First APEC Sports Event 2016
“APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Education and
Career Planning for Young Athletes”
Date: September 1, 2016
Venue: Banquet Hall I, The Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei
Tentative Agenda
08:30-09:00 / Registration09:00-09:10 / Welcome Remarks:
- Dr. Ching-Hwa TSAI, Deputy Minister of Education
- Mr. Pei-YungHSU, Director General of Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
09:10-09:15 / Laughing Ceremony
09:15-09:25 / Group Photo
09:25-09:55 / Keynote Speech:Mr. Patrick GLENNON, Adecco Sr. Vice President for the IOC Athlete Career Programme & IPC Athlete Career Program, USA
09:55-10:15 / Coffee Break
10:15-11:45 / Session 1:Policy Dialogue on Education of Young Athletes
The main purpose of the session is to discuss government policies that are important for advancing the comprehensive education of young athletes and elite athletes in particular. In doing so, the athletes will have a well-rounded education that supports career development as well as maintaining an effective training program.
Dr. Chih-Fu CHENG, Executive Vice President, National Taiwan Normal University
Ms.HyunjuLEE, Acting Head,Office on Sport for Development and Peace, United Nations
Dr. Mehander SINGH, Director, Sports Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Malaysia
Mr. BambangSUTIYONO, Head of Career Guidance and Development for Athletes Sector, Indonesia
Dr. Beth PALMER, Executive Director, Fitness and Recreation, Texas’s Woman’s University, USA
11:45-12:00 / Q&A
12:00-13:30 / Luncheon
13:30-15:00 / Session 2:APEC Economies’ Reports
The major purpose of the session is to share the policies and best practices of APEC economies in education and career planning of young athletes.
Dr. Chen-Sheng HO, Director, Department of International Affairs, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
Dr. Nikolay PESHIN,Pro-Rector, Russian International Olympic University, Russia
Mr.VissanuLAICHAPIS, Director,Elites Sports and Sport Science, Sports Authority of Thailand, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Thailand
Dr. Hieu TRAN, Manager, Sports Development Strategy and Policy Research Department, Vietnam Sports Science Institute, Vietnam
Mr. Oscar Commentz Silva, National Methodologist, High Performance in Sports Department, Chilean Sport Institute, Chile
15:00-15:15 / Q&A
15:15-15:35 / Coffee Break
15:35-17:05 / Session 3:Public-Private-Partnership on Career Development
The main purpose of the session is to discuss the most effective ways for public-private-partnership (PPP) to strengthen the career development for young athletes.The existence of PPP will enable the athletes to focus on sports competition with the knowledge that a successful career development program is in place.
Ms.Yi-Ting SHEN, Secretary General, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee
Panelists :
Mr. Patrick GLENNON, Adecco Sr. Vice President for the IOC Athlete Career Programme & IPC Athlete Career Program, USA
Dr. Dong-Whan KIM, Professor,College of Sports and Arts, Hanyang University, Korea
Dr. Ping-Kun CHIU, CEO, National Sports Training Center, Chinese Taipei
Dr. Chin-Hsung KAO, President, National Taiwan Sport University
Dr. Gwendolyn WEATHERFORD, Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA
17:05-17:20 / Q&A