to find word meaning
A-At the computer
I-ready lessons
D-Do it yourself
Reading comprehension w/ mixed skills
COMPUTER LAB 9:40-10:30
LUNCH 10:30-11:00
RECESS 11:00-11:25
Language Arts 11:30-12:45
Reading CCSS:
RL.4.5 Refer to the structural elements of...drama when writing or speaking about a text.
English CCSS:
W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
L.4.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. / R. Language of the Standard:
Structural elements, dialogue, cast of characters, stage directions, setting, script
E. Language of the Standard:
Element, explanation, express, infer, support / R. Essential Question:
How can I write and speak about elements of drama?
E. Essential Question:
Why is the draft an important part of the writing process? / R. I Can:
I can identify and refer to structural elements of dramas.
E. I Can:
I can write a draft for my essay.
Anticipatory Set
Teacher Input
TTW lead a discussion. Have students think about a book or story they read recently. Ask Would it make a good play? Why or why not?
RCC wbp. 312-313
Introduce Elements of Plays
TSW use exerpt from a play to fill in chart describing purpose and examples of structural elements found in the play.
Guided Practice
TSW fill in structural element/definition/ feature chart to explain how each element helps the reader. (Cut apart and place in baggie or envelope in notebook)
Discuss learning target and lesson vocabulary. / READING
Anticipatory Set
TSW take out envelope with structural elements of plays sort and match the elements to their meaning.
Modeled and Guided Instruction
RCC wbp.314-315/318
"Where's My Mummy?"
(TSW read a play to learn about characters and events, and study details about the structural elements of plays.)
TSW create a Tree Map on the board to organize information from the play about characters, setting, and events described in the play.
Anticipatory Set
TTW give students a cut up portion of a play. TSW analyze and decide which structural element of the play they have and place it on the butcher paper around the room to which it belongs.
Teacher Input
TTW go over the responses on the paper and discuss how each element affects understanding of a play.
Guided Instruction
RCC wbp. 316-317/319
"The Lightning Tantrum"
(TSW read the play in groups of 3 to learn the subject, characters, events and structural elements of the play and act out the play in small group. Then, they will answer questions about the play and create a short response.)
*(RF.4.4) / READING
Mixed Practice Test 3.4 / READING
Anticipatory Set
What do each of the plays we have read so far have in common? (Humor) Name some other comedies you've seen, such as movies, tv shows or internet videos. What made them funny?
Independent Practice
RCC wbp. 320-325
"The Endless Tale"
(TSW use knowledge of structural elements for understand characters and events.)
TTW go over student answers whole group using Activote responses and reteach as needed.
TSW get together in groups to perform a reader's theater and act out the play. * (RF.4.4)
Anticipatory Set
Paragraph editing
Teacher Input
TTW introduce Language skills L.4.5c Synonyms and Antonyms and L.4.3c Formal and Informal Language
Guided Instruction
Complete Language Handbook Lesson 22(Synonyms and Antonyms) Lesson 15 (Formal and Informal Language)
Independent Instruction
TSW begin drafting their essay.
Anticipatory Set
Paragraph editing
Teacher Input
TTW introduce Language skills L.4.1a Relative Pronouns and L.4.5 Figurative Language
Guided Instruction
Complete Language Handbook Lesson 1 (Relative Pronouns) Lesson 19 (Similes and Metaphors)
Independent Instruction
TSW finish writing their draft and begin revising and editing.
Science & Social Studies12:45-1:30
Science CCSS
4.SCI.4.f Describe objects in the universe including their movement.
- Physical features of the Moon
- Appearance and movement of the Earth and its moon
3.3 Demonstrate and analyze spatial and ecological perspectives in life situations: organizing a recycling drive.
3.3 Distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors of a responsible citizen. (DOK 2) RCC Lesson 26 / S. Language of the Standard:
Waxing, waning, rotation, crater, lunar, eclipse
S.S. Language of the Standard:
Spatial Perspective; Ecological Perspective; Recycling, Recycling Drive, Acceptable, Unacceptable, Behavior, Responsible, Responsibility, Citizen, Citizenship / S. Essential Question:
How does the moon rotate around the Earth?
S.S. Essential Question:
How do humans impact the environment?
What is responsibility? / Science I Can:
I can describe the features of the moon.
Social Studies I Can:
I can understand ecological perspectives in life situations and responsibilities of citizenship.
MONDAY(Science) / TUESDAY(Science) / WEDNESDAY (Social Studies) / THURSDAY (Social Studies) / FRIDAY
Anticipatory Set
Teacher Input
TTW use the Moon PPT to introduce the Moon, Moon Phases, and the Moon's features. TTW use the moon poem to allow students to learn about the moon's cycle. (Moon Poem on FlipChart)
Guided Instruction
TSW read the differentiated article "Earth's Moon" based on reading levels and answer the questions in groups.
TTW quiz the students on waxing and waning. / Anticipatory Set
Teacher Input
TTW introduce the lunar eclipse through the "BIG RED MOON." (On FlipChart)
Guided Instruction
TSW read the differentiated article "What is a Super Moon?" based on reading levels and answer the questions in groups.
TTW quiz the students on waxing and waning. / cont. from week 3.3
Anticipatory Set
Review Essential Questions
Teacher Input
Teacher will explain ecological and spatial perspective:
Spatial Perspective asks, “Where is it? Why is it there?” This perspective is concerned with spatial patterns of both human and physical phenomena. Ecological perspective looks at the world as a web of relationships between living and non-living elements.
Guided Instruction
Handout 1: TTW introduce students to new vocabulary focusing on prefixes (interactive worksheet), "un, re, dis, pre"
Handout 2: Teacher will read aloud Recycling Paper (handout) and discuss author's reasoning and evidence, RI4.8.
Handout 3: Teacher will read aloud Recycling Drive Day and Local Students Make Big Impact and students will highlight words that help distinguish which is a firsthand and secondhand account RI4.6.
Handout 4: Teacher will read aloud Emily's Dream-students will break into small groups and pairs and discuss theme and character trait RI4.2 and RI4.3.
Independent Instruction
Handout 1: Students will highlight key details that supports author's reasoning and write them in graphic organizer on handout.
Handout 2: Students will complete comprehension questions in independently or in small groups.
Socratic Circle-Compare and contrast all passages (Venn Diagram) / cont. from week 3.3
Anticipatory Set
Review Essential Questions
Teacher Input
Teacher will explain to students that they are going to read the book Recycle by Gail Gibbons.
Guided Instruction
TW break students up into groups:
- Paper (Yellow)
- Glass (Blue)
- Cans (Red)
- Plastic (Green)
- Polystyrene (Orange)
Independent Instruction
Students will read their section of the book (see numbered section above). Students will determine main idea and include key details. On a piece of butcher paper (see colors above), students will write main idea and key details and draw and illustration of their section.
Students will present their projects.
*Discuss School Recycling Program:
Two students from each fourth grade class will collect bins on Friday and empty into large bin located in teacher's lounge.
Remediation Standards:
RI 4.1, RI 4.2, Ri4.3, Ri4.8 / Science LAB
OREO Moon Phases Activity (On Flip Chart)
SPECIALS 1:40-2:25
Reading / Differentiated Reading Passage by Lexile level and questions
"The Ever Changing Sky" / Differentiated Reading Passage by Lexile level and questions
"The Ever Changing Sky" / Differentiated Reading Passage by Lexile level and questions
"The Ever Changing Sky" / Differentiated Reading Passage by Lexile level and questions
"The Ever Changing Sky"