AP/ITEC 3010 3.0 Section A - YorkUniversity
Systems Analysis and Design, I
Fall 2012
Prof. Peter Khaiter
Faculty Secretary:
Sandy Yang
Ph: 416-736-2100x40797
1. Announcements - should be none as they are term-specific
2. Lectures:
AP/ITEC 3010 3.0 Section A:
Thursdays, 7:00-10:00 pm, in TEL 1004
First lecture: Monday, September 6
Final lecture: Monday, November 29
3. Examinations:
Mid-Term: October 11 (tentatively)
Final: During Fall Exam Period (Dec. 5-21)
4. Tentative Schedule
Week 1: Lectures 1.a and 1.b; Reading: chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 37-40)
Week 2: Lecture 2; Reading: chapter 8
Week 3: Lectures 3 and 4; Reading: chapter 9, on-line chapters A and C; chapter 2
Week 4: Lecture 5; Reading: chapter 3 (pp. 67-80), chapters 4, 5 (pp. 120-126). Assignment 1 posted
Week 5: Lecture 6; Reading: on-line chapter B. Review for the midterm test
Week 6 : Midterm, Assignment 1 due
Week 7: Lecture 7; Reading: chapter 5
Week 8: Lecture 8; Reading: chapter 6 Reading Week, no class
Week 9: Co-Curricular days (Oct. 31-Nov. 4). No class
Week 10: Lecture 9; Reading: chapter 10
Week 11: Lecture 10; Reading: chapter 11. Assignment 2 posted
Week 12: Lecture 11; Reading: chapters 7 and 12
Week 13: Lecture 11 (cont). Review for the final exam, Assignment 2 due
Text and References:
Required Text:
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, by John Satzinger, Robert Jackson and Stephen Burd. 6th edition. Course Technology, 2012 (ISBN-13: 978-1-111-53415-8)
Course Evaluation:
Final exam (closed books and notes) - 40%
Midterm exam (closed books and notes) - 35%
Assignments 1 - 10%
Assignments 2 - 10%
Class participation - 5%
Late Policy:
Assignments submitted after the due date/time will not be accepted and will receive a mark of zero unless medical or other acceptable documentation is supplied. Such documentation must indicate that either:
- you could not be present on the due date, or
- some problem prevented you from working on the task for at least 50% of the time that you had to do it.
In such exceptional cases, the weight of that assignment will be added to the weight of the final exam.
Mid-term test:
A make-up test will NOT be provided. If you miss the test for medical reasons, the weight will be added to the weight of the final exam.
Final Exam:
The final exam is cumulative. If you do better on the final exam than on the mid-term exam, your final exam mark can replace you mid-term mark. The final exam is held during the University examination period. The date of the final exam is not known until the official University examination schedule is published. It is your responsibility to be present at the exam. No agreement will be given for deferred standing for reasons of travel plans.