1.General Statement

Our policy is intended to inform and provide a reference for:

All members of staff, supply, students etc.

The Governing Body


LEA Officers


Other professionals and therapists

Interested outside agencies and visitors.

Gateshead Council recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer for providing safe and healthy conditions for employees, pupils, students, visitors and others who may be affected by its activities.

Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work, etc, Act 1974 places duties on all employees while at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and to co-operate with the employers so far as is necessary in order for the employer to fulful any of the relevant statutory provisions. It places duties on both employers and employees to take reasonable steps to ensure that the premises, any equipment and substances provided for use therein, are safe and without risks to health.

Most of the Councils’ services should have some specific policies. These policies underpin our approach to health and safety management and are the key documents which must be adhered to and which must be brought to the attention of all employees.

The health and safety of staff and pupils within the school is the joint responsibility of the LEA, the governors and the Head Teacher as specified in the Education Reform act 1988. The Health and Safety Policy of Gibside School complies with the LA Health and Safety Policy (reference 1) and should be read in conjunction with it.

A Health and Safety Sub Committee has been formed by the governing Body.

The Health and Safety Sub Committee are to inspect the school premises once per term and submit their report and recommendations to the Head Teacher and Governing Body.

……………………………………………………………………………………………..Date ……16.09.13……………………..

Michelle Chapman, Chair of Governors

……………………………………………………………………………………………..Date ………19.09.13…………………….

Jane Bryant (Head Teacher)

2.Responsibilities & Duties

2.1School Governors

  1. To comply with the Local Authority’s Health and Safety Policy, including the monitoring and review of procedures within their school
  2. To approve the schools Health and Safety Policy
  3. To ensure that adequate resources are available to fulfil the aims and objectives of the policy.
  4. To ensure that actions are taken in respect of health and safety matters and will be familiar with the basic requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc, Act 1974 and any new legislation which affects the running of the school.
  5. To receive annual reports from Head Teacher on health and safety issues at Governors meetings.
  6. To facilitate the work of any accredited Trade Union Health and Safety Representative.
  7. To appoint a sub committee to deal with Health & Safety who will carry out termly Health and Safety inspections and risk assessments.

2.2Head Teacher

  1. It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to ensure that policies are monitored and followed and to correct any short comings.
  2. To be responsible for day-to-day management of all health and safety matters in school in accordance with the Health & Safety Policy and LA Health & Safety Policy.
  3. To ensure the circulation of information on health and safety matters and where appropriate consult with safety representative, members of staff and others for specific aspects of health and safety.
  4. To identify and make arrangements for training for all staff, including induction of new employees and where necessary, retraining of existing staff with respect to health and safety as and when the need arises. See relevant school induction forms and also LA policy for further information
  5. To liaise and report to Governors and LA with annual report.
  6. Will ensure that risk assessments are carried out and reviewed once a year.
  7. To ensure that termly health and safety inspections are carried out.
  8. To ensure adequate resources are available
  9. To encourage employees to suggest ways and means of eliminating hazards.
  10. To investigate and report accidents as appropriate and ensure remedial action is taken to prevent recurrence.
  11. To liaise with the Council’s Health and Safety Officer as appropriate.
  12. To facilitate the work of any accredited Trade Union Health and Safety Representative.

2.3Safety Representative

  1. To ensure implementation of policy.
  2. To report staff/pupil problems to Head Teacher.
  3. To act on health and safety teams recommendations.
  4. To attend Health and Safety sub committee meeting.
  5. Staff
  1. To work in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy and be familiar with health and safety procedures.
  2. To check visually that classroom/work areas and any equipment used are safe before being used and kept in good condition.
  3. To ensure that safety procedures are followed and any necessary protective equipment is used.
  4. To report any problems/accidents to the appropriate person and suggest any improvements in safe practices/eliminating hazards.
  5. To use the correct equipment and tools for the job.
  6. To be aware of any action to be taken in an emergency situation.
  7. To seek appropriate advice as and when required.


  1. To attend health and safety sub committee meetings.
  2. To be aware of Health and Safety matters relevant to his duties and possible risks on the premises.
  3. To report any problems to the Head Teacher
  4. To report health and safety problems to the LEA when immediate attention is needed in the absence of the Head Teacher
  5. To check the recreational and surrounding areas daily for rubbish or dangers.
  6. To carry out regular routine procedures according to his role as caretaker/handyman, e.g. termly drills, heating system safety checks, water checks etc.
  7. To carry our termly inspection of the premises in liaison with the Head Teacher.

