Buddhism E-learning course at Ratchaborikanukroh School

Bradley Opatz

EDU627 Managing Instruction & Technology

Dr. Kathy Milhauser

Buddhism E-learning course at Ratchaborikanukroh School


Currently, Buddhism courses in the Ratchaborikanukroh School English Program (REP) in Ratchaburi, Thailand, take place in the classroom using physical materials. Buddhism courses are designed to develop “fundamental concepts about religion, morality, ethics and principles of Buddhism…application of religions, principles and teachings for self-development and peaceful and harmonious coexistence; ability to do good deeds; acquisition of desirable values; continuous self-development as well as provision of services for social and common interests and concerns” (The Ministry of Education: Thailand, 2008, p. 151). A blended learning context is one that utilizes both online and face-to-face instruction, using online discussions (Allen, Seaman & Garrett, 2007).

The proposed project will develop online content and delivery for a blended learning Buddhism course via an interactive class website. The content will be introduced during class time; explored, annotated and discussed online and further applied through different learning activities both online and in the classroom in accordance with the objectives of the course and Bloom’s digital taxonomy (Churches, n.d.). The goal is to create an environment in which the students can reflect and learn at a more self-directed manner.


The stakeholders are comprised of both internal and external parties in terms of the learning context. Stakeholders in the project include the project manager, instructional designer, students, instructors, the Head of REP, parents, the Sangha (monastic community), Thailand’s Ministry of Education, the Ratchaburi city community/sub-communities and Thailand as a whole.

Project Proposal

Project Goal

The goal of the current project is to develop interactive, online material to be used in a blended, flipped lower secondary Thai Buddhism course for grade 7 students.

Project Opportunity

Currently, lower secondary Thai Buddhism courses at Ratchaborikanukhroh School English Program (REP) in Ratburi, Ratchaburi, Thailand, are taught in a traditional, face-to-face manner using physical materials in the classroom. When surveyed, all students indicated access to a smart phone or tablet, as well as a home/laptop computer with Wi-Fi internet access. A flipped classroom is set up so that materials are first introduced to students outside of class, usually comprising lower-level thinking (remembering, understanding), while class time is used to promote higher-level thinking (applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating) (Brame, 2013). Blended learning experiences take advantage of both online and face-to-face instruction to achieve maximum learning potential (Allen, Seaman & Garrett, 2007). Likewise, flipped classrooms have been shown to increase student involvement and knowledge retention (DesLauriers, SchelewWieman, 2011).

Proposed Solution

The proposed project will take advantage of the currently available mobile technologies/internet access and leverage these tools in order to create a blended, flipped Thai Buddhism learning experience. This will foster a more self-directed atmosphere in which to explore Buddhist teachings and conceptual thought for improvement of the self, the community, Thailand and the world. Interactive E-learning materials, taking advantage of Web 2.0 capabilities, will be created and made available to students over class website. In this way, students will gain a richer understanding of key Buddhist concepts and teachings through collaboration.

Project Scope Statement

To create 14 eLearning modules for a grade 7, blended and flipped Thai Buddhism course by October 15, 2014, at a cost of 120 man-hours.

Project and Technology Requirements

The proposed project requires one project manager/instructional designer, grade 7 core curriculum standards, current teaching materials and access to: Wikispaces, Prezi, Zondle, PowToon, PowerPoint, MindMap, YouTube and Educreations. The project also requires approximately 120 man-hours.

Project Milestones

1.Outline lesson plans for 14 weeks of instruction using pre-existing materials by hour 14.

2.Ensure collaborative/constructivist learning activities for each week by hour 42.

3.Revise and update material by hour 62.

4.Create presentations, videos and other learning materials for online use by hour 82.

5.Find appropriate supplementary resources for each week of instruction by hour 102.

6.Publish material online by hour 110.

7.Review and test the modules with colleagues (one week, to be completed outside of timeframe).

8.Revise online content and learning activities accordingly by hour 120.

Project Budget

The project budget includes 120 man hours at a cost of the current level of salary available. Webhosting, games and presentations/video access is all available free of cost. Any further materials needed for the project will be taken from libraries and online content and is also free of cost.

Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

1.Project Initiation

1.1 Complete project charter

1.2 Identify stakeholders

2.Project Planning

2.1 Definition of scope

2.2 Create WBS

2.3 Quality planning

2.4 Stakeholder analysis document

2.5 Communication planning document

2.6 Standard activity cost estimates document

3.Project Execution, Controlling and Monitoring :Outline lesson plans for 14 weeks of

instruction using pre-existing materials

3.1Set out current lesson plans for grade 7

3.2Assure all standards are met using the core curriculum standards

3.2.1Assure that all standards are included in lesson plans

3.2.2 Assure that all learning core content is included in lesson plans

4.Ensure collaborative/constructivist learning activities for each week

4.1 Ensure collaborative learning activities in lesson plans

4.1.1 Include discussion questions in lesson plans

4.1.2 Include collaborative projects in lesson plans

4.2. Ensure constructivist framework in learning activities

4.2.1 Include reflection on previously-held, personal conceptions of pertinent Buddhist concepts/teachings

4.2.2 Include development of previously-held, personal conceptions of pertinent Buddhist concepts/teachings

4.2.3 Include application of pertinent Buddhist concepts/teachings in real-world situations

5.Revise and update material

5.1 Update material for English language comprehension appropriate for grade 7 English language learners (ELL)

5.1.1 Review material for English language comprehension

5.1.2 Include Thai and Pali translations for major concepts/teachings

5.2 Update teaching examples

5.2.1 Review current teaching materials

5.2.2 Ensure all examples are pertinent to the concept/teaching being presented and understandable/familiar to students

6.Create presentations, videos and other learning materials for online use

6.1 Utilize PowerPoint to create presentations for online use

6.2 Utilize Prezi to create presentations for online use

6.3 Utilize Powtoon to create presentations for online use

6.4 Utilize Educreations to create presentations for online use

6.4 Utilize YouTube to create videos for online use

6.5 Utilize MindMap to create learning materials (charts) for online use

6.6 Utilize Zondle to create learning materials (games) for online use

7.Find appropriate supplementary resources for each week of instruction

7.1 Add appropriate websites to illustrate each modules learning content

7.1.1 Find authentic sources online

7.2 Add appropriate reading materials to illustrate each modules learning content

7.2.1 Find authentic sources online

7.2.2 Find authentic, physical sources to scan

8.Publish material online

8.1 Create Wikispaces educational account

8.2 Create grade 7 Thai Buddhism Wiki

8.3 Create separate pages for each module

8.4 Insert all learning content into each module

8.4.1 Include all text materials

8.4.2 Include all multimedia Include all pictures Include all charts Include all presentations/links to presentations Include all links to games

9.Review and test the modules with colleagues

9.1 Give all testing colleagues access to the class Wiki

9.2 Give colleagues a week to test out each learning module

9.2.1 Give colleagues a survey/questionnaire to complete

10.Revise online content and learning activities accordingly

10.1 Taking into accountcolleague feedback, adjust learning modules accordingly

10.2 Publish updated contented

11. Project Closeout

11.1 Formative evaluation analysis

11.2 Summative evaluation analysis

11.2.1 Learner questionnaires/interviews

11.3 Lessons learned document

Stakeholder Analysis

The stakeholder analysis is created “to inform the project manager and sponsor who should contribute to the project, where barriers might be, and the actions that need to be taken prior to detailed project planning” (Project Agency, n.d.). After they are identified, each stakeholder is analyzed based on their interests/requirements of the project, what the project requires of them, the perceived attitudes and immediate actions to take (Project Agency, n.d.). For the current project, the main stakeholders that require analysis include the Head of REP, parents of the students of REP, a member of the Sangha (Monk) and the Ministry of Education, Thailand (MOE) as they either input or approval is required by each party. Systematically analyzing stakeholders also reduces the chance that risks are not considered and managed for project success and increases awareness of project requirements and expectations.

Communication Planning

Communication planning is defined as “the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate collection, retrieval and dissemination of project information” (Cox, 2009, p. 114). Communication plans need to be clarified with the stakeholders to ensure that everyone’s information needs in the project are being met in the appropriately selected manner. The stakeholder register and stakeholder-management strategy are determined by reviewing the environment, organization and project charter (Cox, 2009). By planning the communication information needs, frequency, medium and anticipated response for each key stakeholder in the project, expectations are kept to an up-to-date and realistic.

Cost Estimating

Cost estimating includes the “approximation of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities” (Cox, 2009, p. 96). The project milestones and work breakdown structure (WBS) of the current project is used to determine best estimates of the costs of the project. Even though the creation of e-learning modules for a Thai Buddhism course is done outside of paid, teaching hours, the standard activity cost estimates plan gives a comprehensive overview of the cost in hours during each milestone as well as the resource (project member role) and any assumptions or constraints.


Allen, I.E., Seaman, J. & Garrett, R. (2007, March). Blending in: The extent and promise of

blended education in the United States. Retrieved from


Brame, C. (2013). Flipping the classroom. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved from

Churches, A. (n.d.). Bloom’s digital taxonomy. [Presentation slides].Retrieved from


Cox, D. M. T. (2009). Project management skills for instructional designers: A practical guide.

Bloomington, Ind: iUniverse Inc.

DesLauriers, L., Schelew, E., & Wieman, C. (2011). Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science 332: 862-864.

Piscopo, M. (2013). Activity cost estimates. Retrieved from

Project Agency. (n.d.). Blank project management templates. [Download].

The Ministry of Education: Thailand. (2008). The basic education core curriculum. Retrieved from