LCS Web team–19 July 2012
Apologies: None
Project / Description / Tasks / Deadline / ResponsibilityICADLA 3 Website / Awaiting EasyChair
Icadla3 setup LP & CR / Ongoing
EasyChair / Software that runs a Conference / Find out how the payment gateway work -> awaiting reply from CNS
How to use the software -> create a dummy conference to test
Find out who is responsible for EasyChair software in CNS -> No one at CNS available to assist / 31/07/2012 / Khulisa
UWL website
/ Prioritize services and pages to add to the website. Start small and add content where required.
LCS does NOT create content / Ongoing / Vernon
/ IR team responsibilities are:
- marketing
- help academics get content
- university committees on policies
- not involved in digitation
- Audio Testing for Historical Papers
- Hard drive installed
- Debra to have access
- Batch load data once access obtained from Drew
- InCites: draw in all Wits publications into WIReDSpace. NOT full text.
- Harvest Wits related content
- LP to investigate a software that needs to be installed to run with InCites
- WIReDSpace – news items and theme
- News via RSS -> RSS is not working
- Show latest additions and most popular items on home screen
- VN -> Cambridge site to look for new implementations on WIReDSpace & compile site (theme and way things are organized)
- CR: rec’d project document and technical contact for follow up (f/u with Stanley) (re research office meeting)
- The meeting happened on 03/07/2012 with InfoEd
- Talk to research office about MetaData requirements
- Setup I.P access to the DSpace test server
- Awaiting new version
- Automatic submission module
- How will RIMS affect Vireo? -> requires 1.8.
- Report sent to research office… awaiting feedback
- SWORD (Harvesting and Easy Deposit):
- Sword server is running
- LP setup a Client -> ask VN to test with him -> Client is not depositing to the test server -> LP to ask Hilton
- Metadata/ETDMS to be updated to improve searching. Long term project that will involve Tech Services expertise CR & SS -> Charl to meet with Moira
- MetaData/ETDMS-> special project
- Theme / XML issue
- News load/ticker to be added to live server
- IP Access - Tech List Q&A
- LP is working with the Tech List previous posts -> Problem with authentication
- LP to test on new version
- WIReDSpace Audit
- Read the documents sent by CR and discuss in the Next meeting
Social Media /
- WitsClips (CR)
- What’s new (KS to update)
- Library blog (CR & KS)
- Projects (SM, PB & CR)
- WIReDSpace news (LP)
- RSS (SS)
- Facebook (SS)
- Twitter (SS)
- OPAC/Airpac (SS & KS)
- YouTube (SS)
- VN takes over at sending reminder every second week – CR to f/u at SMT
- To include Rachel Lois to submit info for all.
Primo back end / Staging URL: /
- Upgrade to Primo 4. CR to take place on the 8th and the 15th of July
- On staging
- VN to test when confirmed primo 4 installation is complete
Primo Mobile Content / Only available in German – no English version.
Primo front end /
- LP ->Dynamic interactive (RSS, Blog, questionpoint, etc.)
OCLC WorldCat Local /
- Loading of bib records to be completed en Sep (latest)
- Proxy not loading no access to online resources
- Withdrawn (OPAC) items should also be edited on MILL catalogue
- KS -> investigating options for disability viewing – awaiting III feedback
New ILS /
- Sierra, WorldCat Local etc.
- Placed on budget for 2013
- Neli requires bulleted list of options for finance
Historical Papers /
- (staging)
- (live)
ICA Atom Software /
- CR -> follow up CNS (who deals with this software)
- Page down
- CR investigating Canadian installation and maintenance
Digital commons /
- Digital collections on a single site and searchable
- Michelle requires follow up meeting
- Working image rotation scripts for front
- Content available
- CR to setup a meeting with Paresh to look at the space requirements
- VN to check on the CoolIris software and other free software – not launched as yet
NRF National IR Project /
- project working
- CR training University of Limpopo 27/08/2012
- Metadata scheme to check
Statistics / Where do we find statistics:
UWL website
TRC site
Historical papers
WIReDSpace stats / Lewatle
Zendesk / VN -> Bug - Feedback (satisfaction) re-opens the call (call logged with Zendesk)
Copy and paste images into call and not upload as attachments / Vernon
Open Journal System (OJS) / PKP / No access to servers for upgrade
No feedback from Lucy/CNS / Lewatle
LibCal / Liguides / Springshare / LibCal
- Broken links from guides themselves
- Print error lists for next portal meeting
- No update
E-Resources Access Issues /
- SABS standards document link -> new version online and working
- Endnote -> questions – VN to attend course (Mac version)
- All resource related issues to be VN as 1st tier support