Any contributions to this

newsletterfrom members are


Coming Events

Founders’ Competition

August 18 at 1.00 pm

No cost but bring a plate.

Prizes will be awarded based on

combined age groups and there

will be a competition for the best


Come and join in the fun.

Beginners’ Lessons

These started on July 22 led by

Jocelyn Graves. We will be

trialling a Buddy System suggested

byJean Murrey and aimed at helping the new players to have the confidence to play at the club.

Suggestion book

There has been a request to reintroduce chocolate biscuits but this is not going to happen because some members eat too many.

History corner

When we were fund raising to build the club biscuits were 10 cents each.

Sitting rights have been granted to:

Noella Squire, Murray Kennett and Beryl Hobbs

Cleaning up the garden outside the club. A working party is to be arranged one Saturday afternoon. Anyone willing to take part let Bill van Waas know.

Expressions of appreciation for Improvers’ Dayhave been received from several members. Thank you.

An update From the Raffle Convenor

Hi everyone

I Just wanted to say a very Big Thank You to all members that have got into the spirit of donating a small item for raffle hampers. It makes a big difference and because of this we were able to have an extra hamper in the last raffle. This is of benefit to all as it costs less, provides better hampers and more prizes. I also appreciate other donations that have been made and the lovely feed-back you have given me.

Putting on my Almoner’s hat - as I don’t live in Paraparaumu please keep me posted about sick members you hear about so I can send cards. Phone 04 905 3399. mobile 0210589218

Anna Kennettt – Raffle Convenor

Keypoints from Improvers’ Day

Alerting and Announcing

Law 40 states that each player has a duty to make available their partnership understanding to opponents.


This is achieved by pre-alerts, alerts during an auction and delayed alerts. To ascertain whether a call requires alerting we first need to define natural and conventional calls.

A conventional call is a call which conveys meaning other than the standard meaning. Most conventional calls require alerting as the opponents do not know the agreement you may have.

A natural pass is one that does not convey any message about strength or suit holding whereas a conventional pass shows either a point count, or certain suit holdings, or other information and should therefore be alerted.


New ZealandBridge has introduced new alerting regulations effective 1 May 2013, These new regulations refer specifically to the 1C and natural 1NT openings. When partner opens 1C you should simply announce 2+or 3+ or 4+. Nothing else is required. When partner opens 1NT simply announce your strength as agreed with your partner. Conventional 1NT openings must be alerted as before.

When opponents ask about a Conventional bid you must disclose as much and as comprehensibly as you can.

and to finish –

Did you hear about the bridge player who, on learning she was going to have twins said:

“That’s just like my husband, doubling me when I am vulnerable.”

Good Bridging

Jennette Newport