3.Aims and Objectives

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees, pupils and visitors.
  • To provide information, training and supervision as is needed for this purpose.
  • To pursue the objectives of the Authority in respect of health and safety.
  • To set up, in the school, arrangements to cover health and safety requirements and to produce a written policy of those arrangements to be brought to the attention of all staff.
  • To review this policy as necessary.
  • To note all instructions and advice issued by the LA and bring them to the attention of the staff.
  • To ensure that all areas of the school are inspected once per term.
  • To ensure that a system is established for the reporting, recording and investigation of accidents.
  • To ensure that effective procedures are in place for the evacuation of the building in case of fire or other emergency and that fire fighting equipment is available and maintained.
  • Provide systems to collect information from and inform parents of Health and Safety issues/procedures.
  • To provide adequate first aid cover according to health and safety regulations. (First Aid) 1981 (see LEA Health & Safety Policy)

3.1Monitoring Arrangements

  • The Health & safety Sub Committee will monitor the procedures via their inspections and an Annual review of this document. Their findings will be reported to the Head Teacher and Governing Body.

4.Accident Reporting

Accidents/injuries should be reported to school Business Manager/Head Teacher/Deputy. The accident books (kept in Reception) should be completed for minor accidents to pupils and staff. For other accidents/injuries an online incident/accident form must be completed and you can find this on the server. Please advise School Business Manager when this is completed as the second part has to be completed and emailed within a maximum of 5 days.

5.Medical Emergencies/Major Accidents

  • Summon First Aiders to a medical emergency immediately.
  • The Head Teacher to be informed immediately if on site, otherwise deputy head teacher (or senior teacher if necessary).
  • AFirst Aider present will telephone 999, giving school’s location and nature of medical emergency. They should also telephone parents. (If only one First Aider is present the senior member of staff will do this)
  • A minimum of people should be involved at the emergency – nurse(s), the staff member who was a witness and a senior member of staff (head, deputy or senior teacher).
  • A senior staff member (or a First Aider in absence of senior staff) should take charge of the incident and see that staff and children leave the scene quietly, leaving the minimum number of adults at the scene. Children who witness the emergency may be anxious and it may be necessary later to reassure them about the pupil’s welfare.
  • When paramedics arrive, the nurse in attendance will give the necessary medical information and the staff witness can relate the circumstances of the incident.
  • A familiar member of the class team should accompany the child to hospital and wait there for the parent’s arrival.
  • Accident Report to be completed by staff witness to accident and passed to head teacher for monitoring.
  • A review meeting of staff involved may be necessary, depending on circumstances of the emergency incident.

6.First Aid Provision

  • Our first aiders Christine Wood, Jeanette Malloy, Donna Yildiz and Joanna Hunter will administer first aid as necessary to adult and children. They are responsible for maintaining the contents of our first aid boxes. Gillian Ramsay & Pat Sanderson will cover in their absence. Paediatric first aider is Doreen Taylor.
  • 3 clearly marked boxes are stored in the school. One is located in the main hall, one in the top corridor of school and one outside the food technology room.
  • Each bus is provided with a first aid box.
  • These boxes are replenished by the First Aiders and should contain: -

Guidance card 1

Eye Pad Dressing & Bandage 3

Triangular Bandages 3

Safety Pins 12

Medium Dressings 6

Large Dressings 2

Cleansing Wipes30

Finger Dressing 3

Microporous Tape 1

In addition, the following items are held in the nurses room: -

  • 2 Sterile Eyewash
  • Eye Baths
  • Blunt Ended Scissors
  • Plastic Gloves
  • Disposable Aprons
  • Disposable Bags

There are 3 Ice Packs in food technology room (these to be checked each time the first aid boxes are monitored, there are relevant tick boxes on the monitoring sheet)

First Aid boxes to be monitored termly and topped up, reporting to Head Teacher by photocopying completed monitoring sheets.

  • In the case of less serious injuries requiring hospital treatment. If the parent is not available, a member of staff and an escort will transport the child in an insured vehicle.
  • Minor injuries are treated in accordance with the regulations, i.e. by use of water and clean dressing.
  • If there is any concern regarding the seriousness of an injury particularly to the head, the emergency services will be called and the injured person taken to hospital.
  • Parents will be informed of all injuries.
  • A record of emergency contact numbers/addresses is kept for each student.
  • It continues to be class teachers’ responsibility to let parents know about any injuries to children. Christine/Jeanette will advice if there is anything specific that parents should be told. Parents should be informed in home/school diary on the same day or by telephone at the end of the day if staff feel this is more appropriate.

7.Medical Conditions

  • Records of students’ medical conditions are kept by the school and by the nurse. Parents should inform the school of any alterations.
  • If students are ill they should be kept at home, both for their own benefit and to reduce the risk of spreading infection.
  • School nurses will liaise with parents with regard to medical conditions.
  • Staff may, in some instances, need to communicate health matters via phone or school diaries. (Confidentiality will be respected and maintained at all times)
  • A GMED form (Administration of Medication) must be completed by parents before medication is given at school. School nurses/Class Team are responsible for organising these forms and other documentation relating to medical needs of pupils.
  • All medication will be stored in a locked cupboard or locked drugs trolley which are the responsibility of the school nurses/Class Team
  • In the absence of a nursing assistant, it is at the discretion of staff whether they administer emergency medication. Staff who volunteer to administer emergency medication must be trained to do so.
  • A staff member will be responsible for any medication necessary when a child is on an out of school visit.
  • Where possible a nursing assistant will accompany students with medical needs on residential visits but if this is not possible a volunteer member of staff will be responsible for medical care.

