ANZSCTS National Cardiac Surgery Database Program
Please send completedforms to:
Whilst the primary purpose of the ANZSCTS database is to undertake quality assurance and benchmarking of cardiac surgical performance around Australia, the information collected is also valuable in addressing research questions in relation to cardiac surgery. Research that utilises ANZSCTS data must be of a high standard and in order to ensure this, researchers are expected to submit 6 monthly progress reports and respond to any queries thereafter.
ANZSCTS Research Governance
ANZSCTS Research Program activities are governed through the ANZSCTS Research Committee (ANZSCTS-RC) chaired by Professor Julian Smith. ANZSCTS-RC members include (minimum of) the Chair, the Research Program Director, two nominees from the ANZSCTS Steering Committee and a nominee from theCentre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics (CCRET). All progress reports are to be submitted to the ANZSCTS-RC through the ANZSCTS Program Manager.They will be considered by the Research Committee at each monthly meeting.
Authorship Criteria
Authorship is based on substantial contribution to 2 or more of:
1)Conception and design of the research;
2)Collection, analysis and interpretation of the research data;
3)Drafting of the manuscript or critical revision of the manuscript.
All persons who make substantial contributions to the manuscript should be offered authorship.
Authorship should be discussed openly among investigators as soon as it becomes apparent that the data obtained may be suitable for publication. In the event of disagreement either on the list of authors, or on the order of authors, a meeting will be held with all authors to discuss the issue. If there are persistent disagreements concerning authorships, any person involved have the right to appeal the ANZSCTS-RC to offer arbitration.
Abstract Submission and Manuscript Preparation
It is expected that abstracts be progressed into manuscripts within one year following the completion of the analysis. Extensions for project approvals must be sought if projects exceed 12 months duration. All abstracts and manuscripts are to be reviewed by all contributors prior to submission.
Prior to submission, all manuscripts must be reviewed by ALL AUTHORS and ALL members of the ANZSCTSResearch Committee. Failure to do so may result in a retraction of all submitted manuscripts until all authors and members have been given the opportunity to review and comment.
SECTION A – Administration details
- Project Title
- Project Application Number
- ANZSCTS-RC approval date
- Principal Investigator
- Names of other research personnel
- Contact person for the project
Postal Address:
- Have there been any changes to research personnel since the project was approved or since the last progress report? If so, please detail and attach a brief CV.
- If not previously approved, has Human Research and Ethics Committee (HREC) approval been obtained for this study?
If no, why not?
SECTION B – Progress summary
- Status of the project
Data analyses completed? (Date: )
Project terminated?
Not begun?
If commencement is significantly delayed, is the information in the application still current?
Other comments
- Have you produced any results?
If Yes, please provide details:
SECTION C –Progress against the research aims
- What progress has been made since the commencement of the project?
Note: All communications and publications must be signed off by the ANZSCTS-RC prior to submission toconferences/journals etc.
- Have the aims or objectives outlined in the application changed since commencement of the project?
If YES, please explain why the aims have changed
- Has the research protocol changed since the commencement of the project?
If YES, please explain why the protocol has changed
- Is satisfactory progress towards achieving the stated research aims being achieved?
If NO, please explain why satisfactory progress has not been achieved.
- What is the expected completion date of this project?
All investigators are listed in Section AIf there are changes in personnel: CVs are attached to request
If there is more than one principal researcher for this project, I confirm that this report has been reviewed and accepted by the other principal researcher(s).
I confirm that this report accurately reflects the progress of the project as of:
Name of principal researcher completing progress report
Signature of principal researcher completing progress report
ANZSCTS Research Project Progress Report Form 2016 v504/01/2016 || Page 1 of 5