FrantChurch of England Primary School


In 2013 The Government announced that it would be providing additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school head teachers. The money must be used to improve the provision of P.E. and school sport.

P.E. and school sport play a very important part in the life of Frant Primary School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, unity, cooperation and kindness for themselves and others.

We are therefore delighted to be able to use the £8505 received for 2016-17 sport premium funding to support the development of P.E. and school sport in the ways listed below.


BUDGET - £8505 (2016-17)

We will use the funding to:

  • Provide a PE trained teacher to teach alongside the class teacher for development opportunities enabling quality teaching and learning for all children. The PE teacher will take weekly PE lessons with each class. The class teachers are expected to support and observe in these lessons to improve their own practice. All children will therefore benefit from specialist sports teaching to improve their skills, their confidence and abilities to take part in a range of sporting activities.
  • Allow the PE trained teacher to support the P.E Coordinator in liaising with schools and organising other events across a range of disciplines throughout the year and across the year groups.
  • To hold termly P.E days for children across the school to develop sporting skills and to work in mixed aged teams. External experts to work alongside class teachers and the P.E Coordinator.
  • Regular P.E INSET, led by our P.E specialist for teachers.
  • Purchase new sports equipment to be used in P.E lessons and our after school clubs.
  • Enable increased participation in competitive sports events with other primary schools in the local area
  • Purchase resources for encouraging physical activities during playtime
  • Train play leaders in year 6 to lead physical activities during the lunch hour
  • Continue to offer a wide range and number of school activities to pupils across the school (Netball, Football, Cross Country Running, Athletics, Hockey, Swimming, Dance and Gymnastics)

We feel that this is the most effective and efficient way for the funding to have a long lasting and positive effect on future learning and physical development of children within our school. Our overall aim is to raise standards in P.E. and school sport increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. The PE Coordinator and specialist PE Teacher will continue to review provision and its impact termly, making recommendations and changes to class teachers and the SLT.


1. Teachers will feel more confident in developing and planning P.E to the highest standards: Monitoring shows teachers have grown in confidence with their P.E teaching and are improving their practice

2. Monitoring the uptake of places in school club P.E activities. We expect to see an increase in percentage uptake. Children will feel more confident to participate.

- 2015 to 2016: 70% young people are engaged in extracurricular sporting activity every week, with many participating in more than one activity.

- In 2015 to 2016 academic year the school has provided opportunities for children to participate in 18 sports with specialist P.E teachers.

- Termly newsletters are sent to parents’ updating them on what activities have taken place, how well the children have done and what will be happening next. Children’sachievementsare celebrated at both an individual and team level. This information is available on the website.

Club / After school or lunchtime / Number of children (100 on school roll)
Dance / After school / 8
Netball / After school / 10
Football / After school / 16
Tennis / After school / 4
Play leaders / Lunchtime / 20
Cricket / Lunchtime / 20
Cross country / Lunchtime / 30
Hockey / Lunchtime / 8
  1. 3. Pupil Voice – Audit of children’s confidence and understanding of PE skills throughout the year - The children are highly motivated in their PE sessions. 90% of children enjoyed sports day and associated activities leading up to it and all who took partenjoyed participating in a dance display to the whole school and parents. Attainment has been raised because of this. This is evident in the sporting attainments achieved both on a local and national scale.
  2. Pupils will be keen to participate in sport activities with other schools - This year our children have successfully taken part in the following local events; Swimming (won the local gala), Football, Cross Country (some children chosen to take part in county wide events), Netball (won the VSA netball tournament), Tag Rugby (one team won the Shield Plate) and Hockey.