District Governor’s Message October 2010

Hello Lions of V2,

Our club visits are progressing well and we continue to be welcomed as friends at every club. Thanks to all the clubs who send us their bulletins each month, they are all so professional and we enjoy reading them. Our District is forging ahead with many clubs doing well with their membership drives. I have had great pleasure in inducting quite a number of new members during our club visits. Well done to these clubs.

At our visit to Macarthur this month I was honoured to present a James D. Richardson award to a very deserving Lion, Lesley Addinsall, who works so hard for her club and community. She was very surprised and humble in her acceptance of the award. We were present when the Lions Club of Leopold presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Dennis Mitchell. It was a bittersweet occasion for Dennis as his father Clive, a Charter member of the Lions Club of Heywood, had passed away only days before. How proud he would have been to see his son so honoured.

I attended my first Council Meeting in Sydney in late August. I think all the attending District Governors gained a lot from the weekend with plenty of fruitful discussions and opportunities for questions. On the Sunday we met with Past International Director Barry Palmer, who has just been endorsed as the candidate for International 2nd Vice President by Lions Clubs International. We wish Barry all the best for his campaign in 2013. The V Districts joint project, “Coins for Kids”, was discussed over the weekend and plans are in hand to gain the necessary permission for the project to go ahead from the relevant government departments.

We Serve

You are all aware of my interest in promoting our youth programmes. I would like all Lions to stand up and put a big effort into Leo’s Clubs and all our youth projects. This is time well spent – our youth are the future of Lions. Congratulations to John McNamara and all the clubs involved in the charter of the Leo’s Club of Bannockburn and District on 17th September 2010.

Zone 2 Chairman, Michael Clark, has regretfully had to resign from his position due to work commitments. Thanks to Lion Lyn Crump for stepping into this role – your dedication is appreciated.

A few reminders: I hope all clubs have ordered their Lions Christmas Cakes and Puddings as well as our newest sweet treat, Lions Fudge. They are good revenue raisers for every club and don’t take a lot of effort to sell.

Registrations for our District Convention at South Barwon were due by the end of September so I hope everyone has registered on time.

In closing I quote the words of International President, Sid Scruggs 111. “There are 1.35 million lighthouses in 206 countries – Lions members who light the way, and serve as Beacons of Hope.”

Max Oberlander

District Governor

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – October 2010 Page 3

From the DG’s Partner

(or Chris’s Corner)

What a wet, cold month September has been! On our travels we have seen paddocks disappear under lakes of water and trickling streams become wide, fast – flowing rivers. Our thoughts are with all those folk affected by floods in our District.

We were impressed with the beauty of Western Victoria as we drove from Colac, through the village of Forrest, down to Apollo Bay and on to Lorne via the Great Ocean Road. The Lions Club of Lorne combined their meeting with the Lioness Club and I enjoyed getting to know the Lionesses who work alongside the Lions in their town. Lorne has grown a lot since we were last there, and we were surprised to learn that the permanent population of the town is only about 900 which swells to several thousand during holiday times.

During our visit to the Lions Club of Terang, two local girls, the daughter and niece of a Terang Lion, who were trainee teachers, gave a very interesting presentation on their recent trip to Africa with “Impact Africa”. They spent a month in Zanzibar teaching local children English. They illustrated their talk with slides and it was obvious that they gained a lot from their experience. They told us we were very fortunate to live in the “lucky country”.

Our visit to Inverleigh was an informal evening at the home of a club member. It was so laid – back that they didn’t want Max to give his usual club visit address. I didn’t mind at all – I have heard it 17 times already and still have 50 to go! Just joking, Max!

Until next month

Chris Oberlander

DG Max’s

Visitation Schedule – October 2010

Tuesday 5th Warrnambool

Thursday 7th Minyip

Wednesday 13th Anglesea

Tuesday 19th Edenhope

Wednesday 20th Bannockburn

Tuesday 26th Cavendish

Wednesday 27th Port Fairy Belfast

Thursday 28th Horsham

/ Peace Poster &
Operation Friendship

Peace Poster

Since publishing the list of participating Clubs in the September Newsletter, I have learned that Portarlington/Drysdale Club has installed 7 kits in local schools. Well done! That brings us to a total of 42 kits in 17 Clubs, which is an improvement on last year but still leaves many Clubs with a missed opportunity.

Operation Friendship

Our visitor for this year is Lion Joachim Buttke from the Lions Club of Ottersberg/Wuemme near Bremen in north-western Germany. His business activities have limited his involvement in Lions, but he has been Secretary and a Vice President in his 13 years of membership.

Unfortunately, Lion Joachim’s wife is not able to accompany him, but he will be joined by a business associate for the last week of his stay with us.

Thanks to offers of hosting from Heywood, Leopold, Simpson and Horsham, we should be able to show Joachim quite a variety of sights and activities. Lion Joachim will give a presentation to the Convention on Sunday morning, and is looking forward to the challenge of having “no chance to switch to my home language” for the time he is with us.

Bob Badham

Peace Poster & International Relations Chairman


August Membership Statistics

Members as at 31 July 2010 / 1555
- New Members / 13
- Transferred in
- Reinstated / 0
0 / 13
- Dropped In good standing / 3
- Deceased
- Other / 2
- Transfer Out / 1 / 6
Members as at 31 August 2010 / 1562
Increase/(Decrease) 2010-2011 / 30

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – October 2010 Page 2

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – October 2010 Page 3

District 201 V2 Convention Update No.8

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – September 2010 Page 5

Congratulations to Goroke Club for being the first to register for the Convention! Now all we need is for all the other District Clubs to register and pay by the closing date of 30 September.

