APICS Central Indiana ChapterBoard Meeting 6/22/2016:
- Present: Rich Bailey, Kristi Jackson, Peter Clonts, Erin Hervey, Gretchen Beaman, Paula Hoback, Jason Jackson, Emily Crites, Karl Knapp
- Phone: Andrew Wood, Nolan Cockrell, Emily Beilefeld
- Called meeting to order at 6:01 pm by Peter Clonts.
- Board Transition Meeting for 2016- 2017
- Introductions of board members
- Peter discussed the Strategic plans and bylaws that were sent to the board.
- Bylaws – Peter reviewed the purposes of board. Should ‘logistics’ terminology be included in the purposes section? Should we define the scope of supply chain? These could be added to definitions to clarify the scope. This would require vote of members, not just the board. APICS must also approve and they must be registered with the state.
- Rich Bailey motions to keep bylaws as written. Karl Knapp seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
- Strategic plans – Reviewed the Strategic Plan for Central Indiana Chapter.
- Can we verify the APICS mission statement is current? It is not up to date and should be updated to match
- Update APICS-CIND Mission to include ‘to’ become more effective.
- Concern over hitting 3% in increase in educational hours. Networking is not included in hours count. Plant tours do count. Looking at tour at Honda. May trade a couple PDMs for networking opportunities.
- Marketing: Don’t focus on number of companies to market to; focus on size and quality of company. Andrew to review over the next week and come up with revised wording. Could improve marketing to students and schools. Karl is interested in speaking to schools and/or student chapters. Student chapters must follow standards (like C-bar). Opportunity to start student chapters. Each chapter has bylaws based on their structure.
- In July, longer strategy discussion is needed to discuss improvements for this year
- Tracking of progress – include when the monthly board reports are due.
- Tactics can be changed as needed, throughout the year
- Could revise SWOT analysis sometime this year
- Membership: Nolan Cockrell
- 2% decrease this month. Under the goal set last year. Retention is also under
- Should revisit goals and targets
- Total membership is 343. This snapshot is taken monthly. June number will be used for the next year target. On July 6, we will get the official report and count.
- Five year trend is up, but over ten years membership is down
- Finance: Tammy Lantz
- Budget will not be approved in meeting today. This discussion will be postponed until Tammy is present
- Update from Rich: currently 120% of one year’s expenses (20% above of goal)
- Each department has a budget, except student chapters
- Education: Pru
- Discussion will be postponed to July meeting
- Monthly Reports and Goals
- Outgoing VP should meet with new VP to explain monthly report
- Rich presented an example of what the monthly report contains. Should be kept to one page. These are to communicate without discussion during meeting.
- There is an Excel spreadsheet to track the monthly report. Should only take 5 minutes to complete. All board members should read before the meeting
- Quality VP uses board reports and fills out C-bar.
- Back office of website has all the reports – Rich will set everyone up to login by end of week and will offer training on how to use back office.
- Attach to end of minutes and then VP of Administration posts in back office.
- Rich will give board access to Partner Connect – Cbox.
- Board Position Timeline/Checklist
- By role, this shows tasks that need to be completed and by when
- This is broken out into monthly tasks. Posted on Back Office for all to review
- Chapter Information Chart
- Will discuss in July meeting
- C-Bar Questions/Concerns
- Spreadsheet where answer questions and cite evidence for claims. Points are calculated. 345 min points to get gold. Max points is 520. Currently have 398 points.
- C-bar plus a president’s narrative and financial report are submitted annually.
- Are we a chapter in good standing and upholding the APICS name? Measures the health of the chapter
- Two key sections- 1) minimum standards (must get all points) 2) Certification standards (points for certain activities- meant to be difficult to get all points)
- APICS redefined how partner organizations. There are three different levels: network partner, channel partners (we are premier level),
- Need to make sure points are reported correctly. In last report, PDMs were not posted and counted correctly, so it showed non-compliant
- Brief Website Training
- Will be set up by Rich as a webinar
- Will also cover APICS.org
- Parking Lot Wrap-up
- Board meetings are last Weds of the month. Schedule will be in back office
- PDMs are scheduled on the second Thursday of the month
- Individuals are responsible for meetings in their area
- If you need help, ask!
- Meeting adjourned at 8:04 by Peter.