APEnvironmental Science Agenda
September 20, 2017:WednesdayA Day
- You will need your YOUR POWER POINT NOTES and Geo Info/Phenology Lab
WARM-UPS:We are going to Lab 203 (1st block) and will have Math Laptop cart (2nd, 3rd blocks)
- ASSIGN Biogeochemical cycles
- Nitrogen Cycle work in pairs
- Make up Oceans lab QUIZ (for absent students)
- Use your lab to answer the quiz questions
OBJECTIVES:Earth Systems – Biogeochemical Cycles
- Use your hand-out from last class to see the requirments/rubric for your assigned Biogeochemical Cycle
- Complete the Biogeochemical Cycles project – use your power point notes 2.3 to assist you
- If you have headphones/ear buds, you can also view the Bozeman Video:
Test SEPT 26 – review your notes AND the Bozeman Videos
Biogeochemical Cycles:
review of Earth’s Atmosphere:
Ocean Circulation:
- Test SEPT 26 – review the Bozeman Videos & your power point notes
- TEST: 97 Multiple choice questions
- Work on Biogeochemical Cycle assignment
The Biosphere’s NutrientCycles
Revised from Mr. Oliphant & Mr. O’Connor APES
You have been assigned one of the five major nutrient cycles of the biosphere. Understanding
the movement of nutrients throughout our environment is a key component of creating a
sustainable society for the future. Each student will become “The Expert” on his/her nutrient
cycle; Hydrological, Phosphorus, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen and Sulfur. Each expert will need to
teach their fellow students about their own cycle.
Groups that contain all five experts will be assembled so that a student can learn about the
other four cycles that they were not assigned. When planning your lesson you should keep the
following criteria in mind:
Use a visual tool to help see the movement/pathways of your nutrient
Summarize the events that occur at each significant point during your
Nutrient’s path
Identify whether the movement requires biotic, abiotic or both factors to cycle
Investigate how humans are impacting the “natural” cycle of your nutrient
Describe the overall importance of your nutrient to the Biosphere
Research any possible human interventions being implemented to improve the nutrient’s cycle
In order to assist your classmates during your presentation you will need to produce a one page handout. This will allow students to listen to you versus trying to write notes furiously!
Name & Cycle: / Point value / Student Score / CommentsVisual tool / 50
Events (significant points in cycle) / 20
Abiotic/Biotic Factors / 2
Human impact / 10
Importance to biosphere / 10
Human interventions / 8
TOTAL / 100