Now would be a good time to review the updates in previous Newsletters, as there’s a wealth of information there. For those whose filing systems are of the biblical format, here is the essence of those articles -

Accommodation: At our last review there was still plenty of accommodation available but, to secure the type of accommodation you prefer, it’s important to get your bookings in. The list is on the District Website and remember to tell your hosts that you’re here for the Lions Convention. All accommodation on the list is within a 10 minute drive of the Convention Centre. Buses will pick up and return for the “Back to Skool” banquet on Saturday night.

Catering: Our caterers will prepare only sufficient meals for those who register, so it’s important to make sure that your Registration is accurate in regard to number and type of meals. If you indicate you have special dietary requirements you will have a different coloured name badge to signify this. Only those with the coloured badge will receive special meals. And remember that the boxed lunch is the only food available at the Convention Centre for Saturday lunch.

Club Banners: Please be sure to delegate someone to bring your Club Banner, and to hand it in at Registration. We hope to have the entire District represented along the walls of the Convention hall.

Club Project Photos: A number of Clubs have forwarded photos of their Members in action, and they are obviously proud of their involvement and activities. But there’s many more Clubs which have not responded to our request. Lions is about participating so, if your Club has not yet sent photos in, please get active and send them to the email address below. You can send up to 3 photos, each up to 2 MB in size. Size is important to ensure that they will be clear when projected onto a large screen.

Dressing up: For our “Back to Skool” banquet we invite everyone enter into the spirit and come as you would have for school those few short years ago. There’s been meetings behind the shelter sheds at quite a few Clubs, and not just for smoking or a bit of “you-know-what”. Assistance with costumes can be obtained through a costume hire shop run by volunteers. Check out www.thedressupplace.com.au

Partners’tours: There’s a choice of two organised tours –

Ø  Geelong Central Walking Tour, including a number of significant sites at a comfortable pace, and finishing with afternoon tea overlooking the waterfront precinct. A bus will run from the Convention Centre to the City, then return.

Ø  Bus Tour to the Lara area, with afternoon tea at an extensive private garden which has been featured in the Australian Open Garden Scheme.

Registration: Help us to help you. Make sure that your details are included correctly on your Club’s Registration Form and that the Form reaches us by the closing date of 30 September 2010. We need everybody who is attending the Convention in any capacity to register for insurance purposes. Even if you’re coming only to the Friday night Opening you need to register. And if you plan to stay for supper you must book that on the Registration Form.

Shopping and Banking: The extensive Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre is located on the Princes Highway, just over one kilometre from the Convention Centre. Opening hours are 9:00am – 9:00pm Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm Saturday, and 10:00am – 5:00pm Sunday. There are ATM’s for Bendigo, Commonwealth, ANZ and Westpac Banks. The Post Office is open 9:00am – 12 noon Saturday.

Where is it? Deakin University Waurn Ponds Campus is off Pigdons Road Waurn Ponds (Melway 464 J5). There is more detail on Map 578. Maps will be sent out with Registration receipts. Entry for Conventioneers is via Nicol Drive North to Car Park 1, then a short walk across to the K D Stewart Centre. All functions of the Convention will be held here. And ladies, there are no limitations on footwear.

Bob Badham

2010 Convention Chairman


PS Did I mention the closing date for Registrations is 30 September 2010?

Send articles about your club, portfolio or members to:

by 15th day of month for publication in the next District Governor’s Newsletter and:

for inclusion on the V2 website.

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – September 2010 Page 5

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – September 2010 Page 5

Leadership - part of the MERL Team

Lions International District 201V2 Newsletter – October 2010 Page 4

Since this Lions year commenced I have asked each Lion, Lioness and Leo to complete a course online so today I went into the “Lions Learning Center” and completed a course on “Membership Motivation” – it was enlightening as you take the time to really concentrate and read the course before you have to answer the Questions.

Leading into the course you are presented with three (3) theories by three (3) eminent Psychologists – MacGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Hygiene and Motivation Factors Theory and McClelland’s Theory of Motivation. Prior to the finalisation of the course we are taking we are shown “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs”. All of these theories are not LIONS related they are LIFE related and cover every avenue of our LIFE as a HUMAN BEING.

Let us take Maslow’s Hierarchy firstly; it is the Life Pyramid

Level 1 Physiological Needs,

Level 2 Security Needs,

Level 3 Social Needs,

Level 4 Ego-Enhancement Needs and

Level 5 Self-Actualisation Needs.

Although Maslow tells us we cannot move up the pyramid until we have LEVEL 1 in place once this is completed the rest follow.

Not all of us want to complete every facit of Level 5 in our daily lives – we may achieve many areas of life which fall into this category – why not have a go at the Membership Motivation course it takes all of twenty minutes unless you would like to print the different sections which takes longer.

It would be an excellent for Clubs to take this Motivation course but I wonder how many of us have even gone into the “Membership Training” site, had a look around let alone complete a course.

All Club Members at sometime during the year require a “refresh” attitude. We do it in our daily lives so let us please do it in our “Lions Life”. President and members, take the time to re-motivate yourselves. Those who are in Senior Club positions take the lead and make an impact by increasing the personal status and prestige of your Club Members to improve your friendly relationships and interaction with all – remember we are a Team and there is NO “I” in team. Let one and all have similar Club achievements. Refocus and the best results for all will be self driven by each individual Club Member which will lead and show the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of members to different projects and be open to change. Remember when you were young you “Wanted to Change the World” and you tried? Today our Youth are no different as they also want to change the world. Times are different and we need to be open to change to enable us all to be better and stronger Human Beings as well as Lions.