Kamloops Food Policy Council
Membership Meeting Minutes
Wed. Sept. 3, 2014@6:30 pm
Chair: Addie Houlberg
Note Taker: Anne Grube
Chair for next meeting (October 01, 2014): Anne Grube
Present: Linda Brooks, Debbie Delaney, Dede Bone, Anne Grube, Heidi Coleman, Keira McPhee, Margery Corrigan, Keith Corrigan, Karen Kelly, Robert Wright, Elaine Sedgman, Mendel Rubinson, Paula Rubinson, Katarina Vuckovic, Alison Rochon, Sarah Harder, Brenda Prevost, Shelaigh Garsen, Aurora "Rori" Manongdo, Robin Reid, Dave Whiting, Sandra Frangiadakis, Derek de Candole, Laura Kalilna, Glenn Hilke, Carole Hebden,
1. Board Update: Laura--provided brief review of projects, boardwill be applying for charitable status.
2. Project Updates: Glenn, Sandra, Shelaigh--year 2 of 3, 50 harvest, 7000 lbs. of fruit (4000 donated), still need more volunteers (particularly group leaders--if interested in becoming a leader--Thurs., Sept. 4, large backyard harvest event--contact Sandra or Shelaigh ) Considerable produce has also been gleaned from the Kamloops Farmers' Market vendors, as well as backyard gardens, and from SSOL (Ed & Daniela Basile), who donated space to plant veggies from Paula & Mendel.
3. Speaker suggestions (to be considered by Program Committee--Marcia, Rob, Addie):
3.1 Speaker on education for fruit tree owners--possibly Greg Haughton, or the author of a book by an Okanagan writer (Elaine to check on this). Suggestion to partner with Master Gardeners.
3.2 Young Agrarian to speak on this organization/movement
3.3 Dave Whiting to speak on food security in the Philippines (Dave indicated that Nov. would be preferable)
3.4 Winnowing, seed saving--(Deanna)
3.5 Speaker on permaculture
3.6 Shelaigh--STOPCommunity Food Centrein Toronto
3.7 David Tracey--Vancouver food activist, author – maybe Keira would follow up?
4. Community Food/Social Actions & Announcements:
4.1 Margery Corrigan--Tournament Capital Ranch north of Raleigh -- rodeo grounds appear to under construction -- survey results (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=onfIMtaZMi9kov6u25%2ffYQ%3d%3d Laura offered to write a letter on behalf of the KFPC inquiring as to the survey results. But as the City web site indicates that the survey is still in progress--please take the time to fill it out.
4.2 Brenda Prevost--Centre for Seniors Information in Brocklehurst Shopping Centre, would like to have a community kitchen.They have 600+ members, many of them low-income seniors. Social enterprise--renting of their space--enables them to provide low-cost lunches on Mon, Wed, and Fri, with an increasing attendance, so they need more volunteers. Rob suggested they could partner with Gardengate for produce to reduce costs. They would appreciate a letter of support from the KFPC--Laura and Dede to do this.
4.3 Elaine--previous letter re: including Urban Agriculture as a Valued Component in the Environmental Assessment of the proposed Ajax Mine will be circulated to all members (see attachment), and then the letter will be resent on behalf of the KFPC since the footprint has been changed.
4.4 Robin--there is confusion over the term "food hub"--how can we better communicate the concept of a food hub as understood by the KFPC--once the initial draft UAFSS plan is out, the KFPC will send a letter with a definition of a food hub, and two main areas that members would like included in the plan.
4.5 Aurora--described the Okanagan Gleaners http://www.okanagangleaners.ca/whodry vegetables for soup mixes, as well as drying fruit. Volunteers camp and work at the site.
4.6 Carole--brought forward the suggestion of showing the film "Just Eat It" http://foodwastemovie.com/ may partner with Kamloops350.org (coordinate with Marcia)
4.7 Anne--GE Free Kamloops Fund-raiser Dinner, Music, & Silent Auction, Sat. Oct. 4, tickets available at Farmers' Market booth or from members.
4.8 Paula--Fem for All Collective--hosting Tk'emlups Communal Pipeline Resistance Event on Sat. Sept. 27 at Zach's from 1 to 4 pm. Paula will be taking Shuswap Thompson Organic Producers' Association materials, as well as GE FreeKamloops information
4.9 Elaine--Mr. Open Pitbelly will be holding a press conference to declare that he is running for mayor in the municipal election--he would appreciate attendance at the announcement on Mon. Sept. 8 at 10 am in front of the KGHM office on Seymour St.
4.10 Glenn--Kamloops Children's Art Festival, Sat., Sept. 13, 11am to 4 pm at Riverside Park. Non-profit groups welcome provided they have an activity that isfun for children http://www.kamloopsarts.com/events/annual-events/childrens-arts-festival
4.11 Glenn--Compassionate Games--Sept 11 to 21 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Compassion-Games-Kamloops/298604390314054