March 5, 2018
Town Administrator’s reports are available on-line at
Volunteer Openings. Currently there are openings on the following: (2) Conservation Commission, (2) Parks & Recreation Committee; (1) Planning Board Alternate; and (1) Library Trustee. These are listed on the Town’s website under Volunteer Opportunities.
Elected Position. The Town Caucus was held last week and the Planning Board has 1 opening with no candidates. If anyone is interested in running for this position, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office.
Sherbert Road. Town officials from Ashburnham and Winchendon met today to discuss the Sherbert road water main/road project. More information is required by USDA in order to pursue them as a potential funding source. The updated time line has this project slated for the Special Town Meeting in the fall at the earliest.
Veteran Service’s Agent/Officer. The Town is working on a Memorandum of Understanding with Westminster and Hubbardston for our next VSO. The agreement will run with Westminster being the host community and each town paying on a quarterly basis the salary for the employee as a invoice, agreed upon up front. This will work similar to our Animal Control Agreement with Gardner.
Police Department. The Town has filled the open Full-time patrolman position with the addition of Police Officer Brian Rosengren effective April 4, 2018. Mr. Rosengren comes to us as a seasoned officer.
Budget FY19. Budget is underway. Advisory board meets on the 22nd of March to review and the plan is to do a presentation of the budget on the 2nd of April.
Health Insurance. Plan changes are possible for FY19. We are still reviewing the comparisons and a report will be provided to the Select Board at the next meeting for a decision on the direction for the Town for FY19.
Procurement. The Town currently has an open bid for Accounting and IT services. Both bids close by the middle of March. The goal is to bring the Accounting bids before the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting on March 19th.
Senior Tax Exemptions. We met with the Assessor’s Office a few weeks ago to discuss the current qualifications for Senior Tax Exemptions and the current exemption amounts. The TA’s office will be putting forward an article for ATM relative to increasing both the qualifications and exemptions to be comparable with the local region.
On-Going Projects—No updateat this time
- ADA Grant
- CCC Grant
- Complete Streets
- DLTA Grant
- Green Communities Grant
- Health Insurance
- Meissner Property
- MOU Gardner
- Parking Main Street-Signage
- Route 101 S
- Route 101 N
- Sherbert Road
- Visit of Liquor Establishments in Town
- Watatic Dam
- USDA Application