Appealing against the decision to disapplya complaint Internal Use Only

We must receive your appeal within 29 days of the date of the letter telling you about the outcome of the complaint. This includes the time your appeal spends in the post.

Please tick the appropriate box: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other (please specify)
First name: (Please write clearly) / Surname: (Please write clearly)
Home telephone : / Mobile telephone:
Date you made your complaint / Reference number (if known)
What was the reason(s) given to disapply? Please select one or more of the reason(s) below (if known).
The complaint is out of timein that more than 12 months have passed between the incident and the complaint, and either:
  • No good reason for the delay has been shown
  • Because of the delay injustice would be caused

The matter is already subject to a complaint(the matter has already been raised as a complaint by the same person, or someone acting on behalf of them)
The complaint is repetitious
The complaint is anonymous
It was considered not reasonably practicable to proceed (for example this could be due to a refusal to make a statement or assist with the investigation)
The complaint was considered to be vexatious and/or oppressive (this means the complaint is without foundation and could cause harsh and/or unfair treatment of the person complained about)
The complaint was considered to be an abuse of the procedures for dealing with complaints (this means when the complaints process has been misused or unfairly influenced)
Please explain why you want to appeal based on the reason(s) selected above, continuing on a separate sheet if necessary.
If you have any documents that support your appeal please list below or attach to them to this form when submitting your appeal
Signature of the person making this appeal: / Date:
Equality Monitoring
Dyfed Powys Police, like all public bodies, is obliged to record the diversity of those using its services and is committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to them. Please answer the following questions about yourself, so that we can make sure this is happening. The information will only be used for the reasons outlined, and will remain confidential. You do not have to answer the questions, and may prefer not to answer. This will not make any difference to the way you are treated.
Male / Transgender - Male
Female / Transgender – Female
Other / Prefer not to say
No Religion / Sikh
Christian / Muslim
Buddhist / Any other religion
Hindu / Prefer not to say
Heterosexual or straight / Any other orientation
Gay or Lesbian / Prefer not to say
White / Mixed
White British / White and Black Caribbean
White Irish / White and Black African
Any other White background / White and Asian
Any other mixed background
Asian or Asian British / Black or Black British
Indian / Caribbean
Pakistani / African
Bangladeshi / Any other Black background
Any other Asian background
Chinese or other EthnicGroup / Not stated
Any other ethnic group
Where to send this form
Please return this form to the Dyfed Powys Police Professional Standards Department.
By Post:
Professional Standards Department, Dyfed-Powys Police, PO Box 99, Llangunnor,
Carmarthen, SA31 2PF
By email:

In Person:
Hand in to your local Police station
Can I appeal about the decision to disapply in relation to my complaint?
Disapply means stopping the complaints process before an investigation begins. You can appeal about the outcome of a complaint after the decision to disapply, except when the complaint relates to a direction and control issue.
Direction and control means the overall policies of a police force, for example police resources and policing standards.
You can appeal if:
•your complaint has been disapplied
•you are not happy with the action that was taken after the decision to disapply
•you are not happy that no action was taken
•you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint after the decision to disapply
•you think that the outcome of your complaint after the decision to disapply was not a proper one. This means that, for example, you believe the outcome was not appropriate to the complaint, or the outcome did not reflect the evidence available.
Additional Notes (if required)