AP Chemistry II—AP Night Information
Ms. Cole, Room 208
Course Description:
AP Chemistry II is the study of matter, its structure, properties, composition, and the changes that matter undergoes. In this class, students will learn more in-depth facts, formulas and principles that comprise AP Chemistry and will develop critical thinking and problem solving skills in relationship to scientific thought and study. Learning will include: Interactive notebooks, Cornell notes, lecture, activities, demonstrations, quizzes, tests, daily work, labs, and much more!
Required Materials:
- School Binder
- Loose Leaf Paper
- Pens or Pencils (No Red or Pink Ink)
- Highlighter
- Composition Notebook (Bound, not spiral)
- Folder with Prongs
- Colored Pencils
- Page protectors
- Dividers
Daily Materials:
- You must bring your school binder, interactive notebook, colored pencils, and a writing utensil with you everyday.
Late Work:
My late work policy is as follows:Up to 3 days -50%-Any Later -0%-
Exceptions are rare but can occur…You must talk to me!
Homework Assignments:
- You will have homework! Assignments are due at the beginning of the hour unless otherwise instructed.
- Some homework will be completed in your Interactive Notebook and some homework will be turned in to the appropriate tray at the front of the room.
- Answers Only: Any assignment that requires the use of solving problems through equations and/or math must have work to accompany the answer.YOU MUST SHOW YOUR WORK to receive credit. Answers without work = ZERO points.
Make-Up Work:
It is your responsibility as to obtain and complete your make-up work. You have the amount of days absent complete any assignments you have missed. If you are not sure what you have missed…it is your responsibility to ask me and get your work. If you are not sure when your make-up work needs to be turned in…ASK!
Missed Tests:
If you miss a test, you will be required to make up the test within three days during Advisory period.
- Missed Tests must be completed within three days, except for extended excused absences, to receive credit. Tests not completed during that time will result in a “0.”
- If you are unable to complete your test make-up during that time, you must see me BEFOREHAND to schedule a different time.
Test Corrections:
After each test, you will be given an opportunity to correct the questions missed, using your notes. I will re-grade the questions missed and you will have the opportunity to correct the test until all questions are answered correctly. When you have corrected all the questions with the right answers, I will add 10 points to your test grade. This constitutes any bonus points that will be given throughout the semester.
The first test corrections will be done in class so you will know how to do them properly. After that, test corrections are homework and you will be given two days to complete them and bring them back.
Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones will only be allowed out in class when I have given permission for them to be used. If permission is given for use, they must be used for the task at hand and not any other purpose.
When entering my classroom, all cell phones will be deposited in the “cell hotel” unless they will be a part of the lesson that day. If you are caught with a cell phone at any time without permission, you will be turned in for a cell phone violation.If you are caught with a cell phone on test day, you will receive a zero on your exam.
I will try to update often about upcoming tests, activities, and other Chemistry or school related material. This twitter site will be used for all my classes and also for the activities I sponsor.
It is to your advantage to subscribe to my twitter page if you have a twitter account. My account is only used for the purpose of homework and activity reminders. I also do bonus points for tests from my twitter account.
To follow me on Twitter, @mignonmichelle
Rules for the lab will be discussed in class. Each student must understand these rules and be able to pass a test regarding safety before you will be permitted to enter the lab.
You must behave appropriately at all times or you will lose your lab privileges and consequences will depend on the severity of the student’s actions.
Lab Participation:
To be able to enter the lab in this class, you must:
- Score a 100 on the safety quiz.
- Read/Sign Safety Contract
- Parent Signature on Safety Contract
- Score 93 or above on the lab equipment exam.
Summer Work:
You will complete a set of summer assignments to keep you fresh on the basic Chemistry concepts that we studied in Pre-AP that will be due at the beginning of the school year.
It will be broken down into the most significant PreAP information. Example sections:
- Significant Figures
- Dimensional Analysis
- Nomenclature