AP Human Geography
Tanya Lancee
Welcome to AP Human Geography (and in a way… welcome to college)! A variety of performance based learning strategies and assessments will be used in this class including interactive lecture, discussion, video, group work, independent study, research, labs, field studies, portfolio projects, and summative and formative assessments. Critical and creative writing, reading, and thinking skills as well as development of the AP Habits of Mind will be emphasized. It is expected that all students will participate in the National AP Exam in May.
Required Supplies:
1. 3 section spiral notebook for text notes, class notes, and vocab.
2. 3-ring binder, paper, and dividers.
3. Blue or Black pens (only), colored pencils, highlighters, and #2 pencils.
4. Internet access
5. Textbooks: An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape (Rubenstien) and Human Geography in Action (Kuby)
HIGHLY Recommended Supplies:
1. Barron’s, Kaplan, or 5 Steps to a 5 supplemental study guides. These are available at any bookstore and have reviews, practice tests, etc.
Class Expectations:
F Please remember that this a college level course and I expect good manners, appropriate language, and a respectful attitude towards others.
F I allow water only in our classroom.
F When you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the missed work box in the back of the room and to look at the side assignment board to make up missed work.
F All policies and procedures as outlined in the Sprayberry High School Handbook, including those pertaining to cell phones and MP3 players will be enforced in the classroom and equal an automatic discipline referral.
F Your agenda is your pass to the bathroom. If you have lost yours, you need to purchase one at the school store. Per the 9th grade contract, you will be allowed three bathroom visits a month. If you have a medical issue, please have a parent email me with concerns.
F It is expected that students will complete all major tests and projects. No extra credit will be given.
Assignments and Makeup Work
F It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with assignments/due dates. Check the white board daily and stay organized. Remember there is no extra credit and late work from a past unit will not be accepted.
F Assignments are due when collected at the beginning of class, once all assignments have been collected any work that was not ready and is handed in later will be considered late. Please note that extracurricular activities/ field trips are not excuses for late/incomplete work.
F Late work: pease note that there is a 25% per day late work deduction. The final day for any late work is the day of the unit test. In other words, when we are on unit two, I will not accept work from unit one. Some late work may be accepted based on teacher discretion under certain circumstances. The best advice: DO IT WHEN IT IS DUE!!!! Not only does this help you for the test, it gets you full credit.
F It is YOUR responsibility to make up any class work, quizzes, or tests missed because of excused absences. You have 3 school days to make up work upon your return unless other arrangements have been made. Long term assignments are due on the day that you return. If you have a group project due and you are going to be out, make sure you can email/ get your share of the work to another group member.
F Any work missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made up.
Helpful Hints:
Ø Reading your text is ESSENTIAL to success in this course. TAKE NOTES!
Ø Use the vocabulary lists at the end of each chapter.
Ø Make flashcards or mindmaps for the terms you have difficulty remembering.
Ø Review “Key Issues” at the end of each chapter.
Ø Be sure that you can answer the “Thinking Geographically” questions.
Ø Read the summary at the end of each chapter.
Ø Be sure to READ THE CASE STUDIES in each chapter. Good for FRQ’s!!
Ø Review vocabulary, models, and application of both to real world situations.
Ø Use the companion website for your textbook (linked from my blog).
Ø Read and review every night!!!! Read to learn, not to “get it over with”
Ø Manage your time wisely… I recommend an agenda or planner.
Ø Complete all assignments on time… do not fall behind.
Ø Keep up with the current events of your world and be prepared to discuss.
Ø Make an appointment to see me outside of class, if you need to.
Ø Use the “Useful Websites Guide” on my blog.
Ø Be interested and enjoy learning about YOUR world and those in it.
Date for National AP Exam is FRIDAY MAY, 12
*** Please keep this syllabus in the front of your notebook at all times and refer to it frequently***
I have read and understand the syllabus for AP Human Geography.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature ______Date ______