Commerce Department
National Bureau of Standards
SuDoc C13.18– C13.46.750
C13.18:Y3/927. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standards Yearbook 1927. 1927.
C13.18:Y3/929. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standards Yearbook 1929. 1929.
C13.18:Y3/930. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standards Yearbook 1930. 1930.
C13.22/2:76A. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Physics and Chemistry Section A: Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. 1972.
C13.22/Sec.A:71A/6. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Phsyics and Chemistry Section A: Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. 1967.
C13.22/Sec.B:78B/3. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Mathematical Sciences. 1974.
C13.32:60. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Matrix Representation of Groups. 1968.
C13.32:61. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Lectures on Modular Forms. 1969.
C13.32:62. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Cyclic Designs. 1972.
C13.32:63. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of Two-Associate-Class Partially Balanced Designs. 1973.
C13.36/5:7/972/22 - C13.36/5:32. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. NBS Publications Newsletter July 1972 - December 1976. 1972 – 1976. (11 vols.)
C13.37/4:L61/973x. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. US Governmnet Depository Libraries Receiving National Bureau of Standards Publications. 1973.
C13.44:25/sec.3 - C13.44:25/sec.13. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standard X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns. 1964 - 1976. (11 vols.)
C13.44:20. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Ideal Gas Thermodynamic Functions and Isotope Exchange Functions for the Diatomic Hydrides, Deuterides and Tritides. 1961.
C13.44:32/supp.. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Revision of the NBS Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities Below 2450 A. 1967.
C13.44:27/supp.2. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Bibliography of Temperature Measurement July 1960 to Deecember 1965. 1967.
C13.44:35/supp.1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement January 1960 to December 1965. 1967.
C13.44:76. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. An Engineering Method for Calculating Protection Afforded by Structures Against Fallout Radiation. 1964.
C13.44:77. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Sound Insulation of Wall, Floor, and Door Constructions. 1964.
C13.44:78. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Complete Mode Sum for LF, VLF, ELF Terrestrial Radio Wave Fields. 1964.
C13.44:85. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Study of Lunar Surface Radio Communication. 1964.
C13.44:86. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Investigation of the Hydraulics of Horizontal Drains in Plumbing Systems. 1964.
C13.44:87. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Oxidation of Polycyclic, Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Review of the Literature. 1965.
C13.44:88. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Heat Treatment and Properties of Iron and Steel. 1966.
C13.44:90. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Calibration of Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers. 1965.
C13.44:91/2. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Automatic Indexing: A State-of-the-Art Report. 1965.
C13.44:93. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Spot Diagrams for the Prediction of Lens Performance from Design Data. 1965.
C13.44:94. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermodynamic and Related Properties of Parahydrogen from the Triple Point to 100 K at Pressures to 340 Atmospheres. 1965.
C13.44:95. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Table of Radiation Characteristics for Uniformly Spaced Optimum Endfire Arrays with Equal Sidelobes. 1965.
C13.44:97/errata. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Errata Shet for NBS Monograph 97. 1965.
C13.44:98. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Abscissas and Weights for Gaussian Quadrature for N=2 to 100 and N=125,150,175 and 200. 1966.
C13.44:99. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Automatic Typographic-Quality Typesetting Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review. 1967.
C13.44:101. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Copper and Selected Copper Alloys: A Compilation From the Literature. 1967.
C13.44:102. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Effects of Finite Lattice Heat Capacity on Spin-Lattice Relaxation. 1967.
C13.44:103. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Realistic Uncertainties and the Mass Measurement Process An Illustrated Review. 1967.
C13.44:106. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Nickel and Its Alloys. 1968.
C13.44:107. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Acceleration Due to Gravity at the National Bureau of Standards. 1968.
C13.44:108. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Oscillator Strengths and Transition Probabilities for 3288 Lines of Fe. 1968.
C13.44:109. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Investigations of the Exploding Wire Process as a Source for High Temperature Studies. 1968.
C13.44:111. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Technology of Liquid Helium. 1968.
C13.44:112. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. An Introduction to the Description and Evaluation of Microwave Systems Using Invariant Parameters. 1969.
C13.44:113/v.1 - C13.44:113/v.3. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Research and Development in the Computer and Information Sciences. 1970. (3 vols.)
C13.44:114. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Survey of Micronanometers. 1970.
