Inspection report

Licence Holder: ANU Enterprises - Fyshwick ACT - Controlled apparatus - 22 June 2017 / Licence Number:S0223
Location inspected:
Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd, Fyshwick ACT / Date/s of inspection:22 June 2017
Report No:R17/07713
An inspection was conducted as part of ARPANSA’s baseline inspection program to assess compliance with the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 (the Act), the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Regulations 1999 (the Regulations), and conditions oftheSource LicenceS0223.
The scope of the inspection included an assessment of ANU’s performance against the Source Performance Objectives and Criteria (PO&C). The inspection consisted of a review of records, interviews, and physical inspection of sources.


ANUand its wholly owned subsidiary Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd(ASI) is authorised under section 33 of the Act to deal with controlled apparatus.The role of ASI is to manufacture, operate and sell instruments, which incorporate embedded Class 4 lasers. This inspection focused on these instruments. No other type of controlled apparatus or controlled material is used by ANU.


In general, the management of safety at the ASI site was found to be satisfactory.

Performance Reporting Verification

ASI’s quarterly reports have been submitted to ARPANSA in a timely manner and contained relevant information including details of compliance with the Act and Regulations. Information for quarterly reports is coordinated by the Purchasing & Logistics Officer.

Review of Laser Radiation Management Plan

The Laser Radiation Management Plan (LRMP) was comprehensive and covered Effective Control, Safety and Hazard Management, Radiation Protection, Security and Emergencies. There were some inconsistencies and ambiguities noted within the document such as reference to ionising radiation protection. Rectifying these issues would strengthen the LRMP’s relevance to the type of work ASI carries out.The administrative arrangements within the LRMP states that all authorised service engineers must read all safety documentation provided by laser manufacturers and the safety sections within the ASI LRMP. There was no evidence to show that ASI staff was fulfilling this requirement.


All personnel working with controlled apparatus on the site are required to undertake laser training. Training records were verified during the inspection for each individual including those for the Laser Safety Officer.
All ASI staff are required to undertake induction training to work on-site. The induction training records are maintained in hard copy form and on an electronic databaseand this was confirmed during the inspection. Access to the laboratory area requires afobkey and is restricted to personnel who have undergone induction training.

Radiation Protection

ASI management has demonstrated a commitment to radiation protection by establishing a policy to facilitate the safe and effective use of radiation. This is supported by a comprehensive LRMPto achieve and maintain best practice and compliance with radiation legislation and ARPANSA licence conditions. Version 2.0 of the LRMPwas published in May 2017.

Physical Inspection

During the inspection of the controlled apparatus, ASI appeared to be in compliance with all aspects of Australian Standard AS2243.5:2004 Safety in laboratories Part 5: Non-ionizing radiations-Electromagnetic, sound and ultrasound.
A hazard warning sign, warning lights and access restriction were sighted at the entrance to the laboratories.


ASI has a Security Procedure which is part of the LRMP. The physical security measures observed was in accordance with the security plan.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

ASI staff follows the Emergency Plans and Procedure requirements relating to evacuation exercises and emergency preparedness, which is part of the LRMP.


The licence holder was found to be in compliance with the requirements of the Act, the Regulations, and licence conditions.
The inspection revealed the following areas for improvement:
  1. Review the Laser Radiation Management Plan
  2. Implement a process to confirm that authorised staff have read and understood all safety documentation
It is expected that improvement actions will be taken in a timely manner.

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