Brescia University College Students’ Council
November 15st,2015
Call to Order at 7:03
Roll Call
Josie Baker
Megan Beitel
Briana Biasone
Ali Caton
Caitie Cheeseman
Eunice Choi
Emily DeGaust
Brittany Ennis
Christine Francis
Gabrielle Guizzo
Nicole Keen
Agnes Lei
Amanda Micallef
Hien Ngo
Sophie Privé
Carissa Smith
Nicole Steadman
Deanna Vezina
Emily Rose West
Brittany White
Hala Ahmed
Brittani Ennis
Beth Jackson
Lauren Read
Brittany White
Adoption of Agenda
Caitie Cheeseman (President): I motion to change the agenda to add three motions under new business.
Ratification of Minutes
Motion carries 14:0
Speaker’s Announcements
Gabby Guizzo (Governance Officer): Will be filling in for Rachelle today. If you have anything to say, raise your placard and state your name and position.
Comments and Questions from the Brescia Community
Executive Updates
Caitie Cheeseman (President):
- Tours
- Presidents roundtable and advocacy summit
- Fall preview day
- Brescia Ball Look Book
- Special meeting of council
- Missed Indigenous Student Strategic Working Group Meeting
- Soph selections
- Joint Board and IPC summit
- Meeting with Pam
- Change Camp
- Kings Ball
- Awards ceremony on Sunday
- Pride week next week
- Dr. Rogers meeting- if anyone has any questions to bring to that let me know
- Advancement committee
- Children's Christmas Party
- Council Christmas party on November 29
- game will be finalized
- Gift under $10
- Prize winner for tackiest sweater
- Midyear Report also due November 29
- Boom Day: Bonding of our members
- Pushed back to January
- Have always gone to Fleetway but can go somewhere else, let Caitie know suggestions
Josie Baker (VP Academics):
- Food and Nutrition rep has resigned- if you are a foods student and would like to help with Foods initiatives please contact Josie, would like to do a food handling certificate
- SPWG meeting Nov 3 - reviewed discovery report
- SEP meeting Nov 6- discussed Brescia One
- Student Advocacy Symposium- Nov 6
- Fall Preview day
- Look Book
- Awards - winners have been notified, Dr. Francolini has matched donation for one of the awards
- Meeting with Pam re. awards
- Will be developing an awards policy
- Indigenous Strategic Plan Working group- discussed making a more diverse campus and bringing awareness to the community
- Council gift
- Academic Dean meeting Tues
- Group art project event
- Change camp
- Midyear reports
- Brescia Awards ceremony
Deanna Vezina (VP Communications):
- HBK meeting cancelled
- Shuttle schedule will be going up soon
- New bulletins
- Meetings with communications
- Met with Briana
- Two exec meetings
- "People of Brescia"
- Midyear report
- Look Book
- Website training Nov 20
Courtney Young (VP Finance):
- New business bank account - opening up an official business account, can do a lot more with it
- Bank reconciliations with Karen
- Clubs finance Commissioner training
- Meeting with Amy
- T4As - in the past Student Council has written them but now Brescia will be
- meeting with CAFP
- Working on special projects reimbursements
- Posting budgets
- Closing clubs bank accounts
- Executive Reports
- Training Clubs Finance Commissioner
Questions Arising from Executive Updates
Members Updates
Megan Beitel (Charity Commissioner):
- Cadence and Megan met with HK for charity committee for relay for life- will be going on in March, if you are interested in applying send her or Cadence an email
- Ronald McDonald House very busy- has put in a form for Jan 16 and Feb 2, once Megan hears back will let council know
Emily Degaust (Special Events Commissioner):
- Thanks to everyone for participating in the Look Book- should be out later this week
Carissa Smith (Second Year Rep):
- Had event this week, went well. Thanks for sending in recipes
Ali Caton (USC Rep):
- Advocacy dinner was a success - 9 out of 15 students were able to attend
- attended with Caitie and Beth, as well as USC president Sophie and she would like to do it again
- Attended USC special meeting last Wednesday
- president and VP will be elected together by students at large
- Student Programs officer will be elected by council
- Communications Officer, Secretary and Treasurer will be hired
- Chair of Appeals Board Committee- please apply and tell others to as well, will have lots of interviews
Sophie Privé (FormalEventsCommissioner):
- Will be working on workbook with Brittany and photographer on Tuesday
- Looking for sober monitors- need 16, tickets will be $30 and it would be for both nights, please contact if interested by next Sunday
MadyLutterman (Arts and Humanities Rep):
Event on Tuesday from 11-1pm- group art project , come stop by and tell people
Amanda Micallef (Off Campus Rep):
- Event has been approved and finalized: Nov 30 12-3 in Mericiloung- Christmas movie and snacks
Agnes Lei (Culture and Diversity Commissioner):
- First event was two weeks ago, it went well, thanks to everyone who helped
BrittaniShroeder (Brescia Buzz):
- No one submitted anything for the Writing contest so will try it again next semester
Nicole Steadman (Mature and Transfer Student Rep):
- Christmas party - catering details, meeting with Cadence tomorrow
Hien Ngo (O director):
- Head Soph apps have been submitted- 12 applicants
- Diversity pillar event this week (Monday)
- Time Capsule event by leadership pillar Wednesday
Questions Arising from Members Updates
Caitie Cheeseman (President): Jan 16 is the date of Brescia Ball, can we reschedule?