C13.44:115. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Calculation of Rotational Energy Levels and Rotational Line Intensities in Diatomic Molecules. 1970.
C13.44:116. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Hydrogen Stark Broadening Calculations with the Unified Classical Path Theory. 1970.
C13.44:117. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Hearing Aids. 1970.
C13.44:118. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Photonuclear Reactions. 1970.
C13.44:120. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Unified Theory Calculations of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Lines Including Lower State Interactions. 1971.
C13.44:121. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Effect of Time Ordering on the Lyman alpha Profile. 1971.
C13.44:122. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires. 1971.
C13.44:123. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. BOLOVAC Systems for Measuring Electrical Quantities from 0.5 Mhz Through Microwaves. 1972.
C13.44:124. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Reference Tables for Low-Temperature Thermocouples. 1972.
C13.44:125. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermocouple Reference Tables Based on the IPTS-68. 1974.
C13.44:125/supp. 1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermocouple Reference Tables Based on the IPTS-68: Reference Tables in Degrees Farenheit for Thermoelements versus Platinum (Pt-67). 1974.
C13.44:126. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Platinum Resistance Thermometry. 1973.
C13.44:127. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. NBS Papers on Underground Corrosion of Steel Piling 1962-1971. 1972.
C13.44:128/pt. 1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Corrosion Rates on Underground Steel Test Piles At Turcot Yard Montreal, Canada-Part 1. 1972.
C13.44:129. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Development of Loran-C Navigation and Timing. 1972.
C13.44:130. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Divergent Beam (Kossel) X-Ray Method and its Uses in Measuring Strain Contours in an Individual Grain of Fe-3 Weight Percent Si Transformer Sheet. 1973.
C13.44:131. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermal Conductivity of Solids At Room Temperature and Below. 1973.
C13.44:135. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Properties of Glasses in Some Ternary systems Containing BaO and SiO2. 1973.
C13.44:137. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Applications of Waveguide and Circuit Theory to the Development of Accurate Microwave Measurement Methods and Standards. 1973.
C13.44:141. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Measurement of Lumped Parameter Impedance: A Metrology Guide. 1974.
C13.44:143. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analysis of Optically Excited Mercury Molecules. 1975.
C13.44:144. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Rotary-Vane Attenuator as an Interlaboratory Standard. 4975.
C13.44:146. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Theory of the Optical Wedge Beam Splitter. 1974.
C13.44:147. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Relativistic Many-Body Bound Systems. 1975.
C13.44:148. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Role of Standard Reference Materials in Measurement Systems. 1975.
C13.44:149. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Measurement Assurance Program-A Case Study: Length Measurements. Part 1. Long Gage Blocks (5 in to 20 in). 1975.
C13.44:150. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Liquid-in-Gladd Thermometry. 1976.
C13.44:151. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Automatic Measurement of Network Parameters-A Survey. 1976.
C13.44:152. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Gage Block Measurement Process Using Singel Wavelength Interferometry. 1975.
C13.44:157. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Computers, Health Records, and Citizen Rights. 1976.
C13.46:386. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Precision, High Frequency Calibration Facility for Coaxial Capacitance Standards. May 1970.
C13.46:387. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Hydrogen Spin Exchange Frequency Shifts. June 1970.
C13.46:388. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Iron Storage Technique for Application in Frequency Standards. December 1970.
C13.46:388/cover. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Iron Storage Technique for Application in Frequency Standards. March 1971.
C13.46:389. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Quantifying Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields: Practical Considerations. May 1970.
C13.46:391. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Quantifying Hazardous Microwave Fields; Analysis. May 1970.
C13.46:393. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Method for Designing Multi-Screw Waveguide Tuners. December 1970.
C13.46:394. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Characterization of Frequency Stability. December 1970.
C13.46:396. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Design for a Variable-Output-Coupling Far-Infrared Michelson Laser. March 1971.
C13.46:463. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Is Hydrogen Safe? March 1977.
C13.46:276. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Radiochemical Analysis: Activation Analysis, Instrumentation, Radiation Techniques, and Radiosotope Techniques. October 1977.
C13.46:295. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Disclosures on: A Transrotor Engine, High Temperature Platinum Resistance Thermometer, Dynamic Analog Correlation System, and Comnination Metering and Safety Value for Filling Sonde Ballons With Hydrogen. June 1977
C13.46:359. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Two-Phase (Liquid-Vapor), Mass-Limiting Flow With Hydrogen and Nitrogen. June 1977.
