NOTEBOOK: (required) 3-ring binder
1. Dividers used to separate into 4 sections: 1) notes and diagrams; 2) classwork, homework, critical thinking
questions, chapter guides; 3) labs, and 4) essays. *Dividers must be labeled on right side tab and visible.
2. Papers should be organized by chapters in sections. Chap.1 should be first and so on. Sections must be present to
receive full credit. All papers are expected to be in binder not stuck in pockets, etc.
3. Always keep the following sheets in FRONT of notebook: class information, course syllabus, college board outline, test
record, and writing essays/microscope procedures.
4. Lab section: a) Laboratory procedures, safety handout, and lab report format should always be first in this section.
b) All activities and labs go in this section
5. Graded once during a six week grading period. Will count as at least one major test grade.
Journal: You are responsible for daily Journal Entries for this class.
1. These will be kept in a Journal that will be made in class. This is NOT to leave the classroom!When you come into class
you will need to get your journal and complete task. Replace back in tray/box.
2. Each one must have a title and date. [ie: Journal Entry C1-2, 8-28]
3. Most entrieswill be written on the board when you come into class. Question must be completely written down and given
response should follow.
4. Maximum of 1 entry per page. Use complete sentences for all answers. May use front and back of page for entries as long
ink does not bleed through paper.
FREE RESPONSE ESSAYS (Will not be accepted late.) [Refer to handout for hints.]
1. Assigned about 1 essay approximately every 1-2 weeks once enough material has been covered to begin the topics.
2. Must be hand written in black/blue ink(unless assigned as online assignment).
3. Must be written in essay format. This is not English. Answer the question directly.
4. Maximum length is 2 pages writing on front side of page only. Keep returned essays in notebook for later reference.
. Excessively messy writing that is hard to decipher will lose automatic 5 points. If cannot read what is written, then
information is not valid.
CLASSWORK/ HOMEWORK: All classwork/ homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated.
1. NO LATEassignments/ work accepted except due to excused absences.
2.Anyone caught copying someone else’s work will be given a zero. This will also apply to the person who is
allowing the copying.
3. Work/homework should be placed on desk to be checked or put in tray labeled for correct class period section if it is to
be turned in.
4. All work to be turned in for a grade and tests should be done in black or blue inkor pencil. Those in other colors
will lose at least 5 points. No name (first & last) on paper will be automatic 5 points off
1. A folder will be kept for each class where work missed will be placed.
2. If you are absent from class you are responsible for checking the absent assignments folder for your class period for your
work. If there is no work there, then ask to make sure you have not missed something.
3. All make-up work should be completed within 5 daysafterreturning to school. This includes all classwork/homework as
well as tests. Reminders will not be given.Work missed just before end of grading period must be made up immediately
since grades will be due. There may not be 5 days to allow.
4. If you miss a test you must make plans to stay after school to take the test. Tests cannot be made up during class
time or my planning period!
5. This does not mean you can get behind with current work after returning to make up what was missed.
6. After 5 days ALL work/test becomes zeros. There is NO late work.
TEST(S): There will only be 4 major tests. Tests results will be returned as soon as possible.
1. May contain multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, essay, and diagrams. Number of questions may vary
depending on the material covered.
2. Tests will have a time limit just like the AP Exam does. NO extended time after school will be allowed. NO
3. Record grade on Test Record sheet. Test will be taken back up.
4. All test grades will be taken up after information is recorded and kept in a file for reference.
FORMAL LAB REPORTS: Refer to AP Lab Format handout for procedure.
1. Full reports must include the following: title, purpose, background, hypothesis, materials, procedure, data, analyses,
conclusions, and references (when used).
2. Must be typed. Type only on the front side of the paper.
3. Must have a cover and a title page (font can be larger for title page).
4. Title page must include: class, topic (lab title), name, and date.
5. Use 10 or 12 font (Arial or Times New Roman) and black ink.
6. Will NOT be accepted late even if absent on due date. Be sure the lab report get brought to school. Email if needed.
1. Given out after each 3 week period of each six week grading period.
2. These are to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned.
3. Can receive extra credit if progress report is returned by given deadline. This is the only extra credit available!
PROJECTS: Final report or data must be typed to receive credit.
1. Type only on the front side of the paper. Use 10 or 12 font (Arial or Times New Roman).
2. Must have a cover and a title page (font can be larger for title page).
3. Carries the weight of two major test grades.
4. Tentative schedule: 1st 6 weeks: book project, 2nd 6 weeks: toxic response/LD levels for organism (?),
3rd 6 weeks: comparative pond study (topics may change)
ELECTRONIC DEVICES – should only be visible in class when the device is being used. Keep ALL cell phones and
tablets out of visible view during class period. NO CHARGING of cell phones or devices other than your school laptop
will be allowed.
Consequences: 1st offense – Warning,2nd offense – device taken for remainder of class,
3rd offense – Office referral (includes refusal to turn in device for class period)
1. Sit down, begin task or reviewing quickly and quietly.4. Follow lab instructions and clean up when finished.
2. Do not talk or move about class while teacher is talking.5. Technology devices should only be used appropriate
3. Only water/juice with screw cap clear bottles allowed. NO FOOD!times.
*Horseplay during labs will result in direct office referral.
1. Oral warning2. 2 minutes after class3. 30 minutes after school 4. Office referral
*Direct disobedience will result in immediate office referral.
TARDIES: Student must be in their assigned seatBEFORE the bell rings to begin class to NOT be counted tardy.
Tardy Policy: (Unexcused tardies)
1stUnexcused tardy -Warning by teacher5th Unexcused tardy –ISS for one class period
2ndUnexcusedtardy -Parent contact6th Unexcused tardy – ISS all day
3rdUnexcusedtardy - Office referral/After-school Detention7th Unexcused tardy – ASP at MLA
4th Unexcused tardy - Office referral/After-school Detention
1. On Monday through Thursday I usually stay after school until 5:00 if any student needs assistance.
2. There may be days that I have meetings or have to leave earlier, therefore be sure to check with me to find out if I will
be available after school.
3. DO NOT wait until the 5th possible day to make up work missed due to absences. If I happen to have a meeting on that
day then your time will be over since you have had previous days to opt to stay.
EVALUATION PROCEDURE: A student’s six week grade will be determined by the following criteria:
50% = Tests, notebook, journal, projects, major labs; 30% = Basic labs, quizzes, essays, web assignments;
20% = Classwork/homework assignments
Final Course Grade:
A student’s final course grade will be determined by the following criteria: 25% - 1st Six Weeks grade, 25% - 3rd Six Weeks grade, 25% - 2nd Six Weeks grade, 25% - Final Exam [if not exempt]
1. Taking the AP Environmental Science Test does not make you exempt from the final exam in this class. Seniors must
meet exam exemptions or you will be required to take my FINAL APES EXAM.
2. Outdoor activities require you to wear close toed shoes at ALL TIMES, no matter how hot the weather. NO SANDALSOR
3. Do NOT miss labs, these cannot be repeated or made up due to weather and supplies.