Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy



Gisborne Secondary College does not tolerate bullying in any form. All members of this community are committed to providing a safe and caring environment which fosters self-esteem and respect for others.

What is bullying?

Bullying is defined as repeated acts which cause embarrassment, pain or discomfort to another person. Bullying can take many forms. We consider the following behaviours, repeated, to be bullying:

•  Any form of physical violence such as hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking etc

•  Interfering with another person's things by either stealing, damaging, destroying

•  Calling people offensive names, teasing, spreading rumours

•  Using put-downs, belittling others' abilities and achievements

•  Using homophobic name calling such as 'gay'

•  Writing offensive notes or sending text to or about others

•  Making degrading comments about another person's culture, beliefs, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender

•  Deliberately excluding others from a group

•  Making threats by word, phone, email or gestures, social media

•  Forcing others to do things against their will

If we are bullied:

•  We may feel frightened, embarrassed, angry or frustrated

•  Our work, sleep and ability to concentrate may be affected

•  Our relationships with our family and friends may be affected

•  We may feel confused and not know what to do about the problem

Implementation of our policy:

1.  If a student discloses bullying, the staff member must act on that information in accordance with this policy.

2.  The Assistant Principal with responsibility for Student Management Group (SMG) is responsible for overseeing and co-ordinating the operations of this policy together with the Well-being Leading Teacher, other Assistant Principals and other members of the SMG team. However ALL STAFF are responsible for the implementation of this policy.

3.  This policy supports the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy and is subject to review.

4.  The SMG AP will ensure all members of the college community are aware of the policy, condensed versions of which will be published in the Staff Handbook and on the college website.

5.  All teachers will ensure that their class rules will explicitly deal with NO bullying or harassment and that their rules are consistent with this policy.

6.  Teachers will be vigilant both within their classrooms and when on duty elsewhere for indications of bullying behaviour.

7.  Mentor Teachers will regularly discuss strategies to prevent bullying or harassment, including promoting a climate of “standing up for oneself”

8.  Parents are encouraged to contact the college with concerns and to talk to their students about this issue.

9.  The college will promote awareness of the need for staff and students to conduct themselves as positive role models in our school community at all times.

10.  The college will include curriculum content across learning areas and require students to participate in anti -bullying and anti-harassment education.

11.  False accusations of bullying or harassment are themselves forms of bullying and will be dealt with as such.

At Gisborne Secondary College we will:

•  Openly talk about bullying - what it is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.

•  Have a policy which clearly states what actions we will take to deal with bullying behaviour

•  Emphasise respect and tolerance for all individuals

•  Teach students skills which will build self-esteem and empower them to take responsibility for themselves and give them the opportunity to practise these skills

•  Offer programs such as Peer Mediation, which support students and give opportunities to learn tolerance, respect for others and the skills to resolve conflict.

Responsibilities of Staff:

•  To respond to all claims of bullying, harassment, teasing or inappropriate student conduct in a timely fashion

•  To deal with all reported and observed incidents of bullying

•  To ensure that students feel safe at all times in class and in the yard

•  To help create a classroom and school culture which does not accept any form of bullying

•  Survey students regularly to monitor the level of bullying within the school

•  Model tolerance and respect for each other

Responsibilities of Students:

•  To report if they are bullied or if they see someone else being bullied - both at school and on the way to and from school.

•  To demonstrate respect and not bully others

Responsibilities of Parents:

•  To watch for signs that their son/daughter is being bullied or may be bullying others

•  To speak to the school personnel, (Mentor Teacher/Year Level Leader or Learning Centre Leader/Student Welbeing Leader/Chaplain), if their son/daughter is being bullied

•  To encourage their son/daughter to report when bullying takes place

•  To develop positive relationships where respect for others is being modelled in the home


There are no innocent bystanders in a bullying incident. Reporting bullying is a mature and responsible act.

Bullying incidents can be reported to:

•  Classroom teachers

•  Mentor teachers

•  Heads of House/ Learning Centre Leaders

•  Student Wellbeing Leader/ School Chaplain

When a bullying incident is reported:

The relevant class teacher, Mentor Teacher or Year Level Leader / Learning Centre Leader will investigate and document the nature of the allegation and action taken

The Year Level leader / Learning Centre Leader and Mentor must be informed of the incident

The following procedures may be involved when any bullying or harassment is reported:

•  Interview

•  Mediation

•  Parents/guardians notified

•  Student Contract

•  Formal meeting of parents/guardians and school personnel

•  Brief 2-minute check in meetings to ensure compliance over the next 3 weeks

•  Suspension or Expulsion

The staff of Gisborne Secondary College are committed to a whole school approach to bullying and to ensure that every student feels safe.


This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle, or as the Principal deems appropriate.

School Council last ratified this policy in 2014

GSC Antibullying Policy Updated 2017