C13.46:365-1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Survey of Electrical Resistivity Measurements on 8 Additional Pure Metals in the Temperature Range 0 to 273 K. November 1970.
C13.46:385. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermal Conductance at the Interface of a Solid and Helium II (Kaptiza Conductance). December 1969.
C13.46:270-3. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Selected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties. January 1968.
C13.46:379. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standard Time and Frequency: Its Generation, Control, and Dissemination from the National Bureau of Standards Time And Frequency Division. 1969.
C13.46:379-1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Standard Time and Frequency: Its Generation, Control, and Dissemination from the National Bureau of Standards Time And Frequency Division. 1972.
C13.46:381. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Some Applications of the Josephson Effect. 1969.
C13.46:382. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Laser Power and Energy Measurements. 1969.
C13.46:383. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Bibliography of Thermophysical Properties of Air from 0 to 300 K. 1969.
C13.46:396. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Data Analysis for Isoperibol Laser Calorimetry. 1971.
C13.46:397. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tabulated Values of Cavitation B-Factor for Helium , H2, N2, F2, O2, Refrigerant 114, and H20. 1971.
C13.46:426. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analytical Mass Spectrometry Section: Summary of Activities July 1966 to June 1967. 1967.
C13.46:427. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Organic Chemistry: Air Pollution Studies. Characterization of Chemical Structures. Synthesis of Research Materials. Novel Reaserch Materials. Isotopic Methods for Analysis of Carbohydrates. Occurrence, Preparation, and Properties of Naturally Occurring Monosaccharides (Including 6-Deoxy Sugars). Standard Reference Materials (organic) July 1966-June 1967. 1967.
C13.46:438. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Compendium of ab initio Calculations of Molecular Energies and Properties. 1967.
C13.46:467/pt. 1/ add. 1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis: A Bibliography. 1969.
C13.46:467/2/pt. 2. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis: A Bibliography. 1969.
C13.46:398. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Power and Energy Measurement of Repetitively Pulsed Lasers. 1971.
C13.46:467/3/pt. 1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis: A Bibliography. 1971.
C13.46:467/3/pt. 2. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis: A Bibliography. 1971.
C13.46:467/4. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis: A Bibliography through 1971. 1972.
C13.46:479/errata. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Errata to Accompany NBS Technical Note 479. 1969.
C13.46:486. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Some Problems in Measuring Tread Wear of Tires. 1969.
C13.46:488. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Methods of Measurement for Semiconductor Materials, Process, Control, and Devices. 1969.
C13.46:489. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of Responses Functions for Silicon Electron Detectors. 1969.
C13.46:490. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Thermal Gradient Effects on Thirteen Flush Mounted Pressure Transducers. 1969.
C13.46:491. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Gravity Measurements And the Standards Laboratory. 1969.
C13.46:494. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. ARPA-NbS Program of Research on High Temperature Materials. 1969.
C13.46:495. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Methods of Measurement for Semiconductor Materials, Process, Control, and Devices Quarterly Report April 1 to June 30, 1969. 1969.
C13.46:496. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Rare Gas Resonance Lamps. 1969.
C13.46:497. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Effects of Extended High-Temperature Storage on the Performance Characteristics of Several Strain Gage Pressure Transducers. 1969.
C13.46:498. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Bibliographies on Fabric Flammability. 1970.
C13.46:498-1. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Bibliographies on Fabric Flammability. 1970.
C13.46:498-2. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Bibliographies on Fabric Flammability. 1970.
C13.46:499. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Multiple Scattering Corrections for the Associated-Particle Neutron Time-of-Flight Technique. 1969.
C13.46:500. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Edit-Insertion Programs for Automatic Typesetting of Computer Printout. 1970.
C13.46:501. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Radiochemical Analysis Section: Mmossbauer Spectroscopy Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Instrumentation Radioisotope Techniques: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:502. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Actvities of the NBS Spectrochemical Analysis Section July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:503. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Electrochemical Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:504. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analytical Coordination Chemistry Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:505. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Microchemical Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 - June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:506. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analytical Mass Spectrometry Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46:507. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Organic Chemistry Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. 1969.
C13.46: 508. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1968 to June 1969. July 1970.
