Mrs. Duncan’s Second Grade

Class Newsletter

April 25, 2016


We will finish our unit on graphing this week and start a new unit on place value of numbers to 1000. We’ll be adding and subtracting those bigger numbers. We are working on adding money up to $10.00 as well. We’ve also been visiting the Duncan Dimestore on Fridays. Your child earns money each day for several reasons and then on Fridays uses that money to buy items I’ve collected over the years. Ask your child about the Duncan Dough.


We recently finished our famous American biographies. We worked on them for about a month. We researched our person, using three sources, and then wrote a biography about the person, including a time line, a quote from the person, famous facts, and a venn diagram comparing ourselves to the famous person. We added heads, arms, and legs to our project. They are very elaborate. They will be on display at the NEW Sunset Hill Kaleidoscope celebration this Friday, April 29th from 6pm.-8pm. I hope to see you there!


We are starting a new unit on the properties of matter- gases, liquids, and solids. We’ll do a lot of fun experiments.

Miscellaneous Info.

We continue to discuss the difference between tattling and telling and what bullying looks like. Below are the two posters we are using to help us discuss these topics.