AP European History Summer Assignment


Welcome to AP European History! Hopefully you are having a fun and safe summer vacation. However, you do not have that much time, therefore we must get started as soon as possible. As a class, we have the immense task over covering and researching roughly 500 years of European history into 20 weeks!

First and foremost, as you already know my name is Mr. Mazzola but students like to call me “Mr. Mazz”. If you have any questions and concerns about the summer assignment provided below feel free to contact me at my email . I will try to check my email as much as possible throughout our break.

After reviewing the entire summer assignment pages, please send me an email just introducing yourself, so when I add more to the summer assignment, I can directly contact you with further information. Please note that all summer assignment work will be collected and graded on the 1st day of school.

I look forward to working with you in the upcoming school. Although it will be a lot of work and responsibility on your part, I will do my best to not only prepare you for the AP final exam but try to help you find a “passion” for European History.

I.  Map Assignment

You are expected to have general working knowledge of the geography of Europe. Please complete the following maps according to the directions. Maps should be completed and colored neatly—bodies of water blue, countries in varying colors. Use a key when necessary. You will keep these maps in your binder throughout the year.

1.  Search on-line and find and print out a blank Europe map. There are a variety of sites that have these, so choose one you are comfortable with. Place the locations from the accompany sheet directly on the map. You may use whatever method helps you to identify and learn the locations. Be sure to do your work VERY neatly.

After placing the locations, you are to color then to color your map. Do the coloring VERY neatly and in a way that is helpful for identification and learning the locations. Coloring the map improves your learning and retention.

Use whatever resources- your textbook, other hardcopy maps, on-line geography sites- to complete the map.

2.  After completing the map, you will need to take a quiz on the countries of Europe by going to the website, http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/European_Georgaphy.htm.

Select the “countries” column and then go to Level 3 Intermediate. Play the map quiz game. When you finish the game, above the map you worked on will be a “check scores” link. Open that link.

When you achieve a score of over 92% and an average error distance of less than 45 miles print the score page, sign your name at the top, and bring the page and your completed to map to class.

Locations sheet

Modern Europe: Cities






















Vatican City

***Please also familiarize yourself with significant bodies of waters/ rivers and physical landscapes regarding Europe.

II.  Terms & Vocabulary

It is a useful study habit and technique to work with vocabulary/terms/ or people, places or things. If you do these well, you will have a good set of notes for unit tests, quizzes and the all-important AP exam. Since we will cover the Renaissance period at the beginning of school, these terms provide important foundations for our first unit.

Listed below is a helpful guide to correctly “doing” or completing terms. Please follow this format when completing your list. You may use creditable online sources to complete the following since you do not have a textbook yet.

·  Terms do not have to be in complete sentences but they must be in your own words.

·  Do not copy from the book. Use your own words.

·  Brief is better! Do not write a whole book, get to the point! Our main objective is to prepare you for the multiple choice section on the AP Euro exam in May!

·  They can be typed or clearly handwritten and should provide the following information:

Use this format for Terms:

a. Who/What
b. Where/When
c. Why?
d. Important because… / Girolamo Savonarola a. Dominican friar b. Florence (1452-1498) c. Information……. d. information……

Medieval Age & Renaissance terms

·  The Black death (how did it influence the Renaissance)

·  Jacob Burkhardt

·  Great Schism

·  Giovanni Boccaccio

·  Girolamo Savonarola

·  Humanism

·  Petrarch

·  Civic humanism

·  Baldassare Castiglione

·  Desiderius Erasmus

·  Thomas Moore

·  Niccolo Machiavelli

·  Brunelleschi

·  Cosimo de’ Medici (Medici family)

·  Lorenzo the Magnificent

III.  AP Euro summer reading. OHHHHHH NOOOO MR. MAZZ!!! I have to read some boring book this summer! Guess what I totally agree with you!

This is why I said in the introduction I will be adding to your summer assignment. I have continually throughout the year have been trying to find a AP European book that we could all read this summer and discuss when we return to school. Unfortunately, I hate to say it, I have not picked a real winner yet. I am currently reading a couple books regarding the Renaissance, our first Unit. I think I might have found the one. When I have decided on the book. I will personally email you the title for you to purchase the book. Please do not panic, it will not be an excessively long read or expensive. Therefore, finish the first two sections of your summer assignment and get that out of the way.

Book Title: ______(TBD- To be determined)

A. The Book Review

After reading your book, please write a 2-page book review. Your review should address the thesis of the book, the key historical components, interesting things you learned, and how the ideas in the book connect to intellectual, cultural, social, political and/or economic issues in European history. If you need inspiration, read a book review in the Economist, the New York Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, or the New Yorker.

Please include:

·  A title for your paper

·  Your first and last name

·  Reference the book

·  You may include quotations

·  2 pages

·  Proper grammar and spelling

·  Handwritten

B. 5 Discussion Questions and Short Answers

You will discuss this book with your colleagues in the fall during the first few weeks of school. Please create 5 questions along with short answers that you can share in a group discussion. Your questions should about those BIG IDEAS, not “what happened on page 235?” You can also consider questions that connect to real-world issues today.

Please include:

·  A title for your paper

·  Your first and last name

·  Reference the book

·  You may include quotations, references to drawings

·  Proper grammar and spelling

·  Handwritten

So, like I said in the introduction, please email me so I can directly get in touch with you for your reading assignment portion!

Notre Dame in Paris last week. And no I don’t take “selfies”. I’ll have more pictures on the first day.