Full Staff Briefing Notes
Wednesday 13 September 2017 at 8.45am in the LLT
JCL /- Bev is having a major knee operation today and won’t be in college for up to 6 weeks. She is planning to work from home as soon as she feels well enough and hopes to be back in college as soon as she can. In the meantime any queries to Chris, Karen or myself.
- Reminder re course profiles. CALs→CLs amendments back by this Friday so we can start amending & printing for Open Morning on 7 October. If you would like a photo of a student on your study programme just let me know.
- Predicted grades – will send out an email after briefing with details of where to put them.
- CLs – this week is the deadline for completion of your results analysis and signing off last year’s CIPs.
- ALPs data and CIPs are inthe Policies & Management folder – Quality Review folder on the n drive.
- PHs in the staffroom. Lots of old stuff (rubbish) around the PH area and on the floor. Can you just check to see if there is anything you might want to keep. If not, everything will be cleared out by the end of Friday.
- Information skill sessions will start on Monday – Autumn term timetable already up.
- Next week – Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime onwards there will be drop-in sessions in The Know for staff and students.
- If you want sessions for your students/subject area, let a team member know.
- We had some intruders in the Science Centre yesterday, so thanks to staff who helped out. Please reiterate to students the importance of wearing their ID cards to help keep us all safe in college.
- We have secured a small amount of funding to work with Future First to create an alumni network to improve the employability skills of our students. If you are in contact with former students send them the link which I will send out via email after briefing. We hope to promote Future First through the social media platform to get everyone involved.
- Cedar pastoral log entries will soon become ‘live’. I’ll send an email today to clarify which entries will be visible and how to hide entries that you don’t want parents to see. We will be promoting this facilities at the new parents evening next week.
- Final request for volunteers to assist with the E&D Management group. Looking to finalise the group by Friday. Let myself & DCL know.
- Please complete the evaluation forms by the end of today for last week’s Pivotal training – link in Monday’s bulletin.
- Reminder that Learning Walks start next week.
- Update on numbers – roughly 200 students up on last year’s Year 12 intake but we are approximately 100 down in Year 13 because of our lower Year 12 intake last year, even though progression from Year 12 to Year 13 was slightly up.
- We are currently on 2297 – actual target being 2273, which is good. This is what we will be funded for next year. Having a very strong Year 12 intake this year is positive for next year.
- Farewells and best wishes were said to Carol Schofield.