AP Euro Unit 7 Exam, Chapters 22-24 Study Guide

1.The Second French Republic ended in 1851 when what happened?

p. 671

2.Under the Second Empire, Napoleon III was most interested in what policies?

p. 673

3.England and France entered the Crimean War in 1854 because they feared growing influence in the Mediterranean by______.

p. 674

4. What was the overall result of the Crimean War?

p. 675

5.The prime minister of Piedmont who organized the Italian unification movement was ______.

p. 676

6.The romantic nationalist who challenged Cavour for control of southern Italy was ______.

p. 677

7.The final act of Italian unification occurred in 1870 when what happened?

p. 678

8.The Red Shirts fought for ______.

p. 678

9.Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian-born leader of German unification, practiced what policy?

p. 679

10.The Zollverein describes what in Germany?

p. 678

11.Describe the chancellor of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck and his goals.

p. 679

12.What were the results of Bismarck's Austro-Prussian War?

p. 681

13.What were the immediate origins of the Franco-Prussian War?

p. 681

14.What were the consequences of France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War?

p. 681

15.What ws the Ausgleich or Compromise of 1867

p. 682

16.What happened to minorities under the Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary?

p. 682-683

17.The reforms of Tsar Alexander II centered around the abolition of ______.

p. 684

18.What were the Russian zemstvos?

p. 685

19.The Russian group People's Will assassinated ______.

p. 685

20.What were the key political consequences of Disraeli's Reform Act of 1867?

p. 687

21.Describe the ideas in The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels.

p. 692

22.Describe Charles Darwin and his evolutionary theory.

p. 694

23.The dominant literary and artistic movement in the 1850s and 1860s was ______.

p. 698

24.Describe literary realism.

p. 698

25.The nineteenth century composer associated with the concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk ("total art work") was

p. 701

26.Describe the emergence of the late nineteenth century "mass society”.

p. 704

27.By 1871, the focus of Europeans' lives had become the ______.

p. 705

28.What lead the way to new industrial frontiers during the Second Industrial Revolution?

p. 705

29.Who was key to the development of the automobile?

p. 705

30.Industrialization in Japan was the result of ______.

p. 708-709

31.After 1870, who replaced Great Britain as the leading industrial power in Europe?

p. 708

32.In late nineteenth-century Europe, increased competition for foreign markets and the growing importance of domestic demand for economic development led to what kind of reaction?

p. 706

33.How did employment opportunities for women change during the Second Industrial Revolution?

p. 710

34.A rise in female prostitution in European cities during the later nineteenth century can best be attributed to what?

p. 711

35.By 1912, what was the single largest political party in Germany?

p. 711-712

36.An issue that brought socialists together in the nineteenth century was the desire to ______.

p. 711

37.Describe the trade union movement prior to World War I.

p. 713-714

38.Initially, trade unions in the first half of the nineteenth century functioned primarily as ______.

p. 711

39.Anarchist movements were most successful in what areas?

p. 714

40.What accounted for the increasing population in Europe between 1850 and 1880? (several answers)

p. 715

41.List some reforms in urban living.

p. 717-718

42.The upper classes in the late nineteenth century included what groups of people?

p. 719

43.Describe the middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe.

p. 720

44.The largest segment of European society in the nineteenth century was composed of ______.

p. 720

45. What methods were used to limit family size in the late nineteenth century? (Several answers)

p. 722

46.Describe European middle-class families during the late nineteenth century.

p. 723

47.Describe most European educational systems by 1900.

p. 725

48.When the Irish representative in Parliament Charles Parnell called for "home rule," what was he requesting?

p. 730

49.What did the English Reform Act of 1884 do?

p. 729

50.Louis Napoleon's Second Empire was brought to an end by ______.

p. 730

51.What was the end result of the Boulanger Crisis in France?

p. 730

52.Describe the status Spain and Italy in the late nineteenth century?

p. 730

53.Describe Germany under chancellor Otto von Bismarck?

p. 732

54.What problems did Austria-Hungary face before World War I?

p. 733

55.The policy pursued by Russia's Alexander III and Nicholas II after the assassination of Alexander II was ______.

p. 734

56.Inquiry into the disintegrative processes within atoms became a central theme in the new physics in part due to the experimental work of ______.

p. 738

57.The quantum theory of energy developed by Max Planck raised fundamental questions about what?

p. 738

58.Describe the beliefs of Nietzsche.

p. 739

59.In Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, the process that drives unwanted thoughts into the unconscious is known as

p. 740

60.Using Darwin's terminology, Herbert Spencer argued what about societies?

p. 741

61.What was the greatest difference between naturalism and realism in literature?

p. 743

62.How would Emile Zola explain his use of naturalism in his novels and his depiction of characters?

p. 743

63.In his encyclical De RerumNovarum (1891), Pope Leo XIII said what regarding socialism?

p. 743

64.Camille Pissarro should be associated with what art movement?

p. 744

65.Modernism in music included what elements or characteristics?

p. 747

66.To advance the cause of women's suffrage, the Women's Social and Political Union founded by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters took what approach?

p. 749

67.During the nineteenth century, how were most Jews treated in Europe?

p. 752

68.Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement advocated the creation of what?

p. 753

69.Describe the ideas of Britain's Fabian Socialists.

p. 753

70.Among the notable achievements of the British Liberals under Lloyd George was the passage of the ______.

p. 753

71.The event which exemplified renewed anti-Semitism in France in the late nineteenth century was the ______.

p. 755

72.Growing tensions in modern German society were exemplified by the growth of what beliefs?

p. 755-756

73.Russia's disastrous defeat in the Russo-Japanese war indirectly led to what event?

p. 757

74.What were the arguments to justify imperialism at the turn of the century?

p. 759-761

75.The Boer War was fought by the British in ______.

p. 762

76.Describe the Meiji Restoration in Japan.

p. 767-768

77.What changes did British rule bring to India in the late nineteenth century?

p. 768

78.What was the basis or goal of the Bismarckian System?

p. 769

79.What was the ultimate result of the Bismarckian System?

p. 769-771

80.Which revolutionary leader helped overthrow the Manchu dynasty of China in 1912?

p. 767