C13.46: 509. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Separation and Purification Section: Summary of Activities July 1968-June 1969. February 1970.
C13.46: 510. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Use of a Time-Shared Computer System to Control a Hall Effect Experiment. October 1969.
C13.46: 511. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Measurement Methods for the Semiconductor Device Industry--A Summary of NBS Activity. December 1969.
C13.46: 512. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Accuracy of Air Tower Pressure Gages in Suburban Washington, D.C.. December 1969.
C13.46: 513. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Hydrogen Fluoride and the Thermochemistry of Fluorine. February 1970.
C13.46: 514. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. ARPA-NBS Program of Research on High Temperature Materials and Laser Materials. January 1970.
C13.46: 515. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Use of an On-Line Computer in Neutron Time-of-Flight Measurements. January 1970.
C13.46: 516. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. A Selective Roll-to-Roll Printer for Producing Duplicate Microfilm Copies. February 1970.
C13.46: 517. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Accelerometer Calibration With the Earth's Field Dynamic Calibrator. March 1970.
C13.46: 518. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tabulation of Data on Semiconductor Amplifiers and Oscillators at Microwave Frequencies. February 1970.
C13.46: 519. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Forensic Science: A Bibliography of Activation Analysis Papers. March 1970.
C13.46: 520. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Methods of Measurement for Semiconductor Materials, Process Control, and Devices. March 1970.
C13.46: 521. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Present State of the Classical Theory of Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis. August 1970.
C13.46: 522. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Beam Handling Techniques for Electron Linear Accelerators. April 1970.
C13.46: 523. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Experimental Techniques for Electron Scattering Investigations. April 1970.
C13.46: 524. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Determination of the Light Elements in Metals: A Bibliography of Activation Analysis Papers. May 1970.
C13.46: 525. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. The Flammable Fabrics Program 1968-1969. April 1970.
C13.46: 526. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tabulation of Published Data on Electron Devices of the U.S.S.R. Through March 1970. October 1970.
C13.46: 527. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Methods of Measurement for Semiconductor Materials, Process Control, and Devices, 1969 Q4 Report. May 1970.
C13.46: 528. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Tire Use Survey: The Physical Condition, Use, and Performance of Passenger Car Tires in The United States of America. May 1970.
C13.46: 530. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Systems Analysis of Inland Consolidation Centers for Marine Cargo. November 1970.
C13.46: 531. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. ARPA-NBS Program of Research on High Temperature Materials and Laser Materials. June 1970.
C13.46: 532. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Pollution Analysis: A Bibliography of the Literature of Activation Analysis. June 1970.
C13.46: 533. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. 14-MeV Neutron Generators in Activation Analysis: A Bibliography. June 1970.
C13.46: 534. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Oceanography: A Bibliography of Selected Activation Analysis Literature. June 1970.
C13.46: 535. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Compilation and Use of Criminal Court Data in Relation to Pre-Trial Release of Defendants: Pilot Study. August 1970.
C13.46: 536. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Disclosures on: Viscous Damped Wind Vane, Nonskid Road or Runway, Regrooved Pneumatic Tire with Removable Inserts, Device for Radially Positioning a Rotating Wheel, Method for Fabricating Precision Waveguide Sections, Distortion-Cancelling Loudspeaker System, Cryogenic Fluid Density Measurement System, Controlled-Atmosphere Weathering Device. June 1970.
C13.46: 537. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Nomographs for Use in the Fabrication and Testing of Ge(Li) Detectors. August 1970.
C13.46: 538. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Automated Fingerprint Identification. August 1970.
C13.46: 539. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Improvements in Oscilloscopic Measurements in High-Speed Experiments. October 1970.
C13.46: 541. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and Design Parameters for a Mossbauer Resonant Detector. January 1971.
C13.46: 542. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activities of the NBS Spectrochemical Analysis Section, June 1969 to June 1970. November 1970.
C13.46: 543. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Electorchemical Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. November 1970.
C13.46: 544. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analytical Coordination Chemistry Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. September 1970.
C13.46: 545. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Microchemical Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. December 1970.
C13.46: 546. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Analytical Mass Spectrometry Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. November 1970.
C13.46: 547. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Organic Chemistry Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. November 1970.
C13.46: 548. US Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Activation Analysis Section: Summary of Activities July 1969 to June 1970. December 1970.