Recent Deaths : Mai O’ Callaghan (née Burke), Tralee Road, Castleisland, and formerly of Ballymacpierce, Ballymacellligott; Tom Frawley, Knockalough, Kilmihil, Co. Clare.
Masses during the week:
Vigil 7.30pm - Clogher, Blessing of Babies and Children Baptised in our Parish
in 2014
Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Patrick and Mary O’ Shea and their son, Donal, (Anniv.)
and the other deceased family members, Kilquane.
Mon. 7.30pm - Ballymac Michael McDermot, Rathanny (18th Anniv.)
Tues., 10.00am - Ballymac,
Wed. 10.00am - Ballymac, Special Intention
Thurs. 10.00am - Ballymac,
Fri. 7.30pm - Ballymac Mary Lynch(née Hyde), Castletreause, Douglas, Cork,
and Kilnamartyra, Co. Cork (Recently Deceased)
Sat. 10.00am - Ballymac, Jimmy Scanlon( Springhill, Ballymacelligott. (Month’s
Vigil 7.30pm - Ballymac,, Tom (Roundy) McEllistrim, Ballydwyer (Month’s Mind).
Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Simon (14th Anniv.)and Eva Griffin (2nd Anniv.) The Bog
Road / Chutehall.
Weekend Offertory Collection : Total = €785.00 of which Weekly
Parish Envelopes = €599.10
Needs of the Holy Land Diocesan Collection = €265.00
Holyday (6th January) Offertory Collection = €235.00 of which Weekly Parish
Envelopes = €58.00
Special Invitation: The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord brings the Season of Christmas to a close. It is a very important feast on which we focus on a very significant event in the Life of Jesus and on which we focus on the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism in our own lives. Therefore, parents of children or babies who were baptised in our parish in 2014 are invited to bring them to the Vigil Mass (7.30p.m.) for that feast this Saturday, 10th January 2015, in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, for a special blessing. Light refreshments will be served in St. Brendan’s Community Centre, Ballydwyer affording people the opportunity to come together after the Mass.
Thank You : Fr. Pat would like to thank all who have supported the Parish and himself, financially and in other ways, over the last 12 months. He would also like to thank most sincerely the Contact People who have distributed the Boxes of Envelopes and Parish Calendars for 2015 over the last few weeks and those who will be doing so in the next couple of weeks. May the Lord reward you for such.
Fr. Pat would also like to thank most sincerely all those people who have given in their Christmas Offerings.
Do This In Memory: The next Mass in this programme will be the 10.00am Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott, on Sunday, 18th January 2015.
Missing Music Book: A very valuable Veritas Music Book (with music accompaniment) belonging to Sr. Bernardine, which has always been left in the Book Press in Clogher Church (for the past 20 years) has been removed. In its place was put a folder containing five hymn sheets. She is hoping and praying that whoever took it (by mistake probably) will realize they have it, and return it. It can be dropped through the letter box of the presbytery.
Readers in Church (Ministers of the Word): Anyone who would be interested in reading in Church and like to be added to our list of Readers, please contact Sr. Bernardine or Fr. Pat as soon as possible as the time-table for the year must be made out.
Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: 23rd - 31st October 2015 (October Bank Holiday) led by Bishop Ray Browne. 4 nights Tiberias, 4 nights Jerusalem. Flights ex Dublin. Coach transfers ex Kerry. For more information please contact Janice 064 7758219 or e-mail
Sacrament of Confirmation: This Sacrament will be administered in our parish on Friday, 17th April 2015, during Mass beginning at 3.30p.m.
Dates for First Holy Communion:
Saturday, 25th April 2015: O’ Brennan N.S. in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott.
Saturday, 16th May 2015: Clogher N.S. and Scoil Nuachabháil in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher.
Both Masses will be at 11.00a.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous : Do you think you may have a drink problem? Contact your local AA meeting or telephone 066-7127820 or 087-0522911 for information or advice.
Safeguarding Children: Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Bobby Fitzgerald, Kathleen Griffin, Anne Kenny and Ellen Lynch. Contact numbers can be found on the “Kerry Diocesan Child Protection Policy Statement and Contact Information” notices in both churches.
Recovery Haven: ‘Strides for Life’ is run in conjunction with the Irish Cancer Society. The Group meets every Tuesday at Recovery Haven, Tralee. Any queries, please contact Siobhán @ 066-7192122.
Improvements to our Churches: The work involved in replacing the carpet in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, with carpet tiles (excluding the sanctuary area around the altar) will begin on Monday, 12th January 2015 and will be carried out by Pat Lovett of Tralee. It is hoped that the job will be done in one week. All the Masses in our parish in the coming week will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacellligott, Meanwhile, Michael O’ Connor of Clogher is “waiting in the wings” to start the job of painting the latter church and this work will commence as soon as the Clogher job is completed.
Accord Counselling and Pre-Marriage Course Services :
Accord covers a range of issues including bereavement, suicide, fertility and relationship counselling to both individuals and couples. This service is provided by professional counsellors in a confidential environment. Accord also provide
approved Pre-Marriage Courses. Couples planning to celebrate their marriage in the
Diocese of Kerry are asked to participate in one of these Pre-Marriage Courses run by
Accord. For more details contact 066-7122280
Parish Bazaar: The profit from the Bazaar, which took place last November, presently stands at €8,950, which compares very favourably with other years. Once again, we congratulate all who helped to make it such a success and a very enjoyable social event too!
