Chapter 8: Eastern Mediterranean Test Review

  1. What continents does the Eastern Mediterranean lie between?
  2. Where does the Jordan river empty?
  3. What covers most of Syria and Jordan?
  4. What does success of farming depend on in this region?
  5. When the Romans invaded the region what did they rename the city of Byzantium?
  6. What leader in Turkey was responsible for modernizing the country?
  7. What was the name of the series of invasions of the Holy land that were launched by Christians in Europe?
  8. Which countries shares a border with both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea?
  9. Which country does not have a border/coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?
  10. Where does the Jordan river begin?
  11. What are phosphates used to make?
  12. When was Palestine declared to be the nation of Israel?
  13. Who controlled Palestine after World War I?
  14. Syria and Lebanon gained independence in what year?
  15. Most Syrian Muslims belong to which branch of Islam?
  16. The country of Jordan was created after what?
  17. What kind of climate does most of the Eastern Mediterranean have?
  18. What mineral resource does this region have?
  19. Some of the world’s earliest farming communities were in what country?
  20. When was the ottoman Empire very powerful?
  21. What were some reforms made in Turkey after World War I?
  22. Executive power in Turkey is shared by whom?
  23. What would most likely happen if Turkey joined the European Union?
  24. What is shish-kebab?
  25. What are some major crops in Turkey?
  26. Many Jewish people began to move back to Israel after what event took place?
  27. What are most Jewish people required to do when they turn 18?
  28. What does Kosher mean?
  29. What do Palestinians think about Jewish settlements in the West Bank?
  30. What group in in charge of leadership in Palestine?
  31. What type of government does Syria have?
  32. Who became president of Syria after Hafiz al-Assad’s death?
  33. How would you describe the physical landscape of Lebanon?
  34. What happened in Lebanon between the 1970s and 1990s?
  35. What were most Jordanians when they gained independence?
  36. Who are Bedouins?
  37. What areas of Israel are Palestinians fighting over?
  38. What changes did Kemal Attaturk make in Turkey?
  39. What happened in Lebanon after their independence?
  40. What industries are there in Lebanon?