APES - EcoAbstracts
Mr. Connery
Directions for EcoAbstracts:BE AWARE OF NEW REQUIREMENT IN PARA 3
1. Select a scientific journal article to read every two weeks. (It will be an article related to ecology or environmental science issue – not an animal report)
2. All articles must be at least 2 book or magazine pages in length, and less than 5 years old.
3. Articles should be from scientific journals such as Scientific America, Science, National Wildlife, National Geographic, Discover or any environmental journal. (Youmay use the internet data bases in Media Center to find articles from the internet.Articles are to be from the scientific journal or book. I do not want articles taken from a blog or condensed news reports.)
4. Abstracts are due at the beginning of class on the following dates.
January 29th February 26th March 31st April 22nd
I will accept them early for a maximum of 2 bonus points each.
5. 4 abstracts per semester (10 pts each) total = 40 points.
6. Format: example provided
- Abstracts are to be typed (single spaced, Font size 12) with your name, period and the DATE DUE in the upper right hand side of the paper.
- Type a bibliography entry on the first line using the appropriate format provided on the back of this sheet.
- Type several paragraphs summarizing the major discoveries, individuals involved, and subject of the article. This should be completed on one page(two pages max). I will periodically check for plagiarism. Attach a copy of the title page to the back of the abstract (must show title of article & author’s name).
Model Works Cited
One author / Allen, Thomas B. Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1974.Two or three authors / Searles, Baird and Martin Last., A Reader’s Guide to Science Fiction. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1979.
More than three authors or editors / Brandes, Kathleen, et al., eds. Vanishing Species. New York: Time-Life Books, 1976. Note: For a book with more than three authors, simply drop the eds., from the entry.
A single work from an anthology / Poe, Edgar Allen, “The Raven.” Selected Stories & Poems. Ed. Joseph Wood Kruth. Danbury: Grolier Enterprises, 1978.
Encyclopedia article / Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr. “Falcon and Falconry.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1980.
Note: It is not necessary to give full publication information for encyclopedias. If the article is followed by the author’s initials, check in the index of authors (usually located in the front of each volume) for the author’s full name. If it is unsigned, give the title first.
Signed article in a weekly / Kanfer, Stefan. “Heard Any Good Books Lately?” Time 21 July 1986: 71.
Unsigned article in a weekly / “America on Drugs.” Newsweek 28 July 1986: 48-50
Signed article in a monthly / Heinrich, Bernd. “Why Is a Robin’s Egg Blue?” Audubon July 1986: 64-71
Signed newspaper article / Kalette, Denise. “CaliforniaTown Counts Down to Big Quake.” USA Today 21 July 1986, sec. A:1
Unsigned editorial or story / “A School Year Without a Strike.” Editorial. Chicago Tribune 22 July 1986, sec. 1:10. Note: For an unsigned story, simply omit Editorial.
Signed pamphlet / Laird, Jean E. The Metrics Are Coming. Burlington, Iowa: National Research Bureau, 1976
Pamphlet with no author, publisher, or date / Pedestrian Safety. [United States]: n.p., n.d.
Note: List the country of publication [in brackets] if known.
Filmstrips, slide programs and videotape / The Grizzlies. Videotape. National Geographic: Video, 1987. 60 min.
Radio or television program / “Latch-Key Kids.” Hour Magazine. CBS, 15 Nov. 1983
Personal interview (by researcher) / Pei, I.M. Personal interview. 27 July 1983
Telephone interview
(by researcher) / Poussaint, Alvin F. Telephone Interview. 10 Dec 1980
Interview on radio or television / Gordon, Suzanne. Interview. All Things Considered. Natl. Public Radio. WNYC, New York. 1 June 1983
Jacket notes accompanying a recording / Lewiston, David. Jacket notes. The Balinese Gamelan: Music from the Morning of the World. Nonesuch Explorer Series, H-2015, n.d.
Note: Be sure and include the catalog or identification number of the recording.
Computer service / Schorner, Howard. “South Africa: Beyond Fair Employment.” Harvard Business Review May-June 1983: 145+. DIALOG file 122, item 119425833160.
Information service / Philips, June K., ed. Action for the ‘80s: A Political, Professional, and Public Program for Foreign Language Education. Skokie: Natl. Textbook, 1981. ERIC ED 197599
CD-ROM / “Bosnia and Hercegovina.” Encarta95. 1995. CD-ROM. Microsoft Encarta, 1995.
Granger’s / Shakespeare, William.“Death of Anthony.” Fifteen Poets; Chaucer to Arnold. Oxford. 1941. Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry on CD-ROM. CD-ROM. Columbia, 1992
SIRS / United States. Executive Office of the President. Office of Science and Technology Policy. Learning for the Future: Science and Mathematics for Every American. 1993. SIRS Government Reporter. CD-ROM. SIRS, Spring 1995.
Magazine article online / Viviano, Frank. “The New Mafia Order.” Mother Jones Magazine. May-June 1995: 72 pars. Online. Available: 1995
Newspaper articles online / Johnson, Tim. “Indigenous People Are Now More Combative, Organized.” Miami Herald
5 Dec. 1994: 29SA. Online. Available: gopher://summit.fiu.edu/MiamiHerald.