Megan: Yes,we also have Feb 2.
Budget Update Motion
Whereas the Brescia University College Students’ Council is updating its budget,
Whereas, this update will allow the BUCSC to more accurately represent the expenses and programming opportunities for our new member,
Whereas, this update will also allocate unused budgets to different lines to ensure that the budgets will be used during the year.
Be it Resolved that the BUCSC accepts the new changes to the budget as per their attached budget updates.
Courtney Young (VP Finance) speaking to the motion: Was done last meeting when wasn't here, just reallocating some of the funds- bank fees has been allocated, moved $300 to contingency, will use the money more effectively if dealt with after Brescia Ball
Caitie Cheeseman: For foods and nutrition programming, it's still important so we'd like to maintain that budget. With senior year rep budget, would like to do a gift for the graduating students
Motion carries 15:0
Noted abstentions:
New Business
Whereas there is currently no outdoor hard copy of the Brescia shuttle schedule,
Whereas an accessibleand easy to read and schedule is much needed
Be it resolved that the BUCSC allocates $149.99 from its special projects budget in order to fund the shuttle stop sign at the Brescia shuttle bus stop
Deanna Vezina(VP Communications) speaking to the motion: Something the students wanted
Caitie Cheeseman (President): Is this for every single shuttle bus stop?
Vezina: No, Brescia only responsible for the one on our campus
Motion carries 15:0
Noted abstentions
Motion 2
Whereas the BUCSC President ran a platform to improve student spaces at Brescia
Whereas student leaders ie clubs presidents, the soph peer mentor team, and members of council have identified an increased need for storage space for their event material
Whereas the college is willing to rent St. James rm. 40 on the grounds that fireproof cabinets of their choosing are purchased
Be it resolved that the BUCSC allocate $1186.60 from special projects funds to purchase the cabinets for additional storage
Cheeseman speaking to the motion: Getting us 3 large-scale cabinets that are lockable, college has a contingency for this clubs space that they will not be accessible to us unless we buy these cabinets. All clubs have been stating that they need more space and the college is giving us this space for free so this is something I am comfortable with them.
Ali Catton (USC rep): Is there an agreement with the college that they can't take away this space if we decided to spend $1200 on the cabinets?
Cheeseman: Originally filed for a temporary space guarantee in Ursuline Hall and they changed that to a permanent space guarantee for St. James so it should be at least for the next 5 years
Hien Ngo (O Week Director): Will they be locked?
Caitie: Each of the boxes has an access key which can be signed out at front desk for security purposes. All cabinets have their individual lock system. Clubs can have their own shelves with own security system to keep their materials secure.
Josie Baker (VP Academics) speaking in favour of the motion: it prevents clubs from keeping stuff in our office
Motion carries 15:0
Noted abstentions:
Motion 3
Whereas the BUCSC holds office hours daily with our members at large
Whereas the office chair is old and broken
the BUCSC is at risk of the chair breaking
Be it resolved that $100 is allocated from the special projects fund for a new office chair
Josie Baker: We need a new chair.
Carissa Smith (2nd Year rep): All this money is coming out of special projects. How much money do we have?
Cheeseman: We have a lot of money in Special projects.
Catton: Is $100 enough to get a chair that will be able to last we more than a year?
Cheeseman: Chairs are on sale at staples ($200 chairs on sale for $75. We should probably buy a new chair every 5 years given that they're used so much
Motion carries 15:0
Noted abstentions:
Roll Call
Josie Baker
Megan Beitel
Briana Biasone
Ali Caton
Eunice Choi
Emily DeGaust
Brittany Ennis
Christine Francis
Gabrielle Guizzo
Nicole Keen
Ashley Kwarciak
Agnes Lei
Maddy Lutterman
Amanda Micallef
Hien Ngo
Sophie Privé
Carissa Smith
Nicole Steadman
Deanna Vezina
Emily Rose West
Brittany White
Hala Ahmed
Brittani Ennis
Beth Jackson
Lauren Read
Cadence Rhamey
Adjournment at 7:46
Next Meeting: November 29, 2015 at 7pm