Monday 24th October 2016
Heatherdale Cricket Club
Apologies:Peter White, Margaret McIntosh,
Meeting Opened: 7.50pm
Presidents Report:
- Club withdrawals have created an unfair, and unrealistic, workload to change fixturing and grading. This has largely fallen to Steve Flemming and Michael Van Zuyden who have done an enormous job in the circumstances. To go from 0 withdrawals last season to 6 seniors, 5 vets and at least 10 juniors is extremely concerning, But what is unacceptable is the timing of these in the week before the season and now in the early weeks of the season. This will be further reviewed by the CoM in an effort to avoid repeating this next season.
- Some redrawn grades will play games on neutral grounds
Treasurers Report:As tabled
Investment Account / $12,706.12Cheque Account / $1,142.85
TOTAL / $13,848.97
Receipts on hand / $245.00
Accounts on hand / $4,971.92
Outstanding invoices / $66,664.50
TOTAL / $75,296.55
- Clubs will be invoiced in the next 2 weeks for affiliation fees & score books with the ask to pay by November 30 or contact the treasurer to make arrangements
- President noted that outstanding monies owed by non BHRDCA clubs had been paid in full
Report acceptance moved Blackburn South 2ndSt Davids CARRIED
Administration Managers Report:
- Rules have been updated and now have a version control
- The heat rule will be invoked for senior cricket based on the forecast temperature on the pAM news on 3AW – 693 on the AM dial
- Transfers from Premier cricket will be allowed with Premier cricket now playing nominated Sunday games where the player is playing Saturdays within the BHRDCA.
- A number of clearances are allowed to run their 14 days. If you want it approved faster then be proactive and contact the other club
- Some clubs have had transfers and clearances rejected by My Cricket due to incorrect applications
Marketing & Sponsorship Managers Report:
- Welcome New Media Manager Paul Hooper – radio show opportunity for clubs to promote themselves and sponsors
- Lexus meeting Wednesday 26th Oct 2016 regarding ball sponsorship
- Beyond Blue Round 5 (Flyer provided to clubs tonight) Sponsor Geyer Accountants
- Top Notch volunteer of the month - We are asking all clubs to submit via email and in 50 words
or less, your club’s hard worker. He, or she, junior or senior, it doesn’t matter, highlight what they do around the club, how long they have been doing it for and what the club would miss without them. Jo will post the link once established
- Season launch was extremely successful and the sponsors feedback was very positive, thanks to the clubs for supporting the night
Umpires Report:
- Numbers are fluctuating but will settle by round 4
- Clubs encouraged to ask players in grades where there are BYES to consider umpiring that round
Junior Section Report:
- Many changes to grading and the final fixtures are now loaded into My Cricket
- Any ground clash issues have now been resolved and also are reflected in My Cricket
- A cheat sheet for scoring and match day information has been circulated and is version controlled
- Girls competition has started and is now combined with ECA to form Inner East Girls Cricket
Veterans Section Report: (PR on behalf of PW)
- Some clubs have withdrawn sides necessitating some fixture amendments
- The round scheduled for October 23 was washed out and will now be made up on November 27
- Representative games for over 40s, 50s, 60s, Sunday December 11
General Business:
- T20 dates of play announced – NOV 8 15 22 DEC 13 JAN 17 semi final JAN 31 Grand Final FEB 14 – All clubs confirmed sides and grounds. My cricket to be updated once the draw is completed during cup week
- With grade movements the match ratio will come into play to determine final ladders. After a question from KHCC and subsequent discussion, the president advised the formula is total match points divided by games played. Where a match ratio is the same, percentage is the next point of reference of ladder positions
- Forfeits need to be advised to both the association AND the opposition. A reminder that time has been extended to noon on Friday before you need to forfeit
- Upcoming tri series between ECA & RDCA, date TBA but likely late November
- Ross Chambers advised clubs will be emailed asking for U/21 nominations for the rep side
- Steve Flemming advised PPS compliance was excellent and any new players need to be added during the season
- Peter Rosenthal reminded clubs they could submit a side for the washed out games that were one day games but needed to do so consistent with My Cricket timelines. The retirement rule for one day games in 64 over grades is 50 runs.
Meeting closed 9.05pm
Next Meeting TBA