APMRN Country Report: China

27-29 October 2005


List of members of in-country network

Prof. Huang Ping, CASS

Prof. Luo Keren, East China Normal University

Prof. Zhu Yu, Fujian Normal University

Dr. Ma Chunhua, CASS

Dr. Chen Xin, CASS

Mr. Zhan Shaohua, CASS

Prof. Cai fang, CASS

Prof. Zhang Juwei, CASS

Dr. Liu Jianjin, CASS

Prof. Wang Fenyu, Ministry of Science and Technology

Prof. Li Qiang, Hsinghua University

Prof. Zhou Daming, Sun Yet-san University

Prof. Zhang Xiaoshan, CASS

Prof. Li Peilin, CASS

Prof. Tian He, CASS

Ms. Pan Jie, CASS

Ms. Shi Jinqun, CASS

Ms. Zhou Yunfan, CASS

Ms. Li Dan, CASS

Zhang Xiaoshan, Zhang Juwei, Wang Xiaoyi, Yu jianrong

In-country or cross-country network activities in 2005

·  China team jointly co-organized the IOM-DFID Regional Conference on Poverty, Development, and Migration in Lanzhou, China.

·  The research project ‘Urban Poverty Reduction among Migrants’ led by Prof. Huang Ping and Dr. Chen Xin played an important role in networking researchers at both the national and the local levels, including those in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Chengdu, Kunming, Chifeng Prefecture in Inner Mongolia, Diqing Tibetan Prefecture in Yunnan through.

·  Prof. Huang Ping was invited by UNESCO Assistant Director General Mr Sane to deliver a speech on ‘What UNESCO for the Future?’ in September 2005.

·  Prof. Huang Ping participated in MOST Intergovernmental Bureau Session in Paris in July 2005.

·  Professor Zhu Yu organized and chaired the session ‘Data and Methods in the Study of Internal Migration’ for the 25th IUSSP General Conference in Tours in July 2005.

·  Professor Zhu Yu presented the paper ‘Circulation as a means of adjustment to opportunities and constrains: the settlement intention of China’s floating population in the cities’ to the 25th IUSSP General Conference in Tours in July 2005.

·  Prof. Zhu Yu organized a conference on ‘China’s Urbanization and Co-ordinated Rural-urban Development’ sponsored by Committee on Migration and Urbanization of China Population Association, Fujian Normal University, Shanghai Academy of Social Science, and Population Association of Fujian Province, with migrant workers as one of the major themes for the conference.

·  Prof. Zhu Yu Chaired a forum on migrant workers in one of the two China’s top demographic journals Population Research, involving seven leading scholars in the fields.

·  Prof. Cai Fang and Dr. Chen Xin is participating in World Bank's Poverty Assessment team; Dr. Chen attended the Jakarta conference on poverty assessment organized by the World bank.

·  Workshops organized by Prof. Luo Keren, Dr. Chen Xin, Prof. Guo Hong et al. have taken places in Shanghai, Dalian, Chifeng, and Chengdu.

·  A national exhibition on/for migrants was jointly organized by CASS and UNESCO Beijing Office, which will continue in UNESCO headquarter in Paris in October during the UNESCO General Conference in October 2005.

Research projects conducted in 2005

·  China team led by Prof. Huang Ping and Dr. Chen Xin has continuously worked with UNESCO Beijing Office on the project ‘Urban Poverty Reduction among Migrants’.

·  China team has worked on migration issues with CIDA and World Bank on issues such as training for off-farm and migration activities, poverty reduction, and policy debates.

·  As the principal investigator, Prof. Luo Keren is continuing his Research Project ‘Economic Globalisation and Demonstration Research of International Population Migration and Floating’ funded By National Social Science Foundation.

·  As the principal investigator, Prof. Luo Keren is continuing his research project 'Shanghai’s Population Internationalization’ funded by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science foundation.

·  As the principal investigator of the Shanghai Sub-project, Prof. Luo Keren is continuing his Research Project ‘Reducing the Poverty of the Youthful Migration in East Asia’ funded by UNESCO Grant.

·  As the proncipal investigator, Prof. Zhu Yu started a new project ‘Migration Patterns of China’s Floating Population and The Underlying Mechanism’ as a key academic discipline development project of Fujian Province funded by Fujian Provincial Government.

l  As the principal investigator, Prof. Zhu Yu is conducting the project ‘A Study on the Coordinated Development of Rural and Urban Populations in Fujian Province’ as part of studies on population development strategy of Fujian Province funded by Fujian Provincial Government.


·  The paper ‘Together with Migrants’” as a result of the project ‘Urban Poverty Reduction among Migrants’ led by led by Prof. Huang Ping and Dr. Chen Xin was published in both English and Chinese.

·  The country paper by Prof. Huang Ping and Mr. Zhan Shaohua contributed to the IOM-DFID Regional Conference on Poverty, Development, and Migration was published by IOM in both English and Chinese.

·  Research papers by Huang Ping, Cai Fang, Zhang Xiaoshan, Zhang Juwei, Wang Xiaoyi, Yu jianrong, Zhan Shaohua et al. have been published in Chinese Social

Sciences (English edition) and in Chinese in other CASS Journals.

·  Prof. Luo Keren’s paper ‘Forcast on scale of returning overseas talents and thinking of strategies on Introduction’ was published in the 13th Issue of 2005 of the Journal Facing the Pacific.

·  Prof. Zhu Yu’s migration related papers were published in Chinese in the journal of China Population Association Population Research and in one of the Journals of The Geographical Society of China Human geography.

Policy input/contacts

·  Most of the above conference, activities, and research projects have involved policy makers.

·  Prof. Huang Ping, Mr. Zhan Shaohua, and Dr. Ma Chunhua have done research papers for CIDA's strategy planning.

·  Prof. Huang Ping, Prof. Cai fang, Prof. Zhang Juwei, and Dr. Liu Jianjin et al. have prepared research and policy papers for World Bank's preparation for policy study for China's poverty reduction in 2006-2010.

·  Prof. Huang Ping has done a research on Drivers of Change for DFID for the MDGs in China.

·  Prof. Zhu Yu is a member of newly appointed expert group on population and development strategy of Fujian Province and is actively involved in relevant policy discussion.