AP Biology Lesson Plans—K DeanLake Minneola High School

Date / Monday10/3/16 / Tuesday10/4/16 / Wednesday10/5/16 / Thursday10/6/16 / Friday 10/7/16
For details on enduring understandings, essential knowledge, learning objectives, and science practices, see
Learning Objectives and Science Practices / LO 2.8, SP 4.1
LO 2.10, SP 1.4, 3.1
LO 2.12, SP 1.4 / LO 2.1, SP 1.1, 7.1, 7.2 / LO 2.8, SP 4.1
LO 2.10, SP 1.4, 3.1
LO 2.12, SP 1.4 / Hurricane Matthew: No School / Hurricane Matthew: No School
Learning Goal / Justify selection of data and use models about properties of cell membranes and the movement of molecules. / Construct models that connect the movement of molecules across the membrane with membrane structure and function. / Justify selection of data and use models about properties of cell membranes and the movement of molecules.
Essential Question / What does the data tell us regarding cell size? / Looking at the structure of the cell membrane, speculate on its various functions, more than just “regulating what is allowed to cross.” / How do cells respond in different environments?
Agenda / *data analysis, diffusion part 1
*Bozeman video on cell membranes. Take notes! / *Bozeman AP Bio video on cell membranes
*lecture: ch 7 part 1 / *discussion of prelab questions.
*hypothesize how cells will behave in the various solutions
*draw all 5 situations (see below)
Homework / *Diffusion lab part 1 due Wednesday
*read 7.4-7.5 / *prelab questions for part 2 of diffusion and osmosis
*read about water potential / *read water potential. Take notes.
Gifted, ESE, 504, and ELL accommodations / Extensions of content. Work in small groups. Priority seating. Additional time if necessary. Cue students as needed. Group students for maximum success. Any other accommodations as listed on individual student plans.

Data analysis:

Percent diffusion in varying-size cubes

1-cm cube / 2-cm cube / 3-cm cube
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6

Calculate standard deviation: S=

Double standard error of the mean: 2x S/

Wednesday: onion cells in (1) distilled water, (2) 1M NaCl, (3) 1M sucrose, (4) 1M glucose, (5) 5% ovalbumin

List the 5 environments. Predict how cells will respond to each one. (Use the appropriate terms, such as hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, turgid, flaccid. Justify your decision.

Each group will receive a section of onion and prepare a slide with distilled water. They will find the cells and draw them accurately in their lab notebook. Each group will then be assigned one of the 4 solutions with which to prepare another slide. They will then rotate through the groups until they have drawn all five scenarios.