8.Infectious & Reportable Diseases Procedure

Infectious Diseases

See Infectious Control & Communicable Diseases – Guidelines for Schools (copy in Head Teacher’s room)

If an infectious disease is suspected, the class teacher and school nurse are to consult together and inform the head immediately.The head will discuss with the school nurse and agree action according to the Health Authority guidelines.The class teacher is to inform all staff involved with the pupil of the situation, including implications for handling/management.

Reportable Diseases

The following diseases are reportable: -


Dysentery e.g. shigellaPoliomyelitis

Food poisoning e.g. SalmonellaStreptococcal infections


Impetigotyphoid or paratyphoid

MeaslesWhooping Cough

If we receive information of a diagnosis by GP (or School Doctor) of any of these diseases then the class teacher is to inform the head Teacher immediately and ensure all staff involved with the pupil are aware of the situation as soon as possible including implication for management/handling.

The head teacher will discuss /report the situation to the CCDC (Consultant in Communicable Disease Control) and follow his advice on any action thereafter. The Head Teacher will also inform the Education Department.

Reference: -

‘Infectious Control and Communicable Disease – Guidelines for Schools’ (Gateshead and South Tyneside Health Authority).

9Hygiene Precautions

  • A high standard of personal hygiene is always encouraged.
  • Children should wash hands after using the toilet and before lunch or food technology.
  • Staff should observe strict standards of hygiene at all times to prevent cross infection.
  • Changing Areas – to prevent cross infection, staff to always wear rubber gloves and an apron if necessary. Fresh gloves and apron to be used for each child. Changing beds and toilet areas to be cleaned and dried after each use. Macerators – only 1 nappy at a time to prevent blockage. Machines need to be regularly run empty with a sheet of blue roll to ease clearances.
  • Antibacterial Hand Hygiene Gel is available in each class and throughout school.

9aBody Fluid Spillages

Urine, Vomit, Faeces, Blood – All spillages of body fluids should be dealt with immediately. Wearing gloves mop up as much of the spillage as possible with absorbent white roll or paper towels. This can be disposed of into a plastic waste sack. Indoors, clean the area with ‘Screen’ detergent, (available ready diluted in nurses room & pool room). For spillages outside (e.g. in the playground) sluice the area with Screen. Small spillages of blood outside do not pose a recognisable risk and do not need to be cleaned. Do not forget to wash your hands after you have taken the gloves off and dispose of the gloves in one of the bathroom black bin sacks. They must not be put in a normal bin.

9bFood Hygiene

  • The door to the food Technology should be kept locked when the room is not in use.
  • No child should be in the room unless a responsible adult is present.
  • Any spills on the floor should be moped up or swept up immediately with the equipment provided.
  • All equipment used in practical sessions should be thoroughly cleaned and checked before being put away.
  • All cloths and aprons used in practical sessions will be washed daily.
  • Pupils should be encouraged to maintain good personal and food hygiene in kitchen areas.
  1. Fire Safety
  • Fire extinguishers are to be checked monthly by school caretaker and annually by LEA contractors and recorded in the logbook.
  • Fire alarms are to be checked weekly by school caretaker and quarterly by LES and recorded in the logbook.
  • The fire drill regulations are displayed in each area of the school.
  • Fire drills are held once per term
  • Staff receive instruction on fire fighting equipment.
  • Access to fire fighting equipment must not be obstructed.
  • Fire doors must not be blocked or wedged open.
  • Fire exit doors must not be blocked and during working lessons must not be locked.
  • Fire escape routes are to be kept unobstructed and to be clearly and appropriately signed.
  • All staff are required to do Fire Safety Training on a 6 monthly basis.
  1. Electrical safety
  • A register is kept of all electrical equipment and any faulty equipment is either repaired promptly by a competent person or discarded.
  • A visual check of portable equipment must be carried out by staff before its use. Staff to report any defective equipment e.g. loose plugs or cables to the caretaker.
  • Pupils to be taught about the dangers of electricity and safe practice is encouraged, where possible.
  • Trailing wires e.g. for computer equipment, should not run across walkways. Tape down wires form audiovisual presentation equipment when in use.
  1. Hazardous Substances

The treatment of any such substance will be dealt with in accordance with ‘COSHH’ regulations (see LEA Health & Safety Policy). Written risk assessments are undertaken by the caretaker and Health & Safety committee where necessary and displayed in appropriate areas. Any problems concerning asbestos will de dealt with in accordance with the LEA asbestos policy and only when school is empty of students and staff. Any employee, who suspects that any materials that they are about to work on or disturb contains asbestos, should first report this contact to Head Teacher.