Medical Care for Car Accident Victims

Medical treatment is an extremely important step, not only to ensure your health and wellbeing; but to be able to prove your case, should it go to trial.

Michigan's No-Fault Insurance Law, coupled with the time limits on filing your case, make it imperative that you document any and all injuries that occur as the result of your accident. Remember that some of these injuries may not be obvious until days, weeks, or months after the accident.

If you are an accident victim you should:

Document all Injuries related to the Car Accident!

Initial Treatment:

The most important thing to do is get medical treatment as soon as possible after the accident. Do not wait until you start hurting, or have been hurting for a while and can no longer self-treat the pain. Car accident injuries, should be viewed and documented by a physician as soon as possible. Any delay in care could be harmful to your health, as well as any case you may want to bring against an insurance carrier.

Masked Injuries:

The Michigan No-Fault Insurance Law requires that injured car accident victims report any and all injuries received in an automobile accident within the first 12 months following the car accident. This makes it extremely difficult for seriously injured people, who then notice additional injuries that were “masked” by the more serious injuries. Injuries reported past the 12 months may be denied by the insurance company.

Copies of Records:

Your attorney will need copies, or need to have the ability to gather all medical records in your case. Please be ready to supply names of care provides, addresses, phone numbers and dates of treatment.

Notification to Medicare/Medicaid

Please note that if you are covered by Medicare or Medicaid, you must notify the proper office of your injuries. Notification at the onset of care will allow Medicare and Medicaid offices to properly document your file. This will also assist during the settlement of your case. Please note that if you receive any settlement from your case, you must reimburse the respective Medicare/Medicaid office for any payments that were made by them on your behalf. Please be sure to notify your attorney of your Medicare/Medicaid number.

Make sure to protect your rights. Contact Craig W. Elhart, P.C., at 1-800-968-4534 or (231) 946-2420 for your free consultation.