Missing Pew: It came to our attention on Sunday, 20th July 2014, after Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott, that a pew (i.e. bench) was missing from the gallery of the church. Such a pew would be needed at Christmastime and for large funerals or weddings. In addition, the fact that it was removed raises a security issue for us as we wonder what might be taken next!! If anyone has information on the matter, they should contact Fr. Pat in person or at 087- 6709491
Freedom from Addiction - Free For Life: Is an addiction controlling and ruining your life? Would you like to discover Hope and Joy? Contact us: Community Cenacolo, Knock, Co. Mayo. Telephone: 094-9388286, where you can find free help. Further Info: Jean : 087-2687040, or Damien: 0860644662 also
“We believe that, even in the darkest night, it is possible to find light again. In the deepest sadness, joy can be rekindled. In the bitterest loneliness, a friend may draw close and love you” (Mother Elvira)
Kielduff Community Centre: A group of people have been praying the Rosary in the Centre every Sunday night for many years. It is great to see this tradition continuing. The group would love to see others join them any Sunday night at 8.00p.m. to pray the Rosary.
Used Postage Stamps : These can be brought to Sr. Bernardine or handed in to the Presbytery in aid of the Missions.
Seats in the Porches: The seats in the porches of both churches were put there a number of years ago by the Parish Pastoral Council to accommodate parents with children who might be noisy or a source of distraction for other Mass-goers. We would ask that those seats be reserved for such please.
Depression: Weekly meeting for sufferers of depression and bi-polar disorder takes place in the Sacristy rooms at the rear of St. John’s Church every Tuesday at 8.00p.m. Call Kate on 087-2993142 or Aware office on 01-6617211.
Senior Help Line: Do you need someone to talk to? Senior Help Line is a confidential
listening service for older people by older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland, Local 1850440444. Senior Help Line is open from 10.00am to 10.00pm, 365 days a year.
Irish Catholic Catechism for Adults: At their Summer Meeting in Maynooth over the past week, the Irish Catholic Bishops launched a new book entitled “Irish Catholic Catechism for Adults”. It is for adults who wish to renew or learn more about their faith, including Parish Study Groups, Liturgy Committees, Retreat Groups, RCIA Groups and those interested in personal study. It also provides information about the Catholic faith to other interested readers. It presents Irish Catholics with a renewed opportunity to study, reflect on and live by the faith we profess in the Creed, celebrate in the Sacraments, live in the christian moral life and deepen through prayer. Each chapter commences with a short account of a saint or holy person, most of whom are Irish. It is published by Veritas and costs €24.90
Senior Kerry Stroke Support Group: This group meet the last Friday of each month in Baile Mhuire Care Centre, Tralee, from 11.30am to 1.15pm. This is an ideal place for people who have had a stroke to meet. Support, information, encouragement and light exercise takes place. All welcome.
S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee: S.V.P. is dedicated to alleviate poverty and support
those who experience crises in their lives. They help in all cases of immediate need, on a ‘person to person’ basis. They are dependant on peoples’ generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm. Tel 066-7122706.
For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 087-7848825 or 066-7128021
The Family Prayer Book: The Irish Bishops Council for Marriage and the Family have launched The Family Prayer Book. “It is a very accessible and user-friendly collection of prayers we know, prayers we may have forgotten and new prayers” said Cardinal Brady at the launch. It is priced at €13.50. For more information, check out
Advice from An Garda Siochana to Pedestrians: Be Safe – Be Seen – Arrive Alive.
· Wear bright clothing during hours of darkness/consider carrying a torch.
· Where there is no footpath walk facing traffic (on the right).
· Stop and listen before you cross the road.
Please take care on the roads.
“Radio Kerry- Horizons” Listen to Horizons Sunday morning from 9am to 10am. We are searching for stories of Good Neighbours. If you know someone that fits the bill e-mail More details on dioceseof
Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea: The Cistercian Monks welcome people from very varied backgrounds to their Guesthouse, a place of peace and serenity. Some may just
want a quiet time to reflect and rest, away from the stress of everyday life, while others may be seeking solace in distress or trying to discern the Lord’s will for them.
Whatever! Why not avail of the experience that the serenity of the place and the calm of
the Guesthouse gives to nourish you during your stay and , hopefully, stay with you when you leave and return to your everyday life. There are also many fine walks around the grounds, giving the visitor time and place to enjoy the peaceful landscape of this area. If
interested phone 050525600or Email www.guesthouse @
Altar Servers Rota forClogher :.
Team A : Eoin & James Kenny, Adam Alusin Jah.
Team B : Lisa Curran, Maurice O Connell & Darren Griffin..
Team C :, Dáire Keane, Dylan Dunne Moriarty & Daragh Lynch..
Team D : Laura & Rebecha Daly, & Niamh Lynch.,
Ballymac:.Rachel, Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cait, Cian, Niamh.& Shonagh Griffin.