AP World- Questions for Chapter 35

1) Q) In what ways did China and Vietnam differ from other third world nations? A) The traditional patterns of civilization in China and Vietnam collapsed, whereas colonized peoples managed to retain much of their pre-colonial cultures

2) Q) In China and Vietnam, a combination of external aggression and internal upheavals discredited and destroyed ______A) Ancient Confucian system

3) Q) The last Manchu emperor abdicated when? A) 1912

4) The best positioned contenders for power following the fall of the Qing were the ______A) warlords and military commanders

5) Q) What foreign power played a major role in Chinese domestic history from the mid-1890s to 1945?

A) Japan

6) Q) The leader of the revolutionary alliance, a loose coalition of anti-Qing groups that spearheaded the 1911 revolt was ______A) Sun Yat-sen

7) Q)What happened to the parliamentary government established in China by the revolutionary alliance in 1912? A) Sun Yat-sen resigned the presidency in favor of the northern warlord, Yuan Shikai

8) Q) Japan gained influence in China by seizing the concessionary areas of what European power during WW I? A) Germany

9) Q) The initial goal of the May Fourth movement was______- A) the creation of a liberal democracy along Western lines

10) Q) Most of the members of the May Fourth movement were? A) intellectuals and students

11)Q) What made Chinese thinkers aware of a possible Marxist solution to China’s ills? A) Russian revolution of 1917

12) Q) The man who headed the study circle at the University of Beijing and who first gave serious attention to Marxist philosophy was______A) Li Dazhao

13) Q) How did early Chinese Marxist philosophy differ from that of Lenin’s? A)) The study circle at the University of Beijing saw the peasants as the vanguard of the revolution

14) Q) Early Marxist philosophers in China characterized all of China’s society as______A) proletarian

15) Q) What organizations and publications were associated with the early Marxist movement in China?

A)) New Youth, Communist Youth Corp, Socialist Youth Corp

16) Q) The founder of the communist youth corp in Paris in 1920 was______A))) Zhou Enlai

17) Q) In 1919, Sun Yat-sen returned to China and attempted to unify the various political organizations struggling for political influence in China by reorganizing the revolutionary movement under what name?

A)) the Nationalist Party of China

18) Q) What groups were allied with the Nationalist Party by 1924? A)) urban businessmen and merchants in the southern coastal cities, the communists, local warlords and the criminal underworld

19) Q) The Chinese nationalist party received much of its early support from ______A) Soviet Union

20) Q) What was Chiang Kai-shek’s initial role within the Chinese Nationalist Party? A)) head of Whampoa Military academy

21) Q) The Nationalist Party’s greatest failure was its inability to ______-- A)) create a military wing of the party

22) Q) What early Chinese Communist leader emphasized the role of the peasantry in the revolution? A)) Mao Zedong

23) Q) Early Chinese Communist thinkers like Li Lisan emphasized ______A) revolution based on the urban working class

24) Q) Following Sun Yat-sen’s death in 1925, what group seized the nationalist party? A)) warlords and military chiefs

25) Q) Who emerged as the leader of the Nationalist Party in the late 1920s? A)) Chiang Kai-shek.

26) Q) Open warfare began between the communists and Nationalists following ______

A)) the nationalist slaughter of their former allies in Shanghai

27) Q) What groups initially supported the Nationalists in their contest with the Communists for control of China? A)) urban businessmen and merchants, intellectuals and students, rural landlords

28) Q) What impact did the nationalists smashing of the worker’s movement have on the development of the Communist party in China? A)) It allowed Mao’s program of revolutionary activity among peasants to come to the forefront

29) Q) The center of communist operations in the late 1920s was______A))) Hunan province

30) Q) The Long March refers to ______A)))the march of 90,000 communists from Hunan to Shaanxi province

31) Q) The center of the Communist Party in China from 1934 to the mid-1940s was______A)) Shaanxi province

32) Q) What interrupted Chiang Kai-shek’s destruction of the Chinese Communist Party in the late 1930s? A)) Japanese invasion of Chinese mainland

33) Q) What was the impact of the Japanese invasion on the relative strengths of the struggle between Nationalists and Communists? A)) Japanese victories robbed the Nationalists of their supporters in the southern cities and diminished Chaing’s military reputation as the savior of China.

34) Q) The Communist victory over the nationalist forces was achieved following Chaing’s withdrawal to Taiwan in ______A))1949

35) Q) In what way was the Chinese Communist takeover of China different than the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia? A))) The Chinese Communists claimed a unified country and did not experience years of civil war and foreign intervention

36) Q) The Chinese army remained clearly ______to the Communist Party. A)) subordinate

37) Q) Characterize Chinese foreign policy during the 1950s and 60s. A)) 1. Intervened militarily between North and South Korea 2. practiced close collaboration with the Soviet Union, 3. became first non-industrialized power to explode a nuclear weapon

38) Q) Characterize Chinese domestic policy during the 1950s and 60s. A)) Introduced first 5 year plan in 1953, leadership started to turn away from the peasantry

39) Q) Mao’s 1958 program of pushing industrialization through small-scale projects integrated into the peasant communes was called______A))) the Great Leap forward

40) Q) Unlike most third world countries, China responded to its population problem in the middle 1960s by______- A)) limiting urban couples to two children and rural couples to one

41) Q) By 1960, Mao lost his position as State Chairman because______A)) of the general and catastrophic failure of the Great Leap Forward.

42) Q) Which “pragmatists” came to power following Mao’s fall in 1960? A)) Zhou Enlai

43) Q) What were the Chinese Communist parties attitude toward women? A) legal equality, career opportunities, “women hold up half of the heavens”

44) Q) Mao’s last campaign, launched in 1965, was the ______A)) Cultural Revolution

45) Q) The Gang of Four were ______A)) Jiang Qing and three allies who contested the power of the pragmatists on behalf of the aging Mao

46) Q) Typically during the 1980s, the Chinese government exemplified ______A))encouragement of private market production, private enterprise in the industrial sector, domination by the pragmatists

47) Q) WHat precondition for revolution in Vietnam not similar to that in China? A)) Vietnam was officially colonized by a European power

48) Q) From the 17th century, Vietnam had been part of the colonial system of______A)) France

49) Q) The Vietnamese rebellion that toppled both the Trinh and Nguyen dynasties of the 18th century was the ______A))) Tayson

50) The French interveined in the 18th century Vietnamese rebellion and supported ______A)) Nguyen Anh

51) Q) The outcome of the 18th century Vietnamese rebellion was ______A)) the unification of the country under a single emperor at Hue

52) Q) By what decade did the French manage to achieve control over all of Vietnam? A)) 1890s

53) In what way was the early nationalist organization in Vietnam similar to other third world nations? A)) Composed of western educated middle class

54) Q) By the late 1920s, the leader of the Vitnamese Communist Party was ______A)) Nguyen Ai Quoc

55) Q) The Communists-dominated nationalist movement in Vietnam during World War II was called the ______A)) Viet Minh

56) Q) The Vietnamese nationalists in 1954 decidedly defeated the French at ______A)) Dien Bien Phu

57) Q) To oppose communism in Vietnam, the U.S. propped up ______in the south. A)) Ngo Dinh Diem

58) Q) Communist opposition to the U.S. supported Diem regime in the south was known as ______A))) Viet Cong

59) Q) The Americans withdrew from Vietnam in 1975 which precipitated ______A)) the fall of an unpopular military regime there.

60) Q) What modern values in China and Vietnam represent a departure from traditional Chinese culture? A))) total abandonment of Confucianism from politics and government.